Hopefully, this issue template will help you provide us with enough information to assist in resolving the issue.
If you haven't already browsed recent issues (or less recent issues if this is for a past release), please do
so first to see if your issue already has a ticket created for it. It is usually best to first ask about the
issue you are observing in the #ember-data
channel on Discord, doing so may
help you discover existing issues or provide a clearer reproduction.
Please provide one of the following:
- a PR linking to this issue with a failing test showing the issue
- a Twiddle with a simplified reproduction and instructions for how to observe the unexpected result.
- a github repository with a simplified reproduction and instructions for how to observe the unexpected result
Describe the issue in a few sentences, include both the expected result and the observed unexpected result.
If a previous version of ember-data
worked as expected
, which was the most recent version that worked?
Run the following command and paste the output below: pnpm list ember-source && pnpm list ember-cli && pnpm list --pattern ember-data
[Replace this line with the output]
P.S. If any of the packages show more than one installed version, that may be the root cause of the issue!
Thanks again!
The ember-data
Team <3