- Contributors: bobbingwide, vsgloik
- Donate link: https://www.oik-plugins.com/oik/oik-donate/
- Tags: [nivo], shortcode, slider, jQuery, oik
- Requires at least: 4.9
- Tested up to: 6.5
- Stable tag: 1.16.4
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
- Gutenberg compatible: Yes
[nivo] shortcode for the responsive jQuery "Nivo slider" for posts, pages, attachments and custom post types using oik
[nivo] shortcode for the jQuery Nivo slider; "The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider"; reputed to be the world's most popular jQuery image slider.
- Now supports theme=custom
- Add support for link=full, to open the original full sized image rather than the selected thumbnail= size
Choose the contents of the caption area using the format= parameter
Note: The format parameter was first made available for the [bw_pages] shortcode and is also supported in [bw_cycle]; both part of the oik base plugin.
- Flexible slider
- 16 transition effects
- 4 responsive slider themes
- Built in directional and control navigation
- Thumbnail image navigation
See also Nivo Slider for more information about the jQuery Nivo code.
[nivo] lazy smart shortcode
Displays attached images
Displays images attached to related content
Profile for nivo slider settings
Display slideshows with/without links
Display slideshows with/without captions
Displays slideshows with HTML captions, using the format= parameter
Transition effect can be defined in the shortcode
Supports custom links to your content
Supports jQuery Nivo 3.2 for responsive sliders
nivo slider can be put into any part of your website: content, header, footer and sidebar text widgets
1 additional responsive slider theme
Supports jQuery Nivo 2.7.1 for backward compatibility
4 additional themes for jQuery Nivo 2.7.1
Works with existing content, does not add its own custom post type
Uses the oik plugin's shortcode API for lazy smart shortcodes
The [nivo] shortcode is interchangeable with other oik shortcodes such as [bw_images], [bw_thumbs] or [bw_pages]
Supports display of images from a NextGEN gallery, using a "special post type" of nggallery.
Supports display of a plugin's screenshots
Supports display of images with fancybox
Note: oik-nivo-slider is dependent upon the oik plugin. You can activate it but it will not function correctly unless the pre-requisite version of oik is also activated. Download oik from oik download
- Upload the contents of the oik-nivo-slider plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-nivo-slider' directory
- Activate the oik-nivo-slider plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Whenever you want to produce a Nivo slider use the [nivo] shortcode.
- Note: oik-nivo-slider is dependent upon the oik plugin. You can activate it but it will not work unless oik is also activated. Download oik from oik download
- Upload the contents of the oik-nivo-slider plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-nivo-slider' directory
- Activate the oik-nivo-slider plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Whenever you want to produce a Nivo slider use the [nivo] shortcode.
- Note: oik-nivo-slider is dependent upon the oik plugin. You can activate it but it will not work unless oik is also activated. Download oik from oik download
If you simply want to show all the attached images to a page, post or custom post type then use
You need to activate both the oik-nivo-slider plugin and the oik base plugin. The [nivo] shortcode only becomes functional when [oik] is loaded.
The most common fixes to this problem are:
- Don't insert the images that you want in the slideshow into the page; just upload media and save changes.
- The slider requires jQuery. Check that your theme files contain calls to wp_head() and wp_footer().
The basic parameters that control the display of the Nivo slider are:
[nivo theme="default|bar|dark|light|oik|orman|pascal|default271|oik271 - Theme for the slideshow" link="y|n|file|full - Link the images to the target post/page or media file" caption="y|n - Display the image title as the caption" ribbon="y|n - Display the ribbon, if the theme supports it (version 271 only)" thumbnail="full|thumbnail|medium|large|nnn|wxh - image size" class="|classes - CSS classes" thumbs="|n|y - thumbnail navigation" effect="random|sliceDownRight|sliceDownLeft|sliceUpRight|sliceUpLeft|sliceUpDown|sliceUpDownLeft|fold|fade|boxRandom|boxRain|boxRainReverse|boxRainGrow|boxRainGrowReverse|slideInLeft|slideInRight ]
There are three methods.
- Use the oik custom link URL field
- Build the slideshow from images attached to related content
- Use the format= parameter
If your slide show is created from attached images then use the oik custom image link URL field in the Add Media dialog to set the target for the link.
Alternatively build the slideshow dynamically from images attached to related content.
Use the post_type parameter to specify the content type and
- either the post_parent parameter for hierarchical content types
- or category for posts
- or other selection criteria for other content types
[nivo post_type="post_type - Post type to display" post_parent="|ID - Parent ID to use if not current post" ]
[nivo format="L" ]
[nivo format="T/C" ]
[nivo post_type="attachment|post_type|special:value - Post type to display" theme="default|custom|bar|dark|light|oik|orman|pascal|default271|oik271 - Theme for the slideshow" class="|classes - CSS classes" link="y|n|file|full - Link the images to the target post/page or media file" caption="y|n - Display the image title as the caption" ribbon="y|n - Display the ribbon, if the theme supports it" thumbnail="full|thumbnail|medium|large|nnn|wxh - image size" thumbs="|n| y - Thumbnail navigation" nav="|n| y - Control navigation" pause="|pause - Pause time in milli seconds" manual="|n| y - Manual advance" effect="random|sliceDownRight|sliceDownLeft|sliceUpRight|sliceUpLeft|sliceUpDown|sliceUpDownLeft|fold|fade|boxRandom|boxRain|boxRainReverse|boxRainGrow|boxRainGrowReverse|slideInLeft|slideInRight - transition effect" numberposts="5|numeric - number to return" offset="0|numeric - offset from which to start" category="|category-id - category IDs (comma separated)" category_name="|category-slug - category slugs (comma separated)" customcategoryname="|category-slug - custom category slug" orderby="date|ID|title|parent|rand|menu_order - Sort sequence" order="DESC|ASC - Sort order." include="|id1,id2 - IDs to include" exclude="|id1,id2 - IDs to exclude" meta_key="|meta key - post metadata key" meta_value="|meta value - post metadata value" post_mime_type="|image|application|text|video|mime type - Attached media MIME type" post_parent="|ID - Parent ID to use if not current post" post_status="publish|pending|draft|auto-draft|future|private|trash|any - Post status" id="|IDs - IDs of posts to display" ]
NO. You can enable the oik TinyMCE shortcode or quicktag buttons. See oik options > Buttons. When editing a post/page with TinyMCE or the HTML editor click on the shortcode button to see a list of ALL enabled shortcodes and get syntax help, where available.
The oik Nivo slider is developed using the OIK (Often Included Key Information) API (Application Programming Interface). If you don't have the OIK plugin installed and activated then the Nivo slider shortcode won't work.
Specifically, the code is dependent upon bw_get_posts() to obtain the list of attachments, posts, pages or custom post types which populate the slider and bw_thumbnail() to select the image to display when it's not an attached image.
The default image size is thumbnail=full. At present the bw_thumbnail() function will only return an image for a particular post id when there is an attached image; it won't find the featured image. As a workaround either specify the thumbnail parameter as small,medium,large or your preferred size (e.g. 150x100) OR ensure that the image you want to display is attached to the post OR exclude the post from the list ( exclude=id1,id2 )
NO, not any more. If you use any one of the five themes associated with jQuery Nivo version 3.1 then the images can be different sizes.
- Warning: you might not like the results though.
YES. Use the Nivo slider settings page.
This is planned for a future version.
YES. You can use the [nivo] shortcode in sidebars, headers and footers by using a text widget. It's just like entering the shortcode into a post, page or custom post type. Remember you may need to set the post_parent parameter to control which posts are loaded.
Not directly. In order to get the shortcode to expand you need to wrap it in some php.
One way of achieving this is to code
<?php echo do_shortcode('[nivo post_type=attachment post_parent=487 caption=n]'); ?>
The plugin includes multiple versions of the FREE jQuery Nivo slider from Dev7 Studios
- Version 3.2 is the latest version producing responsive slideshows.
- oik-nivo-slider continues to support the themes for version 2.7.1: default271, orman, pascal and oik271
YES... from oik-nivo-slider version 1.9
YES... from oik-nivo-slider version 1.7 with oik 1.17 or higher Thumbnail navigation is supported from version 3.1 of the nivo jQuery code.
YES... Use the effect= parameter e.g. [nivo effect=boxRain]
I have not tried Nivo's plugin.
YES. Basic support for images in NextGEN galleries has been added in version 1.18 You need to use a special post_type parameter e.g. [nivo post_type=nggallery:1]
- The special post_type is nggallery
- Then you need a colon (:)
- Then the ID of the gallery
oik-nivo-slider has built in support for:
- nggallery:id - display the images from a NextGEN gallery
- screenshot:plugin_name - display the screenshots for an installed plugin
YES. See oik-nivo-slider
- Nivo slider - default theme [nivo]
- Nivo slider - bar theme [nivo theme=bar]
- Nivo slider - dark theme [nivo theme=dark]
- Nivo slider - light theme [nivo theme=light]
- Nivo slider - oik theme - not hovered over [nivo theme=oik ]
- Nivo slider - oik theme - image hovered over
- Nivo slider - oik theme - caption hovered over
- Nivo slider - default271 theme [nivo theme=default271]
- Nivo slider - orman theme [nivo theme=orman]
- Nivo slider - pascal theme [nivo theme=pascal]
- Nivo slider - oik271 theme [nivo theme=oik271]
- oik Nivo slider options page
Implements Required Plugins from WordPress 6.5. Tested with PHP 8.3
- Changed: Support PHP 8.3 #13
- Tested: With WordPress 6.5 and WordPress Multisite
- Tested: With PHP 8.3
- Tested: With PHPUnit 9.6
If you want to read more about the oik plugins then please visit the oik plugin "the oik plugin - for often included key-information"