elastic/elasticsearch |
Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine |
https://www.elastic.co/about/careers/ |
serverless/serverless |
Serverless Framework |
https://serverless.com/company/jobs/ |
Unitech/pm2 |
Node.js Production Process Manager |
https://pm2.io/jobs/ |
grafana/grafana |
The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring |
https://grafana.com/about/hiring |
pingcap/tidb |
A distributed HTAP database |
https://pingcap.com/recruit-cn/join/ |
mongodb/mongo |
The MongoDB Database |
https://www.mongodb.com/careers |
cockroachdb/cockroach |
The open source, cloud-native SQL database |
https://www.cockroachlabs.com/careers/ |
jenkinsci/jenkins |
Open Source Automation Server |
https://www.cloudbees.com/careers/CloudBees does NOT own the Jenkins Project. But it does propose many jobs related to Jenkins and Jenkins X. |
odoo/odoo |
Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business |
https://www.odoo.com/jobs |
commaai/openpilot |
Open source driving agent |
https://comma.ai/jobs |
saltstack/salt |
Make software for complex systems management at scale |
https://www.saltstack.com/company/careers/ |
dgraph-io/dgraph |
Fast, Distributed Graph DB |
https://dgraph.io/careers |
gradle/gradle |
Adaptable, fast automation for all |
https://gradle.com/careers/ |
reactioncommerce/reaction |
Customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform |
https://www.reactioncommerce.com/careers |
arangodb/arangodb |
A native multi-model database |
https://www.arangodb.com/jobs/ |
hasura/graphql-engine |
Instant Realtime GraphQL on Postgres |
https://hasura.io/careers |
draios/sysdig |
A universal system visibility tool with native support for containers |
https://sysdig.com/jobs/ |
nodesource/distributions |
Secure. Reliable. Extensible. Node.js. |
https://nodesource.com/careers |
paritytech/parity-ethereum |
A Ethereum Client |
https://www.parity.io/jobs |
RasaHQ/rasa_nlu |
Natural language understanding |
https://angel.co/rasahq/jobs |
mapbox/mapbox-gl-js |
JavaScript library for interactive, customizable vector maps on the web |
https://www.mapbox.com/careers/ |
PrestaShop/PrestaShop |
A fully scalable open source ecommerce solution |
http://www.jobs.net/jobs/prestashop/en-gb/ |
SonarSource/SonarQube |
The leading Open Source product for continuous code quality |
http://sonarsource.com/company/jobs/ |
zeek/zeek |
Zeek (formerly Bro) is a powerful network analysis framework. |
https://corelight.com/company/careers |
hazelcast/hazelcast |
In-Memory Data Grid |
https://hazelcast.com/company/careers/ |
rundeck/rundeck |
An open source automation service |
https://www.rundeck.com/careers |
confluentinc/ksql |
The Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka |
https://www.confluent.io/careers/ |
bcoin-org/bcoin |
JavaScript bitcoin library for Node.js and browsers |
https://angel.co/company/purse/jobs/90956-open-source-protocol-developer-bcoin |
CartoDB/cartodb |
Location Intelligence & Data Visualization tool |
https://carto.com/careers/ |
docker/docker-ce |
Providing a standardized packaging format for diverse applications |
https://www.docker.com/careers |
datawire/ambassador |
Kubernetes-native API gateway for microservices |
https://www.datawire.io/careers/ |
crate/crate |
Distributed SQL database |
https://crate.io/jobs/ |
npm/cli |
A package manager for JavaScript |
https://www.npmjs.com/jobs |
bitnami/minideb |
A small image based on Debian |
https://bitnami.com/careers |
sylabs/singularity |
Linux container technology optimized for HPC workloads |
https://sylabs.io/resources/jobs |
pimcore/pimcore |
CMS/CMF, MDM, PIM, DAM and E-Commerce |
https://pimcore.com/en/about/careers |
YugaByte/yugabyte-db |
SQL database |
https://hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/yugabyte |
kaltura/nginx-vod-module |
NGINX-based MP4 Repackager |
https://corp.kaltura.com/company/careers/ |
unsplash/unsplash-js |
Building the internet's open library of freely usable visuals |
https://unsplash.com/hiring |
SeldonIO/seldon-core |
Machine Learning Deployment for Kubernetes |
https://www.seldon.io/careers/ |
fossas/fossa-cli |
Dependency analysis for any codebase |
https://fossa.com/careers |
oroinc/crm |
Main OroCRM package with core functionality. |
https://oroinc.com/careers |
amazeeio/lagoon |
Build and Deploy System for OpenShift & Kubernetes |
https://amazee.bamboohr.com/jobs/ |
irccloud/ios |
Chat on IRC from anywhere |
https://www.irccloud.com/jobs |
ezsystems/ezplatform |
Professional CMS |
https://ez.no/About-eZ/Careers |
platformsh/platformsh-cli |
Continuous Deployment Cloud Hosting |
https://platform.sh/company/careers |
DECENTfoundation/DECENT-Network |
Blockchain You Can Easily Build On |
https://decent.ch/careers/ |
vizorvr/patches |
A visual programming editor for building WebVR and WebGL experiences |
https://site.vizor.io/jobs |
jetbrains/kotlin |
Open Source, Static typed multiplatform programming language |
https://www.jetbrains.com/careers/jobs/ |
jetbrains/intellij-community |
Open Source, The Java IDE for Professional Developers |
https://www.jetbrains.com/careers/jobs/ |
arduino/Arduino |
open-source electronics prototyping platform |
https://www.arduino.cc/en/Careers/Home |
codecombat/codecombat |
Game for learning how to code |
https://codecombat.com/about#careers |
gitlab |
Open source software to collaborate on code |
https://about.gitlab.com/jobs/ |
getsentry/sentry |
Cross-platform application monitoring, with a focus on error reporting |
https://sentry.io/careers/ |
slic3r/Slic3r |
Open Source 3D printing toolbox |
https://slic3r.org/blog/job-opportunities/ |
isc-projects/bind9 |
A complete, highly portable implementation of the DNS (Domain Name System) protocol |
https://jobs.isc.org/ |
chaos-genius/chaos_genius |
ML powered analytics engine for outlier/anomaly detection and root cause analysis |
https://www.chaosgenius.io/about.html |
metabase/metabase |
The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company |
https://www.metabase.com/jobs/ |