The roadmap represents an estimate of when each feature will enter development stage. These features are subject to change.
Release management
- Release planning page
- Execute plan via SSH
PagerDuty integration
- Collect incidents details from PagerDuty
- Create On-Call dashboard
- Display incidents stats (opened, resolved last 24h, resolved last 30 days)
- Display incidents history (table view)
- On-Call handover submit form (save to db and send mail to the On-Call team)
- Display On-Call handover history (table view)
- Generate incident monthly reports
ELK integration
- Collect from Elasticseach logs statistics per container (INFO, WARN, ERROR)
- Display the logs stats in the container table view (compose Kibana hyperlinks)
- Add the logs stats to the environment dashboard
- Add the logs stats and chart to the container health history page or create a dedicated page
Role-based access control
- Access control based on target audience
- Tech roles: SRE, QA, DEV
- Business roles: Stakeholder, PM, Audit
Prometheus integration
- Render host graphs (CPU, Memory, IO, Disk, Network)
- Render container graphs (CPU, Memory, IO, Network)
Docker Registry integration
- Collect registry images
- Display images (table view) and render images deploy graph
- Track used/unused images by linking to the running container
Git integration
- Collect change logs
- Based on the Docker image Git tags link deployments to git commit history
- Display Git stats per deploy (number of commits, contributors)
Jenkins integration
- Collect build logs
- Trace and link services deployments to build logs
Consul integration add-ons
- Collect the health check results for nodes
- Display the health check result on the host page
- Display the health chart on the environment and host dashboards