- initial.py-offline.py-parse_list_values.py-personalisation.py-seed.py-separate.py-with_recipient.py-with_subject_prefix.py: remove first iterations
- README: chage file extension of README
- email_mbmlbook/init.py-email_mbmlbook/source.py: add constant for which files to parse from the github repo
- get_data.py: add entry point for the project
- data/-data/*.csv: add parsed data
- with_subject_prefix.py: first iteration of parsing WithSubjectPrefixInputs.objml
- with_recipient.py: first iteration parsing WithRecipientInputs.objml
- separate.py: first iteration parsing SeparateInputs.objml
- seed.py: first iteration of parsing Seed[1|2]Inputs.objml
- personalisation.py: first iteration of parsing Personalisation[1|2]Inputs.objml
- parse_list_values.py: first iteration of parsing list values within objml file
- offline.py: first iteratoin of parsing OfflineInputs.objml
- CHANGELOG.md: create change log
- seed.py: fix copy paste error
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: hand edge case for users do not have feature set
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: add flag to use feature set from a user
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: sort multiple values before storing
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: change int() to float() for double
- tests/test_data.py: correct unique values for Recipient and correct dist values for repliedTo
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: add varying parsing if there is either missing, expected, or multiple values
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: add flag to validate feature sets across users
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: generalize parsing of objml baed on parsing Inital, Compound, and OneFeature
- initial.py: first iteration of parsing InitialInputs.objml
- compound.py: add first iteratoin of parsing CompoundInputs.objml
- email_mbmlbook/init.py: add FeatureSet to package imports
- email_mbmlbook: add FeatureSet class for parsing objml files
- single.py: first iteratoin of parsing OneFeatureInputs.objml
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: create helper functions for parsing rows
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: remove features on construction
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: remove unused methods of FeatureSet
- email_mbmlbook/data.py: iterate over many users instead of expecting a single user
- email_mbmlbook: change self.base to the psudeo root of the file