Releases: aws-solutions/media-insights-on-aws
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.5
This Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.5 release includes changes necessary to support 2 hour long videos.
The key to supporting 2 hour videos was to allow step functions to pass a pagination token from one "check status" Lambda invocation to another. Now, Rekognition operators will persist 10 pages at a time, then stop and pass the pagination token to the step function so it can repeatedly restart the "check status" Lambda until there are no more pages left to read.
Prior to this release, Rekognition operators would timeout when trying to save large quantities of paged results, which was often the case with label_detection and face_detection.
Other changes:
- Increase timeouts and memory allocations for Lambda functions based on test results from a 2 hour movie (Amélie).
- add API documentation to README
- Split input text in the translate operator so it does not exceed the 5000 characters max allowed by AWS Translate service limit.
- split bulk elasticsearch inserts in order to avoid exceeding max payload size
- If data is empty, skip ES insert. Data is often empty for operators like content moderation when processing non-explicit videos.
GUI changes:
- Remove unusued GUI artifacts for Polly and AutoML.
- Fix autofill for 1Password on the Login form
- Raise max file upload size to 2GB in the GUI.
- allow analysis button to open in new tab
- fade delete alert after 5 seconds
- Change workflow configuration form so users only have to set the language for Transcribe and Translate once. Used to be that users would have to set that language preference twice, but now, since both Transcribe and Translate use the same source language, users can just specify this option once.
CloudFormation template changes:
- Make the Cloudfront URL a clickable link in the outputs from both the webapp CF template and the base stack template.
- Update the email template for the Cognito invite message so it includes a link to the stack.
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.4
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.4 includes the following changes:
link Help menu to Implementation Guide
Rename the cognito app client for the webapp so it's easier to understand which app client should be used for boto3 and which should be used for Amplify.
clear canvas if user clicked the label button a second consecutive time
advise user to "Try lowering confidence threshold" when elasticsearch returns no data
prevent bounding boxes from overlapping
Persist the workflow execution history on the upload page.
add a hyperlink to workflow status for accessing step function execution details
add line break between workflow config and execution history
indicate when a thumbnail image is not available
allow users to control them thumbnail seek position in workflow config
alphabetize the transcribeLanguages list
Push all assets in parallel to the collection table so the table updates in O(1) instead of O(n) time.
Show both date and time in Created column in Collection view
Add operator for thumbnail creation and remove thumbnail creation from the mediaconvert (transcribe) operator.
fix paging bug
Cloudformation url for Media Insights App is a clickable link
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.3
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.3 includes the following changes:
* cleanup / refactor fetch assets method in collection view
* more collection view refactoring
* Improve image processing support
* elasticsearch query in collection view updated to use amplify api + auth
* small cleanup in collection view
* small ui improvment in collection view, update objects component to use amplify api for ES, remove servercheck in analysis
* additional simplification in collection view and ui fixes for ES loading
* update remaining components to use amplify api for es calls, small usability fixes to ui in components
* updated elasticsearch consumer for allowing cognito
* remove analytics tab to kibana
* resolve linting warnings/errors
* bugfixes after removing ip access list parameter
* add post for ES search function and remove duplicate UI tips
* fix bugs in es calls for text operators
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.2
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.2 includes the following changes:
Big Security Updates:
- Cognito secured GUI and API's
- Fine grain access control for API IAM Policies
- General IAM cleanup
- Updated testing to support authentication
Webapp updates:
- Linting issues fixed
- Several bug fixes in the UI
- New components for error states
- Workflow configuration
- General UI enhancements
API / Workflow Tests:
======================================================================================== 8 passed in 445.93 seconds ========================================================================================
UDI Tests:
======================================================================================== 1 passed in 96.72 seconds ========================================================================================
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.1
Media Insights Engine Beta 0.1.1 includes support for creating media analysis workflows and accessing insights using the MIE APIs.
The Media Insight sample UI supports uploading videos and images and exploring content analysis including labels, persons, celebrities, moderated content, transcription, translation and entity identification.