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GPP Quine

GPP is the General Purpose Preprocessor, a macro preprocessor for various forms of structured and unstructured text.

I wrote what I believe to be the first non-vacuous self-replicating program in the GPP language.

gpp copies its input to its output, making almost any text file into a quine (self-replicating program). That's vacuous in the mathematical sense. A non-vacuous quine would produce output via macro invocation.

Here's my non-vacuous quine:

#mode preservelf off
#define S '
#define H #
#define D $
#mode user "$" "$" "(" "," ")" "(" ")" "#" ""
#mode string qqq "'" "'"
#define g '$H$mode preservelf off
$H$define S $S$
$H$define H $H$
$H$define D $D$
$H$mode user "$" "$" "(" "," ")" "(" ")" "$H$" ""
$H$mode string qqq "$S$" "$S$"
$H$define g $S$#1$S$
$H$defeval quine $D$g$D$
#defeval quine $g$

The above program does create output via a function call ("macro evaluation"), so it's not merely using gpp-the-program to copy itself from input to output. It's not 100% correct, because gpp-the-program has a bug in the preservelf mode: #mode lines in gpp input show up as blank lines in the output.

Conceptually, this is just as easy as any other quine. And by easy, I mean twisted and headache-inducing. This quine has a string (set with #define g above) that can be used as both an output specification, and an input. For a macro-preprocessor like gpp, an "output specification" means the evaluated body of a macro. gpp-the-program evaluate the macro and puts the result of that evaluation on its output. The string g gets used to make a function ("define a macro"), and finally gets used as a formal argument to the macro. In that sense, this quine is the same as M M in Combinatory Logic: a replicator applied to itself. Ah yes, conceptually quite easy.

The difficulty in writing a quine which executes gpp macro definitions revolves around interpolating strings of characters inside other strings of characters to produce a new string of characters.

Default gpp interpolation notation ends up requiring white space Here's a small gpp input:

#define IN some string
interpolation between this IN and this
but there's no interpolation between thisINand this

The output looks like this:

interpolation between this some string and this
but there's no interpolation between thisINand this

The IN macro ("some string") gets interpolated in the first input line because IN has a space character before and after. The IN macro does not get interpolated in the second input line because thisINand has no space before and after the "IN" substring.

For a counter-example, Linux shell scripts can interpolate strings like this:

IN='a lengthy substring'
echo output between this $IN and this
echo and there is interpolation between this${IN}and this

The Linux bash shell uses '$' to distinguish between "the value of variable IN" and "assign a string to the variable named IN". bash scripts can interpolate strings using $IN if there's surrounding white space, and interpolate ${IN} if there's not surrounding whitespace. In that situation, the curly brackets delimit the variable name. Excuting the 3-line shell script above yields this:

output between this a lengthy substring and this
and there is interpolation between thisa lengthy substringand this

A clever programmer can interpolate a string without whitespace delimiting a variable name.

The second problem with writing gpp quines is that gpp does not by default have a way to escape a character in a string. It's not possible to include a double quote (ASCII 0x22) inside a double quoted string.

Other programming languages, have different solutions to this situation, which arises more often than anyone would like.

Characters in the C programming language string literals can be "escaped" with backslashes:

"include a double quote \" in a C string literal"

Python has quoted string literals that require escaping certain characters to keep them in the literal, and triple-quoted string interals that don't require escaping:

"""include a double quote " in a Python string literal"""

Go has double-quoted strings, backslashes for escaping the next character, and back-quoted ("grave accent") string literals that contain every character between delimiters.

The m4 preprocessor uses grave accent characters to start a string literal, and single quote to end a string literal, so it allows nested string literals. m4 does not have single-character escaping. It does have the defn built-in, which can be used to write a quine, but is not required.

I speculate that the combination of these two features mean that a quine in the default gpp syntax is impossible. If true, that would mean that default gpp syntax isn't turing complete, some outputs are impossible. That implication makes me distrust my speculation.

You can use the default mode syntax and the #1, #2 macro formal argument convention to interpolate substrings. It's just very tricky. This may be the key to a default syntax gpp self-replicating program. I couldn't get it to work.

gpp does have the interesting feature of "meta-macros", instructions to a running gpp process that allow a gpp program to re-define the syntax of macro definition, string delimiters, and whether or not string interpolation can take place. I had to use meta-macros to write a working quine.

Detailed Explanation

  1 #mode preservelf off
  2 #define S '
  3 #define H #
  4 #define D $
  5 #mode user "$" "$" "(" "," ")" "(" ")" "#" ""
  6 #mode string qqq "'" "'"
  7 #define g '$H$mode preservelf off
  8 $H$define S $S$
  9 $H$define H $H$
 10 $H$define D $D$
 11 $H$mode user "$" "$" "(" "," ")" "(" ")" "$H$" ""
 12 $H$mode string qqq "$S$" "$S$"
 13 $H$define g $S$#1$S$
 14 $H$defeval quine $D$g$D$
 15 $D$quine($D$g$D$)'
 16 #defeval quine $g$
 17 $quine($g$)

Line 1: should cause gpp-the-program to not print empty lines in output where corresponding input line is a meta-macro. There's a bug in gpp code that prevents this from working, so my putative quine actually has three blank lines more than the input has, due to the presence of three #mode statements.

Line 2, 3, 4: defines three macros. Further appearances of S, H, D as macros in evaluated input will be replaced by single-quote, hash (octothorpe) or dollar sign respectively.

Line 5: use the mode user meta-macro to redefine how subsequent input text gets treated. This particular piece of gibberish means:

  • macros start with a '$' character
  • macros without arguments end with a '$' character
  • arguments to macros have a '(' to begin with
  • arguments to macros are separated by ',' characters
  • arguments to macros end with a ')'
  • stack '#' characters for argument balancing, I don't know what this means.

mode user only changes user macro syntax, not meta-macro syntax.

Line 6: use the mode string meta-macro to make strings start and end with single-quote "'" character. The "qqq" is actually 3 'q' indicators, each of which means "output strings without delimiters".

  1. First 'q' means inside meta-macro calls
  2. Second 'q' means inside user macro calls. I think this is the only one that makes a difference to my quine code.
  3. Third 'q' means outside of any macro call

Lines 7 - 15: make g a macro, that, when invoked, is a big string. This string has substrings like $H$, $D$, which because of line 5, and whichever of lines 2-4, could under some circumstances cause gpp to interpolate a hash, a dollar sign, or a single-quote. The interpolation will happen later, the g macro invoked alone, will output what's literally between single-quotes without any substring interpolation. g acts like a variable in imperative languages.

Line 16: Here's a trick. Use the #defeval meta-macro to create a new macro named quine with the value of g as the body of the macro. Line 5 changed how gpp-the-program parses input text to recognize when a macro should get called. The $g$ is the value of g, set on lines 7-15. No arguments. #defeval also "evaluates" the raw string $g$. That raw string is full of $D$, $H$, etc, places where gpp-the-program will do some macro evaluation and interpolate the results.

Line 17: $quine($g$): call the macro named quine, created by the defeval of line 16, with the string, the value of macro g, created on lines 7-15, as the only formal argument. The macro invocation puts the text of the original quine on gpp output, plus 3 blank lines due to the preservelf bug.

Lines 7-15 created a quoted string, single quotes begin and end the string, as the mode string meta-macro specified. The mode string meta-macro of line 6 also sets "qqq", which causes the $quine($g$) macro call to output an unquoted string.

Lines 7-15 also echo the structure of the whole quine, except with special characters to be interpolated.

  1 #mode preservelf off
  2 #define S '
  3 #define H #
  4 #define D $
  7 #define g '$H$mode preservelf off
  8 $H$define S $S$
  9 $H$define H $H$
 10 $H$define D $D$

Line 7 outputs (a copy of) line 1 when $H$ has the H macro interpolated. Line 8 outputs (a copy of) line 2, line 9 outputs line 3, line 10 outputs line 4, and so forth.

Line 13 is important: $H$define g $S$#1$S$

The defeval will make this into: #define g '#1' as part of a macro body.

#1 is where gpp-the-program will interpolate the first formal argument to any invocations of the macro named quine. When line 17, $quine($g$) gets evaluated, The #1 turns into lines 7-15

How I figured this out

I've written a number of quines over the years. My shell script quines on this page date to no later than 1992, which is about when I lost access to, a Sun 3 workstation. I wrote one of those shell script quines circa 1988, when I bought an AT&T 3b1 running System VR3 unix, which had the slick new Korn Shell.

My usual process is implicit in my Go self-replicating program repo. First, I figure out how to create a "format" string with a single "hole" for string interpolation, which will later be filled by the format string. Experience tells me that I need to figure out how to create strings with string-delimiter-characters and maybe other metacharacters in them. I also need to figure out how to use the format string with the format string as input, as in Combinatory Logic's M M

I noodled around with gpp inputs to internalize knowledge of how to interpolate strings into other strings, how macro calls work, and to internalize the format of macro definition and invocation. Ultimately, I realized that the default gpp syntax for macro invocation (surrounded by white space), would not allow creating a "format" string with metacharacters in the right places.

I experimented with different methods of getting metacharacters (mainly '#' and '\' in default gpp syntax) interpolated into format strings. I tried macro arguments, whose values get interpolated where #1, #2 etc appear in the macro body. Getting a multi-line macro body was tricky in default gpp syntax. I was having trouble understanding when macro evaluation occurred inside the body of a macro.

After quite some experimentation, I decided I couldn't do what I want in default gpp syntax. I resorted to careful reading of the manual. I discovered how to use mode user to change how a running gpp process parses out macro invocation sites. I discovered how to use mode string to output quoted strings, which can be used to define multi-line macro bodies, without quote characters. Finally, I realized that defeval could be used to interpolate metacharacters into a macro body.

Obvious further questions

I think the above work leads to an obvious questions:

Can a quine exist using only default gpp syntax, without meta-macros redefining user macro invocation format?

I don't have the answer.