Releases: apache/dubbo-go
- Support Grpc based Health check
- Support xds certificate
- Support gracefully offline without registry
- Support nacosRegistry and polarisRegistry register ip and port from env
- Fix: typo correction
- Fix: revision calc
- Fix: rand.Seed() duplicate concurrent calls
- Fix: when creating metrics objects concurrently
- Fix: remove consumer of polaris
- Fix: assembleMsg bad use, pass []any as any in variadic function
- Fix: getting attributes issue
- Fix: PolarisServiceWatcher
- Fix: route with more invokers
- Fix: shutdown InternalSignal default value
- Fix: service discovery related issues and add mesh proxy mode support
- Fix: polaris Subscriber
- Fix: adaptive-service: deadlock caused by rwMutex in limiter mapper
- Chore remove apollo config center
- Reduce common directory
- Remove useless time format
- Enhance ServiceDefinition in MetadataService
- Add dubbo-go cli and edit readme
- Gost upgrade to master of latest
- Upgrade hessian2 to v1.11.1
- Configure placeholder lookup
- Enable publish servicedefinition to metadata center
- Add the set of getty logger
- Use notifyAll insteadOf notify for listener events notify
- Support hessian java method java.lang param
- Support istio xds
- Support istio xds ring hash
- Support otel trace
- Fix: where limitation not updates
- Fix: rootConfig and getty-session-param
- Fix: xds adsz empty metadata
- Fix: decode net stream bytes as getty rule
- Fix: ip register issue
- Fix: getty unit test
- Fix: remove HEADER_LENGTH in decode because of discard
- Fix: xds log use dubbogo logger
- Fix: limit rpc package data size by user's config rather than DEFAULT_LEN
- Fix: complete grpc based protocol panic recover handle
- Add req.Data to OnMessage panic error log
- Add nacos updateCacheWhenEmpty options
- Xds enhancement
- Mock etcd and nacos in ut
- Use summary type to observe p99
- Remove gomonkey
- Optimized load balancing algorithm
- RandomLoadBalance code optimization
- Export hessian type api
- Export method getArgsTypeList for extension
Merge pull request #1918 from zhaoyunxing92/update-change Update change
New Features
- support $invokeAsync
- support multi registry address
- 1.5 support nacos ContextPath
- support custom registry group name on nacos for 1.5
- Support Graceful Shutdown
- Support
for generic service - Support config the Nacos context path
- Fix: JSON-RPC request timeout time dynamically
- Fix: the heartbeat of polaris cannot be reported
- Fix: triple protocol request doesn't carry attachment such as group or version
- Fix: location trim space
- Fix: add category key to the Consumer for diff with Provider
New Features
- support $invokeAsync
- support multi registry address
- 1.5 support nacos ContextPath
- support custom registry group name on nacos for 1.5
Fix bug of register url without group/version key if value is empty, instead of "" value.
Set rootConfig to global rootConfig pointer in init function
Fix bug of register of app-level-service-discovery not use metadata's configuration
What's New in 3.0.0-rc3
Triple features
Refer to QuickStart of dubbo-go 3.0, and Dubbo-go-samples to try protoc-gen-go-triple pb generator plugin.
Response exception from client
Triple client can get the error stacks from server, pointing to real error occurs position.
Refer to Docs of dubbo-go 3.0 Metrics, and [dubbo-go-samples/metrics] to try new metrics support.
Remove sleep to wait for service discovery logic
Set reference check default to true and remove extra time.Sleep logic in client side during service-discovery remove time.Sleep
Refer to Docs of dubbo-go 3.0 Router, and dubbo-go-samples/meshrouter to try dynamic mesh router support.
New config API support New root config API builder
Refer to Docs of dubbo-go 3.0 Configuration, and dubbo-go-samples/config-api to try new config API.
Refer to Docs of dubbo-go 3.0 logger, and dubbo-go-samples/logger to try new logger support.
Refer to Docs of dubbo-go 3.0 generic, and dubbo-go-samples/generic to try new generic support.
One of the biggest update in this release is the configuration optimization. We discarded the old configuration and introduced a new one. Currently, the new configuration has been updated to the master branch of samples (corresponding to latest dubbo-go 3.0), and there are introductions and detailed examples on the our website dubbogo.github.
Set default tcp read buffer to 4k to decrease gc, and descrease CPU usage by 60% of 3.0.0-rc2
Use class Name as the default reference name
You can set service/refernce key to provider/consumer's struct name: Config samples & Target provider struct,
And there is no needs to define (p*Provider) Reference() method from now on.
New Features
- Feature: Enable filter and cluster when client consumer provider directly
- Feature: Change client_pool
- Feature: Nacos for service_discovery support namespace
- Feature: Format use gofumpt
- Feature: Add some log when the router.Route return empty invokers
- Feature: Added more event distribution types and improved event distribution mechanism for 1.5
- Enhancement: remove zk test in 1.5
- Enhancement: Change ServiceName like Java Style on Nacos for 1.5
- Enhancement: feat(getty): upgrade getty version to 1.4.5 for dubbo-go 1.5
- Fix: modify map use in nacos service_discovery; Fix issue-1165
- Fix: issue #1151 - router from CONF_ROUTER_FILE_PATH doesn't take affect
- Fix: delete a service provider when using k8s hpa
- Fix: panic: sync: negative WaitGroup counter
- Fix: the black list bug and make ConnCheckRouter work well
- Fix: deadlock
- Fix: struct2MapAll logics
- Fix: nacos unit test runs incorrectly in some cases
- Fix: ut, replace, hash problem
- Fix: the exception when tcp timeout is less than 1s for 1.5
New Features
- Performance optimization: change time.After => time.NewTimer
- Doc: Update README
- Support Key Func in ServiceEvent
- Support more parameter Settings
- Route call optimize
- Optimize conn check router
- Cluster interceptor support
- Fix registry dead lock in large scale condition
- Fix issue #1320: the client may panic in generic invocation when enable application service discovery
- Fix the inconsistent filepath key logic
- Fix: when zk remoting.EventTypeAdd event send fail, need delete the path from zk listener pathmap
- Fix: zkname
- Fix: Make config center metadata configuable
- Fix: add listen routerChain when NewBaseDirectory
- Fix: as a path for pr #1225
- Fix issue 1166: treat all zk child path url as new child
- Fix: #1214 - go race detect
- Fix: generic method timeout