Common module is standard request and response format for Web. Currently Common Module support :
- Standard web response
- Standard paging and sorting request
- Default error handler
Blibli backend response will always use class Response<T>
* Standard Blibli Web Response
public class Response<T> {
* Code , usually same as HTTP Code
private Integer code;
* Status, usually same as HTTP status
private String status;
* Response data
private T data;
* Paging information, if response is paginate data
private Paging paging;
* Error information, if request is not valid
private Map<String, List<String>> errors;
* Metadata information
private Map<String, Object> metadata;
We can use ResponseHelper
to construct Response<T>
public class CustomerController {
@GetMapping(value = "/api/customers/{id}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Mono<Response<Customer>> findById(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
Mono<Customer> customerMono = service.findById(id);
return -> {
return ResponseHelper.ok(customer);
For Paging, we can use PagingRequest
class for web request, and Paging
class for web response.
We also already implement PagingRequestArgumentResolver
to support argument injection on controller,
so we don't need to parse paging request manually.
public class CustomerController {
value = "/api/customers",
public Mono<Response<List<Customer>>> list(PagingRequest pagingRequest) {
return customerService.find(pagingRequest)
.map(response -> {
Paging paging = PagingHelper.toPaging(pagingRequest, response.getTotal());
return ResponseHelper.ok(response.getCustomers(), paging);
In the url we can use standard paging :
GET /api/customers?page=1&item_per_page=100
GET /api/customers?page=2&item_per_page=50
GET /api/customers?page=2
We can also configure default paging properties :
In the PagingRequest
we also can give sorting information, and it will automatically injected to PagingRequest
GET /api/customers?page=2&sort_by=id:asc,first_name:asc,created_at:desc
GET /api/customers?page=2&sort_by=id,first_name,created_at:desc
We can also configured default sorting properties
Common module also contain default error handler to create standard error response.
We can use CommonErrorController
class to create standard error controller.
public class ErrorController implements CommonErrorController, MessageSourceAware {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public Logger getLogger() {
return log;
If we include Swagger Module, we can also make Paging & Sorting feature to be included on Swagger OpenAPI Spec.
We only need to add annotation @PagingRequestInQuery
public class CustomerController {
value = "/api/customers",
public Mono<Response<List<Customer>>> list(PagingRequest pagingRequest) {
// some logic
Sometimes we want to send metadata information for UI in validation message. We can do this with add @MetaDatas on validation field
public class SampleRequest {
@NotBlank(message = "NotBlank")
private String name;
@MetaData(key = "min", value = "1"),
@MetaData(key = "max", value = "100")
private Integer age;
When get validation error, response will automatically contains metadata
"code" : 400,
"status" : "BAD_REQUEST",
"errors" : {
"age" : [
"metadata" : {
"errors" : {
"age" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "100"