- Incorporate changes for App Store Server API v1.15 and App Store Server Notifications v2.15 [#152]
- Update BaseAppStoreServerAPIClient to move URL selection to a method [#136]
- Incorporate caching of validated certificate chains to prevent repetitive OCSP fetches [#127]
- Incorporate changes for App Store Server API v1.13 and App Store Server Notifications v2.13 [#116]
- Handle parsing empty or unexpected bodies on API exceptions without throwing a caused-by exception [#119]
- Allow providing a custom bearer token provider and HTTP client implementation [#109]
- This change refactors the internal implementation of the AppStoreServerAPIClient class. Users extending this class may see interface changes
- Rename applicationUsername to appAccountToken [#104]
- Incorporate changes for App Store Server API v1.12 and App Store Server Notifications v2.12 [#103]
- Handle null appAccountToken appropriately in PromotionalOfferSignatureCreator [#100]
- Incorporate changes for App Store Server API v1.11 and App Store Server Notifications v2.11 [#94]
- Add proxy authenticator support [#93]
- Various documentation and quality of life improvements, including contributions from @hakusai22
- Incorporate changes for App Store Server API v1.10.1 [#77]
- This change is a breaking change, as the datatype of the price field has changed from Integer to Long
- Support App Store Server Notifications v2.10 [#74]
- Require appAppleId in SignedDataVerifier for the Production environment [#68]
- Switch from GSON to Jackson for parsing [#58]
- Rename Status to VerificationStatus [#59]
- Add message to APIException and update JavaDocs [#60]
- Significantly increase unit test coverage [#51]
- Add support for Xcode and LocalTesting environments [#49]
- Allow parsing unknown Enum values [#50]
- Add support for testing in Java 21 [#48]
- Add error codes from App Store Server API v1.9 [#43]
- Add new fields from App Store Server API v1.10 [#53]
- Fix private key parsing on Windows from @vpavic [#41]
- Add status field to Data [#34]
- Publish JavaDocs
- Make SignedDataVerifier::decodeSignedObject protected
- Move release to Maven Central
- The additional repository is no longer needed in a Gradle/Maven config