Brian E. J. Rose, University at Albany
This document uses the interactive Jupyter notebook
format. The notes can be accessed in several different ways:
- The interactive notebooks are hosted on
at - The latest versions can be viewed as static web pages rendered on nbviewer
- A complete snapshot of the notes as of May 2017 (end of spring semester) are available on Brian's website.
Also here is a legacy version from 2015.
Many of these notes make use of the climlab
package, available at
- A Radiative-Convective Model (RCM) using the RRTMG radiation module
- Adjustment toward Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
- Forcing and feedback in the RCM
- The role of water vapor in the warming
- Observed relative humidity profiles
- Exercises on water vapor
There is some code below that produces an animation interactively and displays the results in the notebook. For this to work, you may need to install ffmpeg, a piece of software that handles generating video.
On Mac, I like to use the package manager called homebrew. I successfully got these animations working by doing
brew install ffmpeg
(as of version 0.5, Spring 2017) provides two different "GCM-level" radiation codes:
- The CAM3 radiation module from NCAR (essentially the same radiation code used in our CESM slab ocean simulations)
- The RRTMG (Rapid Radiative Transfer Model) which is used in many current GCMs.
The links above take you to the online climlab documentation.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import climlab
# Some imports needed to make and display animations
from IPython.display import HTML
from matplotlib import animation
# Disable interactive plotting (use explicit display calls to show figures)
import climlab
# Choose the surface albedo
alb = 0.2
# State variables (Air and surface temperature)
state = climlab.column_state(num_lev=50)
# Parent model process
rcm = climlab.TimeDependentProcess(state=state)
# Fixed relative humidity
h2o = climlab.radiation.ManabeWaterVapor(state=state)
# Couple water vapor to radiation
rad = climlab.radiation.RRTMG(state=state, specific_humidity=h2o.q, albedo=alb)
# Convective adjustment
conv = climlab.convection.ConvectiveAdjustment(state=state, adj_lapse_rate=6)
# Couple everything together
rcm.add_subprocess('Radiation', rad)
rcm.add_subprocess('WaterVapor', h2o)
rcm.add_subprocess('Convection', conv)
print rcm
Getting ozone data from /Users/br546577/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/climlab/radiation/data/ozone/
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.process.time_dependent_process.TimeDependentProcess'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Tatm: (50,)
Ts: (1,)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.process.time_dependent_process.TimeDependentProcess'>
Convection: <class 'climlab.convection.convadj.ConvectiveAdjustment'>
Radiation: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg.RRTMG'>
LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_lw.RRTMG_LW'>
SW: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_sw.RRTMG_SW'>
WaterVapor: <class 'climlab.radiation.water_vapor.ManabeWaterVapor'>
For convenience we still have our handle to the Radiation
rad is rcm.subprocess.Radiation
radiation module is actually comprised of two subprocesses
print rad
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg.RRTMG'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Tatm: (50,)
Ts: (1,)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg.RRTMG'>
LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_lw.RRTMG_LW'>
SW: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_sw.RRTMG_SW'>
print rad.subprocess.LW
print rad.subprocess.SW
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_lw.RRTMG_LW'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Tatm: (50,)
Ts: (1,)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_lw.RRTMG_LW'>
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_sw.RRTMG_SW'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Tatm: (50,)
Ts: (1,)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_sw.RRTMG_SW'>
They are defined in a dictionary that is shared with the LW
and SW
# Volumetric mixing ratios
{'CCL4': 0.0,
'CFC11': 0.0,
'CFC12': 0.0,
'CFC22': 0.0,
'CH4': 1.65e-06,
'CO2': 0.000348,
'N2O': 3.06e-07,
'O2': 0.21,
'O3': array([ 8.49933725e-06, 4.48576690e-06, 2.25137178e-06,
1.13532298e-06, 6.61862588e-07, 4.41032900e-07,
3.18477002e-07, 2.45552383e-07, 2.00235820e-07,
1.66251001e-07, 1.37260417e-07, 1.14054576e-07,
9.29020109e-08, 8.01070865e-08, 6.83827083e-08,
6.34392413e-08, 5.84957744e-08, 5.57122567e-08,
5.33033466e-08, 5.10772439e-08, 4.93420300e-08,
4.76068161e-08, 4.60528063e-08, 4.48079957e-08,
4.35631852e-08, 4.23784162e-08, 4.16341607e-08,
4.08899052e-08, 4.01456497e-08, 3.94640551e-08,
3.88467978e-08, 3.82295406e-08, 3.76122833e-08,
3.68509303e-08, 3.59191566e-08, 3.49873829e-08,
3.40556092e-08, 3.31238355e-08, 3.21055234e-08,
3.10854767e-08, 3.00654301e-08, 2.90453834e-08,
2.80298557e-08, 2.71984933e-08, 2.63671309e-08,
2.55357684e-08, 2.47044060e-08, 2.38730436e-08,
2.30733320e-08, 2.22994173e-08])}
# Dictionary is shared with the LW and SW subprocesses
rad.absorber_vmr is rad.subprocess.LW.absorber_vmr
rad.absorber_vmr is rad.subprocess.SW.absorber_vmr
# E.g. the CO2 content (a well-mixed gas) in parts per million
rad.absorber_vmr['CO2'] * 1E6
For details you can look at the documentation
Many of the parameters control the radiative effects of clouds.
But here we should note that the model is initialized with no clouds at all:
A feature of climlab
is that diagnostics computed by a subprocess
are automatically added to the parent process:
We are going to look at the time-dependent adjustment of the column from an isothermal initial state to a final Radiative-Convective equilibrium.
# We will plot temperatures with respect to log(pressure) to get a height-like coordinate
def zstar(lev):
return -np.log(lev /
# Compute all tendencies in K/day
# as of climlab 0.5.0 there is a bug in the units for ConvectiveAdjustment
# which we account for here
def get_tendencies(model):
from collections import OrderedDict
tendencies_atm = OrderedDict()
tendencies_sfc = OrderedDict()
tendencies_atm['Convection'] = model.subprocess['Convection'].tendencies['Tatm']
tendencies_atm['LW radiation'] = (model.subprocess['Radiation'].subprocess['LW'].tendencies['Tatm']
* climlab.constants.seconds_per_day)
tendencies_atm['SW radiation'] = (model.subprocess['Radiation'].subprocess['SW'].tendencies['Tatm']
* climlab.constants.seconds_per_day)
tendencies_atm['Radiation (net)'] = tendencies_atm['LW radiation'] + tendencies_atm['SW radiation']
tendencies_atm['Total'] = tendencies_atm['Radiation (net)'] + tendencies_atm['Convection']
tendencies_sfc['Convection'] = model.subprocess['Convection'].tendencies['Ts']
tendencies_sfc['LW radiation'] = (model.subprocess['Radiation'].subprocess['LW'].tendencies['Ts']
* climlab.constants.seconds_per_day)
tendencies_sfc['SW radiation'] = (model.subprocess['Radiation'].subprocess['SW'].tendencies['Ts']
* climlab.constants.seconds_per_day)
tendencies_sfc['Radiation (net)'] = tendencies_sfc['LW radiation'] + tendencies_sfc['SW radiation']
tendencies_sfc['Total'] = tendencies_sfc['Radiation (net)'] + tendencies_sfc['Convection']
return tendencies_atm, tendencies_sfc
yticks = np.array([1000., 750., 500., 250., 100., 50., 20., 10., 5.])
def setup_figure():
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,4))
axes[1].set_xlabel('Temperature tendency (K/day)', fontsize=14)
axes[0].set_xlabel('Temperature (K)', fontsize=14)
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylabel('Pressure (hPa)', fontsize=14)
twinax = axes[0].twiny()
twinax.set_title('Specific humidity (g/kg)')
axes = np.append(axes, twinax)
fig.suptitle('Radiative-Convective Model with RRTMG radiation', fontsize=14)
return fig, axes
Starting from an isothermal initial condition
def initial_figure(model):
# Make figure and axes
fig, axes = setup_figure()
# plot initial data
lines = []
lines.append(axes[0].plot(model.Tatm, zstar(model.lev), color='b')[0])
lines.append(axes[0].plot(model.Ts, 0, 'o', markersize=8, color='b')[0])
lines.append(axes[2].plot(model.q*1E3, zstar(model.lev))[0])
ax = axes[1]
color_cycle=['y', 'r', 'b', 'g', 'k']
tendencies_atm, tendencies_sfc = get_tendencies(model)
for i, name in enumerate(tendencies_atm):
lines.append(ax.plot(tendencies_atm[name], zstar(model.lev), label=name, color=color_cycle[i])[0])
for i, name in enumerate(tendencies_sfc):
lines.append(ax.plot(tendencies_sfc[name], 0, 'o', markersize=8, color=color_cycle[i])[0])
ax.legend(loc='center right');
lines.append(axes[0].text(300, zstar(18.), 'Day 0'))
return fig, axes, lines
# Start from isothermal state
rcm.state.Tatm[:] = rcm.state.Ts
# Call the diagnostics once for initial plotting
# Plot initial data
fig, axes, lines = initial_figure(rcm)
def animate(day, model, lines):
tendencies_atm, tendencies_sfc = get_tendencies(model)
for i, name in enumerate(tendencies_atm):
for i, name in enumerate(tendencies_sfc):
lines[-1].set_text('Day {}'.format(int(model.time['days_elapsed'])))
return lines
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=np.arange(1, 150), fargs=(rcm, lines))
Plenty of interesting things to see in this animation! Discuss...
The model is settling down after 150 days but is not really at equilibrium:
rcm.ASR - rcm.OLR
So we will integrate it out further (without animation):
rcm.ASR - rcm.OLR
Integrating for 730 steps, 730.4844 days, or 2 years.
Total elapsed time is 2.41209805439 years.
# The equilibrated surface temperature
Field([ 286.95964266])
animate(0, rcm, lines)
# Make a clone of our model and double CO2
rcm2 = climlab.process_like(rcm)
rcm2.subprocess['Radiation'].absorber_vmr['CO2'] *= 2.
# Current CO2 concentration in ppmv
print rcm2.subprocess['Radiation'].absorber_vmr['CO2'] * 1E6
# Compute radiation forcing
# There are now changes in both longwave and shortwave from the increased CO2
DeltaOLR = rcm2.OLR - rcm.OLR
DeltaASR = rcm2.ASR - rcm.ASR
print DeltaOLR, DeltaASR
[-2.58247534] [ 0.05647402]
# The radiative forcing includes both LW and SW components
RF = DeltaASR - DeltaOLR
print 'The radiative forcing for doubling CO2 is %0.2f W/m2.' % (RF)
The radiative forcing for doubling CO2 is 2.64 W/m2.
# Plot initial data
fig, axes, lines = initial_figure(rcm2)
You have to look carefully to see this differences from the equilibrated model above. But the LW cooling rate is just a little smaller.
rcm_2xCO2 = climlab.process_like(rcm2)
ani_2xCO2 = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=np.arange(1, 100), fargs=(rcm_2xCO2, lines))
Ok, it's a bit like watching paint dry but the model is warming up.
What happened in the stratosphere?
rcm_2xCO2.ASR - rcm_2xCO2.OLR
array([ 1.02848298])
rcm_2xCO2.ASR - rcm_2xCO2.OLR
Integrating for 730 steps, 730.4844 days, or 2 years.
Total elapsed time is 4.69003855524 years.
array([ -2.27743897e-07])
DeltaTs = float(rcm_2xCO2.Ts - rcm.Ts)
print 'The equilibrium climate sensitivity is {:0.2f} K.'.format(DeltaTs)
The equilibrium climate sensitivity is 2.28 K.
animate(0, rcm_2xCO2, lines)
rcm_noH2O = climlab.process_like(rcm2)
print rcm_noH2O
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.process.time_dependent_process.TimeDependentProcess'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Tatm: (50,)
Ts: (1,)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.process.time_dependent_process.TimeDependentProcess'>
Convection: <class 'climlab.convection.convadj.ConvectiveAdjustment'>
Radiation: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg.RRTMG'>
LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_lw.RRTMG_LW'>
SW: <class 'climlab.radiation.rrtm.rrtmg_sw.RRTMG_SW'>
The specific humidity profile is now fixed.
rcm_noH2O.ASR - rcm_noH2O.OLR
Integrating for 730 steps, 730.4844 days, or 2 years.
Total elapsed time is 4.4135097204 years.
array([ 2.32728325e-07])
Let's double-check to see if the specific humidity field changed.
rcm_noH2O.subprocess['Radiation'].specific_humidity == rcm2.subprocess['Radiation'].specific_humidity
Field([ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True, True, True], dtype=bool)
DeltaTs_noH2O = float(rcm_noH2O.Ts - rcm.Ts)
print 'The equilibrium climate sensitivity without water vapor feedback is {:0.2f} K.'.format(DeltaTs_noH2O)
The equilibrium climate sensitivity without water vapor feedback is 1.34 K.
- How would you quantify the water vapor feedback in this model?
- What determines the strength of the water vapor feedback?
- What if the distribution of relative humidity changes a little bit as part of the global warming response?
We can investigate this last question actively with our model.
What is the prescribed Relative Humidity profile in our model, and how does it compare to observations?
import xarray as xr
from xarray.ufuncs import cos, deg2rad, log, exp
# This will try to read the data over the internet.
ncep_filename = ''
# to read over internet
ncep_url = ""
path = ncep_url
# Open handle to data
ncep_rhum = xr.open_dataset( path + ncep_filename, decode_times=False )
Dimensions: (lat: 73, level: 8, lon: 144, nbnds: 2, time: 12)
* level (level) float32 1000.0 925.0 850.0 700.0 600.0 500.0 ...
* lon (lon) float32 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 ...
* lat (lat) float32 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 ...
* time (time) float64 -6.571e+05 -6.57e+05 -6.57e+05 ...
Dimensions without coordinates: nbnds
Data variables:
climatology_bounds (time, nbnds) float64 ...
rhum (time, level, lat, lon) float64 ...
valid_yr_count (time, level, lat, lon) float64 ...
description: Data from NCEP initialized reanalysis (4x...
platform: Model
Conventions: COARDS
not_missing_threshold_percent: minimum 3% values input to have non-missi...
history: Created 2011/07/12 by doMonthLTM\nConvert...
title: monthly ltm rhum from the NCEP Reanalysis
dataset_title: NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis 1
# Weighting for global average
weight = cos(deg2rad( / cos(deg2rad('lat')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,8))
ax = axes[0]
cax = ax.contourf(, ncep_rhum.level,
ncep_rhum.rhum.mean(dim=('lon', 'time')),
fig.colorbar(cax, ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Relative Humidity from NCEP Reanalysis (annual, zonal average)', fontsize=16)
ax = axes[1]
ax.plot((ncep_rhum.rhum*weight).mean(dim=('lon', 'time', 'lat')),
ncep_rhum.level, label='NCEP Renalysis')
# Overlay a plot of the prescribed RH profile in our model:
ax.plot(h2o.RH_profile*100., h2o.lev, label='Manabe parameterization')
ax.set_xlabel('Global average RH (%)')
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylabel('Pressure (hPa)')
Suppose that (for reasons that are unresolved in our model) the RH profile changes.
Specifcally let's consider a layer of (relatively) moister air in the upper troposphere, which we will implement as a Gaussian perturbation centered at 300 hPa:
# Gaussian bump centered at 300 hPa
def rh_pert(lev):
return 0.2 * exp(-(lev-300.)**2/(2*50.)**2)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot((ncep_rhum.rhum*weight).mean(dim=('lon', 'time', 'lat')),
ncep_rhum.level, label='NCEP Renalysis')
# Overlay a plot of the prescribed RH profile in our model:
ax.plot(h2o.RH_profile*100., h2o.lev, label='Manabe parameterization')
ax.plot((h2o.RH_profile + rh_pert(h2o.lev))*100., h2o.lev, label='Perturbed')
ax.set_xlabel('Global average RH (%)')
ax.set_ylabel('Pressure (hPa)')
ax.legend(); ax.invert_yaxis()
%load_ext version_information
%version_information numpy, matplotlib, climlab
Software | Version |
Python | 2.7.12 64bit [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00)] |
IPython | 5.3.0 |
OS | Darwin 16.5.0 x86_64 i386 64bit |
numpy | 1.11.1 |
matplotlib | 2.0.0 |
climlab | 0.5.6 |
Thu May 25 13:33:32 2017 EDT |
The author of this notebook is Brian E. J. Rose, University at Albany.
It was developed in support of ATM 623: Climate Modeling, a graduate-level course in the Department of Atmospheric and Envionmental Sciences
Development of these notes and the climlab software is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under award AGS-1455071 to Brian Rose. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed here are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.