This library provides a StringType
class to manipulate strings.
of(value: string): StringType
append(...suffix: string): StringType
ascii([rules: Closure[]|string[]|Transliterator[] = [...]]): StringType
camel(): StringType
chunk([length: int = 1]): StringType[]
codePointsAt(offset: int): int[]
containsAny(needle: string|string[]): BoolEnum
endsWith(suffix: iterable|string|string[]): BoolEnum
ensureEnd(string $string): self
ensureStart(string $string): self
equalsTo(string: iterable|string|string[]): BoolEnum
filterVar([filter: int = FILTER_DEFAULT], [options: mixed|null = null]): StringType
folded([compat: bool = true]): StringType
indexOf(needle: iterable|string|string[], [offset: int = 0]): int|null
indexOfLast(needle: iterable|string|string[], [offset: int = 0]): int|null
join(strings: array, [lastGlue: null|string = null]): StringType
kebab(): StringType
length(): Numeric
lengthIsBetween(start: int, end: int): BoolEnum
lower(): StringType
match(regexp: string, [flags: int = 0], [offset: int = 0]): array
normalize([form: int = self::NFC]): StringType
padBoth(length: int, [padStr: string = ' ']): StringType
padEnd(length: int, [padStr: string = ' ']): StringType
padStart(length: int, [padStr: string = ' ']): StringType
prepend(...prefix: string): StringType
repeat(multiplier: int): StringType
replace(from: string, to: string): StringType
replaceMatches(fromRegexp: string, to: callable|string): StringType
reverse(): StringType
screamingKebab(): StringType
screamingSnake(): StringType
slice([start: int = 0], [length: int|null = null]): StringType
snake(): StringType
splice(replacement: string, [start: int = 0], [length: int|null = null]): StringType
split(delimiter: string, [limit: int|null = null], [flags: int|null = null]): StringType[]
startsWith(prefix: string|string[]): BoolEnum
title([allWords: bool = false]): StringType
trim([chars: string = " \t\n\r\0\x0B\x0C\u...]): StringType
trimEnd([chars: string = " \t\n\r\0\x0B\x0C\u...]): StringType
trimPrefix(prefix: string|string[]): StringType
trimStart([chars: string = " \t\n\r\0\x0B\x0C\u...]): StringType
trimSuffix(suffix: string|string[]): StringType
upper(): StringType
string(): string
width([ignoreAnsiDecoration: bool = true]): Numeric
__toString(): string
Use BoolEnum
to represent a boolean value.
use Atournayre\Primitives\BoolEnum;
->isTrue() // true
->isFalse() // false
->asString() // 'true'
->asInt() // 1
->asBool() // true
->yes() // true
->no() // false
->throwIfFalse('This is false') // do nothing
->throwIfTrue('This is true') // throw an exception
This library provides a Int_
class to manipulate integer values.
of(value: int|string|Int_): Int_
value(): int
toString(): string
isPositive(): BoolEnum
isNegative(): BoolEnum
isZero(): BoolEnum
abs(): Int_
between(min: Int_|int, max: Int_|int): BoolEnum
betweenOrEqual(min: Int_|int, max: Int_|int): BoolEnum
isEven(): BoolEnum
isOdd(): BoolEnum
greaterThan(int: Int_|int): BoolEnum
greaterThanOrEqual(int: Int_|int): BoolEnum
lessThan(int: Int_|int): BoolEnum
lessThanOrEqual(int: Int_|int): BoolEnum
equalsTo(int: Int_|int): BoolEnum
This library provides a Numeric
class to manipulate numeric values.
value(): float
intValue(): int
precision(): int
format(locale: Locale): string
round([mode: int = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP]): Numeric
greaterThan(numeric: Numeric|int): BoolEnum
greaterThanOrEqual(numeric: Numeric|int): BoolEnum
lessThan(numeric: Numeric|int): BoolEnum
lessThanOrEqual(numeric: Numeric|int): BoolEnum
equalTo(numeric: Numeric|int): BoolEnum
notEqualTo(numeric: Numeric|int): BoolEnum
between(min: \Atournayre\Primitives\Numeric|int, max: \Atournayre\Primitives\Numeric|int): BoolEnum
betweenOrEqual(min: \Atournayre\Primitives\Numeric|int, max: \Atournayre\Primitives\Numeric|int): BoolEnum
This library provides a DateTime
class to manipulate date and time values.
A datetime must implement the DateTimeInterface
provides basic functionality to manipulate a datetime.
use Atournayre\Primitives\Traits\DateTimeTrait;
final class MyDateTime implements DateTimeInterface
use DateTimeTrait;