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Math 0. Helpful Math Functions |
- Important classes: Mathf class
- Script reference: Mathf class
- Unity has a built-in
class that includes important methods and constants - Before diving deeper, let's introduce just a few of them
- gives the absolute value of a number
- negative numbers become positive, positive numbers stay positive
Mathf.Abs(-3.0f) // returns 3.0f Mathf.Abs(2.5f) // returns 2.5f
- good for magnitude comparisons where your value can be negative or positive
- e.g., if you want to do stuff only when velocity is under a maximum value:
if (Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity) < maxVelocity) { // do stuff }
- how would this behave without
- e.g., if you want to do stuff only when velocity is under a maximum value:
Mathf.Min(value1, value2)
- returns the smaller of the two given values
- use if you want that some value shouldn't be greater than an upper limit
HP = Mathf.Min(HP, maxHP) // makes sure HP is never greater than maxHP
Mathf.Max(value1, value2)
- returns the greater of the two given values
- use if you want that some value shouldn't be smaller than a lower limit
HP = Mathf.Max(HP, 0.0f) // makes sure HP is never smaller than zero
Mathf.Clamp(value, min, max)
- a combination of
- if you want a value to always be between a lower and an upper limit, use this!
- we can combine the previous HP examples into one:
HP = Mathf.Clamp(HP, 0.0f, maxHP) // HP is never smaller than zero or greater than maxHP
- a combination of