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% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function [coe, r, v, jd] = planet_elements_and_sv ... (planet_id, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%{ This function calculates the orbital elements and the state vector of a planet from the date (year, month, day) and universal time (hour, minute, second). mu - gravitational parameter of the sun (km^3/s^2) deg - conversion factor between degrees and radians pi - 3.1415926... coe - vector of heliocentric orbital elements [h e RA incl w TA a w_hat L M E], where h = angular momentum (km^2/s) e = eccentricity RA = right ascension (deg) incl = inclination (deg) w = argument of perihelion (deg) TA = true anomaly (deg) a = semimajor axis (km) w_hat = longitude of perihelion ( = RA + w) (deg) L = mean longitude ( = w_hat + M) (deg) M = mean anomaly (deg) E = eccentric anomaly (deg) planet_id - planet identifier: 1 = Mercury 2 = Venus 3 = Earth 4 = Mars 5 = Jupiter 7 = Uranus 8 = Neptune 9 = Pluto year - range: 1901 - 2050 month - range: 1 - 12 day - range: 1 - 31 hour - range: 0 - 23 minute - range: 0 - 60 second - range: 0 - 60 j0 - Julian day number of the date at 0 hr UT ut - universal time in fractions of a day jd - julian day number of the date and time J2000_coe - row vector of J2000 orbital elements from Table 9.1 rates - row vector of Julian centennial rates from Table 9.1 t0 - Julian centuries between J2000 and jd elements - orbital elements at jd r - heliocentric position vector v - heliocentric velocity vector User M-functions required: J0, kepler_E, sv_from_coe User subfunctions required: planetary_elements%}% --------------------------------------------------------------------global mudeg = pi/180;%...Equation 5.48:j0 = J0(year, month, day);ut = (hour + minute/60 + second/3600)/24;%...Equation 5.47jd = j0 + ut;%...Obtain the data for the selected planet from Table 8.1:[J2000_coe, rates] = planetary_elements(planet_id);%...Equation 8.93a:t0 = (jd - 2451545)/36525;%...Equation 8.93b:elements = J2000_coe + rates*t0;a = elements(1);e = elements(2);%...Equation 2.71:h = sqrt(mu*a*(1 - e^2));%...Reduce the angular elements to within the range 0 - 360 degrees:incl = elements(3);RA = mod(elements(4),360);w_hat = mod(elements(5),360);L = mod(elements(6),360);w = mod(w_hat - RA ,360);M = mod(L - w_hat ,360);%...Algorithm 3.1 (for which M must be in radians)E = kepler_E(e, M*deg); %rad%...Equation 3.13 (converting the result to degrees):TA = mod(2*atand(sqrt((1 + e)/(1 - e))*tan(E/2)),360); coe = [h e RA*deg incl*deg w*deg TA*deg];%...Algorithm 4.5:[r, v] = sv_from_coe(coe, mu);return% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function [J2000_coe, rates] = planetary_elements(planet_id)% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%{ This function extracts a planet's J2000 orbital elements and centennial rates from Table 8.1. planet_id - 1 through 9, for Mercury through Pluto J2000_elements - 9 by 6 matrix of J2000 orbital elements for the nine planets Mercury through Pluto. The columns of each row are: a = semimajor axis (AU) e = eccentricity i = inclination (degrees) RA = right ascension of the ascending node (degrees) w_hat = longitude of perihelion (degrees) L = mean longitude (degrees) cent_rates - 9 by 6 matrix of the rates of change of the J2000_elements per Julian century (Cy). Using "dot" for time derivative, the columns of each row are: a_dot (AU/Cy) e_dot (1/Cy) i_dot (deg/Cy) RA_dot (deg/Cy) w_hat_dot (deg/Cy) Ldot (deg/Cy) J2000_coe - row vector of J2000_elements corresponding to "planet_id", with au converted to km rates - row vector of cent_rates corresponding to "planet_id", with au converted to km au - astronomical unit (149597871 km)%}% --------------------------------------------------------------------%---- a --------- e -------- i -------- RA --------- w_hat ------- L ------J2000_elements = ...[0.38709927 0.20563593 7.00497902 48.33076593 77.45779628 252.25032350 0.72333566 0.00677672 3.39467605 76.67984255 131.60246718 181.97909950 1.00000261 0.01671123 -0.00001531 0.0 102.93768193 100.46457166 1.52371034 0.09339410 1.84969142 49.55953891 -23.94362959 -4.55343205 5.20288700 0.04838624 1.30439695 100.47390909 14.72847983 34.39644501 9.53667594 0.05386179 2.48599187 113.66242448 92.59887831 49.9542442319.18916464 0.04725744 0.77263783 74.01692503 170.95427630 313.2381045130.06992276 0.00859048 1.77004347 131.78422574 44.96476227 -55.12002969 39.48211675 0.24882730 17.14001206 110.30393684 224.06891629 238.92903833];cent_rates = ... [0.00000037 0.00001906 -0.00594749 -0.12534081 0.16047689 149472.67411175 0.00000390 -0.00004107 -0.00078890 -0.27769418 0.00268329 58517.81538729 0.00000562 -0.00004392 -0.01294668 0.0 0.32327364 35999.37244981 0.0001847 0.00007882 -0.00813131 -0.29257343 0.44441088 19140.30268499 -0.00011607 -0.00013253 -0.00183714 0.20469106 0.21252668 3034.74612775 -0.00125060 -0.00050991 0.00193609 -0.28867794 -0.41897216 1222.49362201-0.00196176 -0.00004397 -0.00242939 0.04240589 0.40805281 428.48202785 0.00026291 0.00005105 0.00035372 -0.00508664 -0.32241464 218.45945325 -0.00031596 0.00005170 0.00004818 -0.01183482 -0.04062942 145.20780515]; J2000_coe = J2000_elements(planet_id,:);rates = cent_rates(planet_id,:);%...Convert from AU to km:au = 149597871; J2000_coe(1) = J2000_coe(1)*au;rates(1) = rates(1)*au;end %planetary_elementsend %planet_elements_and_sv% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~