- accepting - action
- announce (text) - phrase
- change player attribute (name) of (a PC) to (text) - phrase
- change player storage slot (name) of (a PC) to (text) - phrase
- change realm storageslot (name) to (text) - phrase
- change server register (name) to (a number) - phrase
- change server text register (name) to (a number) - phrase
- chatting - action
- competitive scoring - use option
- connected - adj
- current PC - rulebook variable
- disconnected - adj
- emoting - action
- entrance path to (something) - phrase
- identify - verb
- move (something) along entrance path (text) - phrase
- mud-name - property
- name - verb
- numeric value of (text) - phrase
- offering it to - action
- PC - kind
- player attribute (name) of (a PC) - phrase
- player joining - rulebook
- player leaving - rulebook
- player storage slot (name) of (a PC) - phrase
- possibly customized description of (a PC) - phrase
- real-time event - rulebook
- realm shutdown - rulebook
- realm storage slot (name) - phrase
- request real-time events every (a number) seconds - phrase
- send (something) home - phrase
- send (a PC) to (destination name) - phrase
- server register (name) - phrase
- server text register (name) - phrase
- stop real-time events
- Table of Entrances - table
- tell (text) to (a PC) - phrase
- tell (text) to everyone else near (a PC) - phrase
- tell (text) to everyone who can see (something) optionally: , except the actor - * phrase (the comma is important!)
- text spoken - action variable
- transfer consciousness from (a PC) to (another PC) - phrase