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File metadata and controls

216 lines (163 loc) · 6.34 KB




require 'capistrano/magic_recipes/monit'

Status (monit is running or not .. activate monit hooks in deploy chain)

 set :monit_active,                         true

Main-Instance (write monitrc?) .. usefull if more sites share one server

 set :monit_main_rc,                        true

Monit-Processes (what should be monitored)

 set :monit_processes,                      %w[nginx postgresql thin website] # nginx pm2 postgresql pwa redis sidekiq thin website website_checks
 set :monit_ignore,                         []  # %w[action pid]

Monit-Name (showed in monit-page)

 set :monit_name,                           "#{ fetch(:application) }_#{ fetch(:stage) }"


 set :monit_roles,                          :web
 set :monit_interval,                       30
 set :monit_bin,                            '/usr/bin/monit'

Monit Log-File (Monit default: '/var/log/monit.log')

 set :monit_logfile,                        "#{shared_path}/log/monit.log"
 set :monit_idfile,                         '/var/lib/monit/id'
 set :monit_statefile,                      '/var/lib/monit/state'


 set :monit_mail_server,                    ""
 set :monit_mail_port,                      587
 set :monit_mail_authentication,            false # SSLAUTO|SSLV2|SSLV3|TLSV1|TLSV11|TLSV12
 set :monit_mail_username,                  "[email protected]"
 set :monit_mail_password,                  "secret"
 set :monit_mail_to,                        "[email protected]"
 set :monit_mail_from,                      "[email protected]"
 set :monit_mail_reply_to,                  "[email protected]"


 ## WebClient
 set :monit_http_client,                    true
 set :monit_http_port,                      2812
 set :monit_http_username,                  "admin"
 set :monit_http_password,                  "monitor"
 # use a domain / subdomain for monit?
 set :monit_webclient,             					false
 set :monit_webclient_domain,      					false
 set :monit_webclient_use_ssl,     					false
 set :monit_webclient_ssl_cert,    					false
 set :monit_webclient_ssl_key,     					false
 set :monit_nginx_template,        					:default

Send SLACK-Alerts

 ## Slack Alerts
 set :monit_use_slack,             							false
 set :monit_slack_webhook,         							"" # your Slack webhook URL
 set :monit_slack_bin_path,        							"/etc/monit/"

M/MONIT URL (test-phase BETA)

 set :monit_mmonit_url,                     false


 set :monit_pg_pid,                       	"/var/run/postgresql/"


 set :monit_thin_totalmem_mb,               300

sidekiq (need secrets_key_base to be set)

 set :monit_sidekiq_totalmem_mb,            300
 set :monit_sidekiq_timeout_sec,            90

(App) Website(s)

Check the main website, ssl value is taken from configuration. (automatically checks ALL configured app domains)

 set :monit_website_check_content,          false
 set :monit_website_check_path,             "/"
 set :monit_website_check_text,             "<!DOCTYPE html>"
 set :monit_website_check_timeout,          20
 set :monit_website_check_cycles,           3
 set :monit_website_check_name,        			"#{fetch(:application)}-#{fetch(:stage)}"

Websites to check

Check as many websites as you want. If ssl active send alert 2 days before cert is invalid.

 ## check other Sites:
 set :monit_websites_to_check,     -> { [] }
 ## Website: { name: String, domain: String, ssl: Boolean, check_content: Boolean, path: String, content: String }
 ## Samples:
 ## set :monit_websites_to_check,         [
 ##   { name: 'My-API', domain: '', ssl: true, check_content: true, path: '/api', content: 'status.+OK' }
 ## ]

Files to check

Check as many websites as you want. If ssl active send alert 2 days before cert is invalid.

 ## Check files
 set :monit_files_to_check,        -> { [] }
 ## FILE: { name: String, path: String, max_size: Integer, clear: Boolean }
 ## Samples:
 ## set :monit_files_to_check,            [
 ##   { name: 'Rails-LOG', path: "#{ shared_path }/log/#{fetch(:stage)}.log", max_size: 13, clear: false },
 ##   { name: 'NginX-Access', path: "#{ shared_path }/log/nginx-access.log", max_size: 7, clear: false },
 ##   { name: 'NginX-Error', path: "#{ shared_path }/log/nginx-error.log", max_size: 7, clear: false }
 ## ]

PM2 - JS - App

 set :monit_pm2_app_name,                      "app"
 set :monit_pm2_app_instances,                 1
 set :monit_pm2_app_path,                      "/home/#{fetch(:user)}/pm2_app"
 set :monit_pm2_pid_path,                      "/home/#{fetch(:user)}/.pm2/pids"
 set :monit_pm2_start_script,                  "ecosystem.config.js"
 set :monit_pm2_stage,                         "production"
 set :pm2_roles,                               :web
 set :monit_pm2_worker_role,                   :user
 ## if prefix for monit command is needed .. ie: "[ -s \"$HOME/.nvm/\" ] && \. \"$HOME/.nvm/\" ; nvm use 9.9.0 ; "
 set :monit_pm2_worker_prefix,                 ""
 ## check website powered by pm2 .. for more settings use :monit_websites_to_check
 # set :monit_pm2_check_website,     						false
 # set :monit_pm2_website_name,      						"PM2 #{fetch(:application)} #{fetch(:stage)}"
 # set :monit_pm2_website_url,       						""
 # set :monit_pm2_website_ssl,       						false

Additional App helpers (for in app processes like: thin, sidekiq)

  set :monit_app_worker_command, "cd #{ current_path } ; #{fetch(:rvm_path)}/bin/rvm #{fetch(:rvm_ruby_version)} do bundle exec MONIT_CMD"
  # needs to include at least MONIT_CMD, which gets replaced with current command
  ## RVM:
  # - "cd #{ current_path } ; #{fetch(:rvm_path)}/bin/rvm #{fetch(:rvm_ruby_version)} do bundle exec MONIT_CMD"
  ## RVM1Caspistrano3:
  # - "cd #{ current_path } ; #{fetch(:rvm1_auto_script_path)}/ #{fetch(:rvm1_ruby_version)} bundle exec MONIT_CMD"
  ## if all is root
  # - "/usr/bin/env cd #{current_path} ; bundle exec MONIT_CMD"
  ## last option (if nothing else helps)
  # - "/bin/su - #{@role.user} -c 'cd #{current_path} ; bundle exec MONIT_CMD'"