Releases: apache/struts
Struts 2.5.31
What's Changed
- Fixes addressing S2-063 & S2-064 by @yasserzamani
Full Changelog: STRUTS_2_5_30...STRUTS_2_5_31
Struts 6.1.2
What's Changed
- [WW-5285] Limits max number of files to upload at once by @lukaszlenart in #662
Full Changelog: STRUTS_6_1_1...STRUTS_6_1_2
Struts 6.1.1
What's Changed
- WW-5219 Moves TestNG related classes into TestNG plugin by @lukaszlenart in #594
- WW-5220 Moves JUnit related test into the JUnit plugin by @lukaszlenart in #595
- WW-5184 - Add optional parameter value check to ParametersInterceptor by @brianandle in #559
- [WW-5213] Upgrades javax.el to 3.0.1-b12 by @lukaszlenart in #596
- [WW-5226] Upgrade weld-core to version 2.4.8.Final by @lukaszlenart in #597
- [WW-5227] Upgrades Log4j to version 2.19.0 by @lukaszlenart in #598
- [WW-5229] Upgrades Spring to version 5.3.23 by @lukaszlenart in #599
- [WW-5228] Upgrades OWASP dependency-check-maven to version 7.2.0 by @lukaszlenart in #600
- [WW-5231] Upgrades apache-rat-plugin to version 0.15 by @lukaszlenart in #601
- [WW-5232] Introduces GH Actions build instead of using Travis by @lukaszlenart in #602
- Replaces Travis badge with GH Actions badge by @lukaszlenart in #603
- [WW-5234] Improves DTD definitions to use proper URL by @lukaszlenart in #604
- [WW-5232] Applies proper coverage settings for Jacoco plugin and Sonar by @lukaszlenart in #605
- [WW-5235] Uses debug log level when setting expression max length to avoid cluttering logs by @lukaszlenart in #606
- [WW-5184] Uses debug log level when parameter value was not accepted by @lukaszlenart in #607
- WW-3691 Converts BackgroundProcess into interface and uses Executor to execute BackgroundProcess by @lukaszlenart in #609
- [WW-5241] Fixes issue with includeParams=all when using exec & wait by @lukaszlenart in #611
- [WW-5242] Marks struts.mapper.action.prefix.crossNamespaces as deprecated by @lukaszlenart in #613
- [WW-5244] Upgrades commons-text to version 1.10.0 by @lukaszlenart in #614
- [WW-5245] Upgrades Jackson Databind to version by @lukaszlenart in #618
- [WW-2815] Refactors XStreamHandler to allow to provide a custom configuration by @lukaszlenart in #615
- [WW-5230] Upgrades OGNL to version 3.3.4 by @lukaszlenart in #619
- [WW-3529] Fixes usage of RegEx related characters in named pattern by @lukaszlenart in #620
- [WW-3737] Allows to define a custom separator used to split patterns by @lukaszlenart in #621
- [WW-5133] Drops labelposition attribute by @lukaszlenart in #622
- [WW-3725] Removes unused template by @lukaszlenart in #623
- [WW-5137] Removes deprecated class attribute by @lukaszlenart in #624
- [WW-4173] Adds support to disable processing a given interceptor by @lukaszlenart in #625
- [WW-4440] Adds basic to all submodules by @lukaszlenart in #627
- [WW-4692] Extracts Url encoder/decoder into dedicated interfaces/classes by @lukaszlenart in #626
- [WW-5252] Disables parsing external entities by @lukaszlenart in #628
- [WW-5255] Fixes <s:script/> and <s:link/> and uses them across tags by @lukaszlenart in #629
- [WW-4514] Fixes building query string with empty parameters by @lukaszlenart in #630
- [WW-5240] Uses doubleOn* attributes in the template by @lukaszlenart in #631
- [WW-5257] Cleans up template by @lukaszlenart in #632
- [WW-5258] Upgrades Struts Annotations to version 1.0.8 by @lukaszlenart in #633
- [WW-5259] Extracts UrlHelper#parseQueryString into a dedicated bean by @lukaszlenart in #634
- [WW-4173] Introduces a dedicated interface to allow conditionally disabling a given interceptor by @lukaszlenart in #635
- [WW-5260] Introduces a constant to set submitUnchecked attribute of checkbox tag globally by @lukaszlenart in #636
New Contributors
- @brianandle made their first contribution in #559
Staging Maven repo
Standalone artifacts
Release notes
Full Changelog: STRUTS_6_0_3...STRUTS_6_1_1
Struts 6.0.3
What's Changed
- Add async and velocity plugin to bom by @tobiasstadler in #568
- [WW-5191] Fixes placement of maxLength and minLength attributes in <s:textarea/> tag by @lukaszlenart in #572
- [WW-5187] Comments out Velocity based PageFilter by @lukaszlenart in #570
- [WW-5185] Reintroduces proper implementation of Tiles resource to support wildcard matching of Tiles definitions by @lukaszlenart in #566
- [WW-5188] Replaces since 2.6 with 6.0 by @lukaszlenart in #569
- WW-5197 Adds support for java.sql.Date by @tobiasstadler in #574
- [WW-5201] Upgrades log4j2 to version 2.18.0 by @lukaszlenart in #575
- [WW-5193] Uses proper org.hibernate.validator groupId and upgrade to version 6.1.3.Final by @lukaszlenart in #576
- WW-5202 Update jasperreports to 6.19.1 and exclude optional itext from jasperreports by @sepe81 in #578
- [WW-5190] Fixes StackOverflowException when dispatching request by @lukaszlenart in #571
- [WW-5192] Fixes broken radio tag when using with enums by @lukaszlenart in #577
- [WW-5204] Upgrades OGNL to version 3.3.3 by @lukaszlenart in #579
- Update maven wrapper to 3.8.6 by @sepe81 in #582
- WW-5208 Update hibernate-validator to 6.2.4 by @sepe81 in #583
- [WW-5205] - Reverting injection refactor of internal bean by @rproserpio in #580
- Add openjdk17 to build, remove oraclejdk9 (EOL) and switch from oraclejdk to openjdk to fix Travis CI build by @sepe81 in #584
- Update maven-surefire-plugin to 3.0.0-M7 by @sepe81 in #587
- [WW-5207] Uses ASM 9 by default by @lukaszlenart in #586
- [WW-5203] Re-builds policy string on each call by @lukaszlenart in #588
- [WW-5173] - Attempt to fix DI behaviour for custom cache factories by @JCgH4164838Gh792C124B5 in #573
- Update maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.1.0 by @sepe81 in #591
- [WW-5215] Checks if session was already created before applying CSP settings by @lukaszlenart in #590
- [WW-5212] Upgrades to Spring 5.3.22 by @lukaszlenart in #592
- [WW-5218] Allows to disable CSP related interceptors by @lukaszlenart in #593
New Contributors
- @tobiasstadler made their first contribution in #568
- @rproserpio made their first contribution in #580
Staging Maven repo
Standalone artifacts
Release notes
Full Changelog: STRUTS_6_0_0...STRUTS_6_0_3
Struts 6.0.0
What's Changed
- upgrade Felix m-bundle-p: reproducible builds by @hboutemy in #555
- Bump junit from 4.13 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #547
- [WW-5182] Upgrade to Servlet API 3.1 by @lukaszlenart in #550
- [WW-5181] Blocks permanently access to static methods by @lukaszlenart in #549
- Bump xercesImpl from 2.12.0 to 2.12.2 by @dependabot in #551
- Potential expression cache enhancement for 2.6 series by @JCgH4164838Gh792C124B5 in #528
- Basic LocalDateTime support by @gregh3269 in #532
- [WW-5165] Upgrades Spring to version 5.3.20 by @lukaszlenart in #552
- [WW-5179] Set default value of struts.ognl.expressionMaxLength to 256 by @lukaszlenart in #553
- Add basic LocalDateTime support WW-5175 by @gregh3269 in #554
- [WW-5168] Support submit unchecked in Javatemplates and fixes logic for FTL template by @lukaszlenart in #531
- [WW-5016] Adds support for LocalDate and adjusts tests to use the new Java 8 API by @lukaszlenart in #529
- Update mvnw to 3.1.0 and migrate from takari to apache by @sepe81 in #516
- [WW-5161] Update spring to 4.3.30 by @sepe81 in #517
- upgrade Felix maven-bundle-plugin to 5.1.3 by @hboutemy in #518
- upgrade maven-war-plugin to 3.3.1 by @hboutemy in #519
- REST Showcase fix for broken JSPs using S2 link tags by @JCgH4164838Gh792C124B5 in #520
- Update log4j to 2.17.1 to address CVE-2021-44832. by @Chromico in #521
- [WW-4792] Uses proper names for constants by @lukaszlenart in #522
- [WW-5117] Evaluates dynamic attributes - cherrypick by @lukaszlenart in #525
- [WW-5022] Sets escapeHtmlBody to false by default and defines a new flag by @lukaszlenart in #523
- [WW-5112] Reduces logging in logic around missing resource key by @lukaszlenart in #527
- [WW-5115] Reduces logging for ignored DMI related params when DMI is disabled by @lukaszlenart in #526
- WW-4558 contentType override ignored for JSONInterceptor by @victorsosa in #87
- WW-4634 Centre alignment doesn't seem to work in Velocity tags by @victorsosa in #95
- add allowed methods to handleUnknownAction by @justinjmiller in #99
- WW-4650 Json deserialization does not work in 2.5.1 by @victorsosa in #103
- sync up execution ids with top-level Apache pom, otherwise the sources are deployed twice during release by @pbruski in #101
- action parameters should be included when building the URL to action by @pbruski in #102
- WW-4652 fixed a concurrency issue in addDefaultResourceBundle by @pbruski in #106
- WW-4572 Http parameters by @lukaszlenart in #58
- WW-4638 - TestNG 6.9.10 dependency error by @victorsosa in #98
- Change to the documentation by @andrea-ligios in #107
- Fix freemaker error in checkbox.ftl of css_xhtml template by @tiv-source in #109
- [WW-4620] Improve XWorkListPropertyAccessor to against DOS attack by @quaff in #105
- updated javadoc after changing to enum by @sdutry in #110
- replaced String constants for marking status with enum by @sdutry in #111
- WW-4690 added version to jshint-maven-plugin by @sdutry in #112
- ConversionErrorInterceptor to extend MethodFilterIntercept by @gregh3269 in #108
- WW-4636 - File upload error message always in default language by @aleksandr-m in #113
- Virtual file representation by @lukaszlenart in #114
- WW-4737 Properly handle arrays containing nulls by @ThrawnCA in #115
- [WW-4694] annotation processing improved by @yasserzamani in #117
- [WW-4528] handling ChainingInterceptor excludes and includes lists by @yasserzamani in #116
- [WW-4741] Do not force session creation on locale read operation by @yasserzamani in #119
- WW-4753: Injectable context by @lukaszlenart in #120
- WW-4714: Localized bean by @lukaszlenart in #121
- WW-4757: LocaleProvider factory by @lukaszlenart in #122
- WW-4756: Introduce TextFactoryProvider by @lukaszlenart in #123
- WW-4744: AnnotationUtils supports non-public methods by @yasserzamani in #124
- WW-4578: Multidimensional validation by @lukaszlenart in #128
- WW-4780 : upgraded version of log4j2 to 2.8.2 by @sdutry in #132
- WW-4210: Type conversion class by @lukaszlenart in #131
- WW-3952: Credit card validator by @lukaszlenart in #130
- WW-4749: Buffer/Flush behaviour in FreemarkerResult by @lukaszlenart in #134
- WW-4105 Unwraps Spring proxy in actions chain by @yasserzamani in #135
- WW-4762: Default provider by @lukaszlenart in #137
- WW-3171 WW-3650 WW-4581: Locale aware converters by @lukaszlenart in #138
- WW-4800 Executes aspects when chaining AOPed actions by @yasserzamani in #139
- WW-4801 Only one hidden field per checkboxlist. by @gregh3269 in #140
- WW-4805 Blocks ognl access to class members of Spring proxy by @yasserzamani in #142
- WW-4794 Fixes wrapField's where clause by @yasserzamani in #143
- WW-4744 WW-4694 Removes annotation search to commons lang 3.6 by @yasserzamani in #144
- add constant to control proxy member access by @aleksandr-m in #146
- WW-4821 Upgrade Commons IO to 2.5 by @sdutry in #149
- WW-4819 fixed commons-collections groupId in dependency management by @sdutry in #150
- WW-4818 change default Multipart validation regex to comply with RFC1341 by @sdutry in #151
- WW-4826 upgrade to ASM version 5.2 by @sdutry in #152
- WW-4808: Multiple suffixes by @lukaszlenart in #148
- WW-4831 properly convert nulls in arrays by @ThrawnCA in #154
- WW-4834 Improve RegEx used to validate URLs by @sdutry in #156
- WW-4827 Not fully initialized ObjectFactory tries to create beans by @aleksandr-m in #153
- WW-4835: Configurable handlers by @lukaszlenart in #158
- WW-4834 fixed faulty regex by @sdutry in #157
- WW-4840 Build Fails Due to Unused com.sun Import by @swiftelan in #161
- WW-4839 JakartaStreamMultiPartRequest Should Honor "struts.multipart.… by @swiftelan in #160
- return request HTTP method to fix problem for portlets with multipart validation by @pheaber in #162
- WW-4843 DefaultUrlHelper().buildUrl() not outputting port when used as parameter by @aleksandr-m in #163
- WW-4846 Does not traverse/include proxy info in JSONResult by @yasserzamani in #164
- WW-4851 Upgrade to Log4j2 2.9.0 by @sdutry in #166
- Fixes a snippet typo by @yasserzamani in #170
- WW-4849: Initializable interface by @lukaszlenart in #168
- remove an obsolete TODO comment by @pengyunie in #171
- WW-4034 Allows to use custom JSONwriter by @yasserzamani in #167
- Site generation by @lukaszlenart in #174
- WW-4877: adds missing header with license by @lukaszlenart in #175
- WW-4862: Multipart regex by @lukaszlenart in #176
- WW-4884: Allow define just a TextProvider by @lukaszlenart in #178
- WW-4846 Adds unit tests by @yasserzamani in #180
- WW-4869 Fixes JarEntryRevision by @yasserzamani in
Struts 6.0.0-RC4
What's Changed
- Bump junit from 4.13 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #547
- [WW-5182] Upgrade to Servlet API 3.1 by @lukaszlenart in #550
- [WW-5181] Blocks permanently access to static methods by @lukaszlenart in #549
- Bump xercesImpl from 2.12.0 to 2.12.2 by @dependabot in #551
- Potential expression cache enhancement for 2.6 series by @JCgH4164838Gh792C124B5 in #528
- Basic LocalDateTime support by @gregh3269 in #532
- [WW-5165] Upgrades Spring to version 5.3.20 by @lukaszlenart in #552
- [WW-5179] Set default value of struts.ognl.expressionMaxLength to 256 by @lukaszlenart in #553
- Add basic LocalDateTime support WW-5175 by @gregh3269 in #554
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #547
Full Changelog: STRUTS_6_0_0_RC3...STRUTS_6_0_0_RC4
Staging Maven repo
Standalone artifacts
Version notes
Migration guide
Struts 6.0.0-RC3
A test build of a new release
What's Changed
- [WW-5168] Support submit unchecked in Javatemplates and fixes logic for FTL template by @lukaszlenart in #531
- [WW-5016] Adds support for LocalDate and adjusts tests to use the new Java 8 API by @lukaszlenart in #529
Full Changelog: STRUTS_6_0_0_RC2...STRUTS_6_0_0_RC3
Staging Maven repo
Standalone artifacts
Version notes
Migration guide
Struts 6.0.0-RC2
What's Changed
- Update mvnw to 3.1.0 and migrate from takari to apache by @sepe81 in #516
- [WW-5161] Update spring to 4.3.30 by @sepe81 in #517
- upgrade Felix maven-bundle-plugin to 5.1.3 by @hboutemy in #518
- upgrade maven-war-plugin to 3.3.1 by @hboutemy in #519
- REST Showcase fix for broken JSPs using S2 link tags by @JCgH4164838Gh792C124B5 in #520
- Update log4j to 2.17.1 to address CVE-2021-44832. by @Chromico in #521
- [WW-4792] Uses proper names for constants by @lukaszlenart in #522
- [WW-5117] Evaluates dynamic attributes - cherrypick by @lukaszlenart in #525
- [WW-5022] Sets escapeHtmlBody to false by default and defines a new flag by @lukaszlenart in #523
- [WW-5112] Reduces logging in logic around missing resource key by @lukaszlenart in #527
- [WW-5115] Reduces logging for ignored DMI related params when DMI is disabled by @lukaszlenart in #526
New Contributors
Full Changelog: STRUTS_6_0_0_RC1...STRUTS_6_0_0_RC2
Staging Maven repo
Standalone artifacts
Release notes
Migration guide
Struts 6.0.0-RC1
What's Changed
- WW-4558 contentType override ignored for JSONInterceptor by @victorsosa in #87
- WW-4634 Centre alignment doesn't seem to work in Velocity tags by @victorsosa in #95
- add allowed methods to handleUnknownAction by @justinjmiller in #99
- WW-4650 Json deserialization does not work in 2.5.1 by @victorsosa in #103
- sync up execution ids with top-level Apache pom, otherwise the sources are deployed twice during release by @pbruski in #101
- action parameters should be included when building the URL to action by @pbruski in #102
- WW-4652 fixed a concurrency issue in addDefaultResourceBundle by @pbruski in #106
- WW-4572 Http parameters by @lukaszlenart in #58
- WW-4638 - TestNG 6.9.10 dependency error by @victorsosa in #98
- Change to the documentation by @andrea-ligios in #107
- Fix freemaker error in checkbox.ftl of css_xhtml template by @tiv-source in #109
- [WW-4620] Improve XWorkListPropertyAccessor to against DOS attack by @quaff in #105
- updated javadoc after changing to enum by @sdutry in #110
- replaced String constants for marking status with enum by @sdutry in #111
- WW-4690 added version to jshint-maven-plugin by @sdutry in #112
- ConversionErrorInterceptor to extend MethodFilterIntercept by @gregh3269 in #108
- WW-4636 - File upload error message always in default language by @aleksandr-m in #113
- Virtual file representation by @lukaszlenart in #114
- WW-4737 Properly handle arrays containing nulls by @ThrawnCA in #115
- [WW-4694] annotation processing improved by @yasserzamani in #117
- [WW-4528] handling ChainingInterceptor excludes and includes lists by @yasserzamani in #116
- [WW-4741] Do not force session creation on locale read operation by @yasserzamani in #119
- WW-4753: Injectable context by @lukaszlenart in #120
- WW-4714: Localized bean by @lukaszlenart in #121
- WW-4757: LocaleProvider factory by @lukaszlenart in #122
- WW-4756: Introduce TextFactoryProvider by @lukaszlenart in #123
- WW-4744: AnnotationUtils supports non-public methods by @yasserzamani in #124
- WW-4578: Multidimensional validation by @lukaszlenart in #128
- WW-4780 : upgraded version of log4j2 to 2.8.2 by @sdutry in #132
- WW-4210: Type conversion class by @lukaszlenart in #131
- WW-3952: Credit card validator by @lukaszlenart in #130
- WW-4749: Buffer/Flush behaviour in FreemarkerResult by @lukaszlenart in #134
- WW-4105 Unwraps Spring proxy in actions chain by @yasserzamani in #135
- WW-4762: Default provider by @lukaszlenart in #137
- WW-3171 WW-3650 WW-4581: Locale aware converters by @lukaszlenart in #138
- WW-4800 Executes aspects when chaining AOPed actions by @yasserzamani in #139
- WW-4801 Only one hidden field per checkboxlist. by @gregh3269 in #140
- WW-4805 Blocks ognl access to class members of Spring proxy by @yasserzamani in #142
- WW-4794 Fixes wrapField's where clause by @yasserzamani in #143
- WW-4744 WW-4694 Removes annotation search to commons lang 3.6 by @yasserzamani in #144
- add constant to control proxy member access by @aleksandr-m in #146
- WW-4821 Upgrade Commons IO to 2.5 by @sdutry in #149
- WW-4819 fixed commons-collections groupId in dependency management by @sdutry in #150
- WW-4818 change default Multipart validation regex to comply with RFC1341 by @sdutry in #151
- WW-4826 upgrade to ASM version 5.2 by @sdutry in #152
- WW-4808: Multiple suffixes by @lukaszlenart in #148
- WW-4831 properly convert nulls in arrays by @ThrawnCA in #154
- WW-4834 Improve RegEx used to validate URLs by @sdutry in #156
- WW-4827 Not fully initialized ObjectFactory tries to create beans by @aleksandr-m in #153
- WW-4835: Configurable handlers by @lukaszlenart in #158
- WW-4834 fixed faulty regex by @sdutry in #157
- WW-4840 Build Fails Due to Unused com.sun Import by @swiftelan in #161
- WW-4839 JakartaStreamMultiPartRequest Should Honor "struts.multipart.… by @swiftelan in #160
- return request HTTP method to fix problem for portlets with multipart validation by @pheaber in #162
- WW-4843 DefaultUrlHelper().buildUrl() not outputting port when used as parameter by @aleksandr-m in #163
- WW-4846 Does not traverse/include proxy info in JSONResult by @yasserzamani in #164
- WW-4851 Upgrade to Log4j2 2.9.0 by @sdutry in #166
- Fixes a snippet typo by @yasserzamani in #170
- WW-4849: Initializable interface by @lukaszlenart in #168
- remove an obsolete TODO comment by @pengyunie in #171
- WW-4034 Allows to use custom JSONwriter by @yasserzamani in #167
- Site generation by @lukaszlenart in #174
- WW-4877: adds missing header with license by @lukaszlenart in #175
- WW-4862: Multipart regex by @lukaszlenart in #176
- WW-4884: Allow define just a TextProvider by @lukaszlenart in #178
- WW-4846 Adds unit tests by @yasserzamani in #180
- WW-4869 Fixes JarEntryRevision by @yasserzamani in #172
- WW-4888 add escaping possibilities to text-tag by @sdutry in #181
- WW-4871 Fixes StringConverter and improves it's tests by @yasserzamani in #173
- WW-4713 Added deprecation warnings as preparation to drop searchValue… by @sdutry in #184
- WW-4876 WW-4841 Parses validators after all injections done by @yasserzamani in #185
- Pimp my struts by @lukaszlenart in #183
- WW-4892 WW-4893: Use Jackson to handle JSON request by @lukaszlenart in #187
- changed Map iterations to use entrySet when both key and value are used by @sdutry in #186
- WW-4900 Makes BackgroundProcess transient by @yasserzamani in #191
- WW-4901 Decouples from URL.openConnection implementation of container by @yasserzamani in #190
- WW-4873 Makes ActionInvocation not serializable and InvocationSessionStore$InvocationContext transient by @yasserzamani in #192
- Increases the coverage of DefaultActionInvocation by @yasserzamani in #193
- used char instead of a single character string by @sdutry in #194
- WW-4903: fixes PrefixBasedActionProxyFactory by @lukaszlenart in #195
- Minor Formatting changes by @sdutry in #197
- add tests to UIBean class by @sdutry in #198
- WW-4905: Allows Initializable interface on implementing class instead of interface by @lukaszlenart in #196
- fix conversion by annotation and WW-4906 by @yasserzamani in #199
- WW-4907 support JSR 303 Validation Groups in BeanValidation-Plugin by @HedjuHor in #200
- WW-4909: Renames a constant and adds a test by @lukaszlenart in #202
- add tests for initializable to cover more scopes by @yasserzamani in #203
- WW-4891 Debug tag should not display anything when not in dev mode by @HedjuHor in #201
- Initial test dedicated for the DefaultUnknownHandlerManager by @zalsaeed in #205
- WW-4899: upgrade Spring by @lukaszlenart in