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Generating the licenses for the NPM dependencies

Before a release can be performed the npm license need to be updated with any new dependencies. This file is found under artemis-console-distribution/src/main/resources/licenses/licenses/NPMLicenses.txt.

To regenerate the licenses cd into artemis-console-extension/artemis-extension and run

yarn license

Note that a check can be made to identify any possible problematic licenses by running in the artemis-console-extension/artemis-extension directory:

npx license-checker --out licenses.csv --csv --onlyAllow "Apache-2.0;ISC;MIT;CC0-1.0;BSD-2-Clause;BSD-3-Clause;Python-2.0;UNLICENSED;MPL-2.0;CC-BY-4.0;Unlicense;0BSD"

dependencies marked as unlicensed will need to be manually checked.

Checking out a new empty git repository

Before starting make sure you clone a brand new git as follows as the release plugin will use the upstream for pushing the tags:

git clone
cd activemq-artemis-console

If your git and/or are not set globally then you'll need to set these on the newly clone repository as they will be used during the release process to make commits to the upstream repository, e.g.:

git config "[email protected]"
git config "FirstName LastName"

This should be the same and you use on your main repository.

Running the release

You will have to use this following maven command to perform the release:

mvn clean release:prepare -Prelease

You could optionally set pushChanges=false so the version commit and tag won't be pushed upstream (you would have to do it yourself):

mvn clean release:prepare -DpushChanges=false -Prelease

When prompted make sure the new development version matches with the next expected release, rather than the offered patch release. Example:

[INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
What is the release version for "ActiveMQ Artemis Console Project"? (artemis-console-project) 1.0.0: :
What is the SCM release tag or label for "ActiveMQ Artemis Console Project"? (artemis-console-project) 1.0.0: :
What is the new development version for "ActiveMQ Artemis Console Project"? (artemis-console-project)1.0.1-SNAPSHOT: : 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

For more information look at the prepare plugin:

If you set pushChanges=false then you will have to push the changes manually. The first command is to push the commits which are for changing the <version> in the pom.xml files, and the second push is for the tag, e.g.:

git push upstream
git push upstream <version>

Uploading to nexus

Ensure that your environment is ready to deploy to the ASF Nexus repository as described at Publishing Maven Artifacts

Copy the file, that is generated at the root of the project during the release, before starting the upload. You could need it if the upload fails.

To upload it to nexus, perform this command:

mvn release:perform -Prelease

Note: this can take quite a while depending on the speed for your Internet connection. If the upload fails or is interrupted, remove the incomplete repository using the "Drop" button on Nexus website. Before starting the upload again, check the at the root of the project.

Keep the checkout used to run the release process for later, the website update scripts will reference it for documentation output.

Resuming release upload

If something happened during the release upload to nexus, you may need to eventually redo the upload. Remove the incomplete repository using the "Drop" button on Nexus website. Before starting the upload again, check the at the root of the project.

There is a file that is generated at the root of the project during the release. In case you want to upload a previously tagged release, add this file as follows:


Closing the staging repository

Give the staging repository contents a quick inspection using the content navigation area, then proceed to close the staging repo using the "Close" button on Nexus website, locking it from further modification and exposing its contents at a staging URL to allow testing. Set a description such as "ActiveMQ Artemis Console (RC1)" while closing.

Stage the release to the dist dev area

Use the closed staging repo contents to populate the dist dev svn area with the official release artifacts for voting. Use the script already present in the repo to download the files and populate a new ${CURRENT-RELEASE} dir:

svn co
cd activemq-artemis-console

Give the files a check over and commit the new dir and start a vote if all looks well.

svn add <version>
svn commit

Old staged releases can be cleaned out periodically.

Send Email

Once all the artifacts are stage then send an email to [email protected]. It should have a subject like [VOTE] Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Console <version>.

Voting process

Rules for the Apache voting process are stipulated here.

Assuming the vote is successful send a email with a subject like [RESULT] [VOTE] Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Console <version> informing the list about the voting result.