All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release.
- #49 Bump phpstan/phpstan from 0.12.80 to 0.12.81
- #48 Bump captainhook/captainhook from 5.4.4 to 5.4.5
- #47 Bump captainhook/plugin-composer from 5.2.3 to 5.2.4
- #46 Bump Bump infection/infection from 0.21.3 to 0.21.4
- #39 Bump bitexpert/captainhook-infection from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- #38 Bump phpstan/phpstan from 0.12.71 to 0.12.77
- #37 Bump n98/magerun2 from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0
- #35 Add phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules dependency
- #33 Bump magento/framework from 103.0.1 to 103.0.2
- #32 Bump magento/module-indexer from 100.4.1 to 100.4.2
- #31 Bump magento/module-customer from 103.0.1 to 103.0.2
- #29 Bump bitexpert/captainhook-infection from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0
- #26 Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.5.1 to 9.5.2
- #20 Add Infection
- Nothing.
- #24 Replace Phing with Composer scripts
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- #19 Add Roave Security Advisories dependency
- #18 Add phpstan-magento extension
- #17 Add Docker setup to simplify testing
- #16 Add GitHub Action configuration
- #15 Enable PHPStan in Git hooks
- #14 Add CaptainHook dependency
- #13 Add PHPStan dependency
- #12 Add Phing dependency
- #11 Update dependencies
- #10 customer_grid is being reindex after changing the customer data
- #9 allow multiple email exclusions
- #8 Added --force parameter to bypass check for deploy-mode being developer
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
Initial release of the magerun2 password-normalizer plugin.