title | marp | paginate | math |
Math. Unity Math classes |
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- Manual: Mathf class
- Script Reference: Mathf class
- Min, Max, Clamp, Abs: See Helpful Math functions
- See Interpolation (lerp, slerp...)
- Sin, Cos, Tan, Asin, Acos, Atan, Atan2
- Rad2Deg, Deg2Rad
- PI
- Pow, Sqrt, Exp, Log
- Abs
- Max, Min
- Clamp, Clamp01
- (value, min, max)
- Repeat, PingPong
- Ceil, Floor
- Mathf.DeltaAngle(a,b): Shortest difference between two given angles
- Important classes: Random
- This page has all the random examples you need
- Script Reference: Random class
- Script Reference: Random.Range
Note: For integers, the maximum value is exclusive (it's not included!)
- For floats it's inclusive (it IS included!)
- For example:
returns random integer values(not !) -
returns random float values
- Manual: Rotation and Orientation in Unity
- Euler angles are a rather simple way of representing rotation with three X,Y,Z values
- Quaternions: A four-dimensional extension of complex numbers with three imaginary axes
They're used for representing rotation angles instead of Euler angles that can result in a gimbal lock
Most Unity devs don't really need to understand the underlying maths
Even though rotation is stored as a quaternion...
- four components: x, y, z, w
...it is shown in Inspector with Euler angles
- Never adjust Quaternion components independently, use ready-made functions from the Quaternion class
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(target.position - transform.position)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(target.position - transform.position, new Vector3.Up)