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This document helps you to setup a development environment so you can contribute to KubeArchive. It also contain instructions to run integration tests, remote IDE debugging and other processes.


Install these tools:

  1. go
  2. git
  3. ko
  4. kubectl
  5. helm
  6. podman
  7. kind

Creating a fork repository

  1. Create your fork of KubeArchive following this guide.
  2. Clone it to your computer:
    git clone [email protected]:${YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}/kubearchive.git
    cd kubearchive
    git remote add upstream
    git remote set-url --push upstream no_push

Create a cluster

  1. Set up a Kubernetes cluster with KinD:

    kind create cluster
  2. Set up ko to upload images to the KinD cluster, or any other registry you want to use:

    export KO_DOCKER_REPO="kind.local"
  3. Install knative-eventing core and cert-manager, wait for them to be ready, and enable new-apiserversource-filters:

    export CERT_MANAGER_VERSION=v1.9.1
    kubectl apply -f${CERT_MANAGER_VERSION}/cert-manager.yaml
    kubectl apply -f${KNATIVE_EVENTING_VERSION}/eventing-core.yaml
    kubectl rollout status deployment --namespace=cert-manager --timeout=30s
    kubectl rollout status deployment --namespace=knative-eventing --timeout=30s
    kubectl apply -f - << EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: config-features
      namespace: knative-eventing
      labels: devel original eventing
      new-apiserversource-filters: enabled
  4. Generate operator code:


Install KubeArchive

  1. Use Helm to install KubeArchive:

    helm install kubearchive charts/kubearchive --create-namespace -n kubearchive \
        --set-string apiServer.image=$(ko build \
        --set-string sink.image=$(ko build \
        --set-string operator.image=$(ko build
  2. Check that the KubeArchive deployments are Ready:

    kubectl get -n kubearchive deployments
  3. List the deployed helm chart

    helm list -n kubearchive

Update KubeArchive

After you make changes to the code use Helm to redeploy KubeArchive:

helm upgrade kubearchive charts/kubearchive -n kubearchive \
    --set-string apiServer.image=$(ko build \
    --set-string sink.image=$(ko build \
    --set-string operator.image=$(ko build

Uninstall KubeArchive

helm uninstall -n kubearchive kubearchive

Initialize the database

  1. In a new terminal tab create a port-forward.
    kubectl port-forward -n kubearchive svc/kubearchive-database 5432:5432
  2. Populate the database with test objects.
    go run database/init_db.go

Generate activity on the KubeArchive sink

By default, KubeArchive listens to Events in the test namespace.

  1. Generate some activity creating a pod:
    kubectl run -n test busybox --image=busybox
  2. Follow the logs on the KubeArchive sink:
    kubectl logs -n kubearchive -l app=kubearchive-sink -f

Forward the KubeArchive API to localhost

  1. Use kubectl to port forward, this will keep the terminal occupied:

    kubectl port-forward -n kubearchive svc/kubearchive-api-server 8081:8081
  2. Get the Certificate Authority (CA) from the kubearchive-api-server-tls secret:

    kubectl get -n kubearchive secrets kubearchive-api-server-tls -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt
  3. [ Optional ] Create a service account with a specific role to test the REST API. This Helm chart already provides kubearchive-test-sa with view privileges for testing purposes.

  4. On a new terminal, use curl or your browser to perform a query:

    curl -s --cacert ca.crt -H "Authorization: Bearer $(kubectl create token kubearchive-test -n kubearchive)" \
    https://localhost:8081/apis/batch/v1/jobs | jq
  5. Check the new logs on the KubeArchive API:

    kubectl logs -n kubearchive -l app=kubearchive-api-server

Use the KubeArchive CLI

  1. Use kubectl to port forward, this will keep the terminal occupied:

    kubectl port-forward -n kubearchive svc/kubearchive-api-server 8081:8081
  2. Get the Certificate Authority (CA) from the kubearchive-api-server-tls secret:

    kubectl get -n kubearchive secrets kubearchive-api-server-tls -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt
  3. Run the CLI:

    go run cmd/kubectl-archive/main.go get batch/v1/jobs --token $(kubectl -n kubearchive create token kubearchive-test)
  4. Generate a new job, and run again:

    kubectl create job my-job --image=busybox
    go run cmd/kubectl-archive/main.go get batch/v1/jobs --token $(kubectl -n kubearchive create token kubearchive-test)

Running integration tests

Use go test to run the integration test suite:

go test -v ./test/integration -tags=integration

Remote IDE debugging

Use delve to start a debugger to which attach from your IDE.

  1. Deploy the chart with ko and helm in debug mode using an image with delve:

    helm install kubearchive charts/kubearchive --create-namespace -n kubearchive \
    --set apiServer.debug=true \
    --set-string apiServer.image=$( ko build --disable-optimizations \
    --set-string sink.image=$(ko build \
    --set-string operator.image=$(ko build
  2. Forward the ports 8081 and 40000 from the Pod directly:

    kubectl port-forward -n kubearchive svc/kubearchive-api-server 8081:8081 40000:40000
  3. Enable breakpoints in your IDE.

  4. Connect to the process using the port 40000:

  5. Query the API using curl or your browser:

    curl -s --cacert ca.crt -H "Authorization: Bearer $(kubectl create token kubearchive-test -n kubearchive)" \
    https://localhost:8081/apis/batch/v1/jobs | jq

Known issues

  1. Using KinD and podman. If you get this error:
    ERROR: failed to create cluster: running kind with rootless provider requires
    setting systemd property "Delegate=yes", see
    try creating the cluster with this command:
    systemd-run -p Delegate=yes --user --scope kind create cluster
  2. Using KinD and Podman Desktop. If you get this error:
    Error: failed to publish images: error publishing
    ko:// no nodes found for cluster "kind"
    expose the KIND_CLUSTER_NAME env variable with the appropriate name of the kind cluster:
    export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=$(kind -q get clusters)
    NOTE: In case you have more than one kind cluster running, manually set the proper one