This is a simple example of using ROS 2 to make the robot walk 1m forward.
For this example, make sure to position the robot with 2m of clear space in front of it either sitting or standing (it's going to walk 1m forward). After the Spot driver is running, you can start the example with:
ros2 run spot_examples walk_forward
If you launched the driver with a namespace, use the following command instead:
ros2 run spot_examples walk_forward --robot <spot_name>
The robot should walk forward.
Now let's go through the code and see what's happening.
Because ROS generally requires persistent things like publishers and subscribers, it’s often useful to have a class around everything. A ROS Node is an object that can interact with ROS topics so our classes usually inherit from Node or contain a node:
class WalkForward:
def __init__(self, robot_name: Optional[str] = None, node: Optional[Node] = None):
node = node or ros_scope.node()
Note here we default to the current scope node if none is provided.
Then we set up ROS's TF, which helps us transform between robot frames:
self._tf_listener = TFListenerWrapper(node)
self._tf_listener.wait_for_a_tform_b(BODY_FRAME_NAME, VISION_FRAME_NAME)
We use a wrapper that supports synchronous operation around ROS 2’s asynchronous TF implementation. Passing it the body and vision frame names causes the wrapper to wait until it sees those frames. This lets us make sure the robot is started and TF is working before proceeeding.
In order to perform small actions with the robot we use the SimpleSpotCommander class. This wraps some service clients that talk to services offered by the spot driver.
self._robot = SimpleSpotCommander(self._robot_name, node)
Finally we want to be able to command Spot to do things. We do this via a wrapper around the action client that talks to an action server running in the Spot driver (for more information about ROS 2 actions see here):
self._robot_command_client = ActionClientWrapper(RobotCommand, 'robot_command', node)
The wrapper we use here automatically waits for the action server to become available during construction. It also offers the send_goal_and_wait
function that we’ll use later.
Before we can walk around, we need to claim the robot’s lease, power it on, and stand it up. We can do all of these via the spot commander:
def initialize_robot(self):'Claiming robot')
result = self._robot.command('claim')
if not result.success:
self._logger.error('Unable to claim robot message was ' + result.message)
return False'Claimed robot')
# Stand the robot up.'Powering robot on')
result = self._robot.command('power_on')
if not result.success:
self._logger.error('Unable to power on robot message was ' + result.message)
return False'Standing robot up')
result = self._robot.command('stand')
if not result.success:
self._logger.error('Robot did not stand message was ' + result.message)
return False'Successfully stood up.')
return True
Now we’re ready to walk the robot around!
def walk_forward_with_world_frame_goal(self):'Walking forward using a world frame goal')
world_t_robot = self._tf_listener.lookup_a_tform_b(VISION_FRAME_NAME,
world_t_goal = world_t_robot * ROBOT_T_GOAL
Goals need to be sent in a static world frame (at least in v3.3…) but we have an offset in the body frame. Therefore, we first look up the robot’s current position in the world using TF. We then multiply by the offset we want in the robot frame. Note that "vision" is Spot’s name for the static world frame it updates using visual odometry. See here for more about Spot’s frames.
Now we construct a goal to send to the Spot driver:
proto_goal = RobotCommandBuilder.synchro_se2_trajectory_point_command(
goal_x=world_t_goal.x, goal_y=world_t_goal.y, goal_heading=world_t_goal.angle,
action_goal = RobotCommand.Goal()
convert(proto_goal, action_goal.command)
This constructs a protobuf message using the BD built in tools and converts it into a ROS action goal of a type that can be sent by our action client.
Finally we send the goal to the Spot driver:
Note that send_goal_and_wait
is a function of our ActionClientWrapper and not a built in ROS 2 function.