- 📖 Introduction to Algirithms (Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, 2022)
- 📖 Algorithms, 4th edition ( Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne)
- 🧑🏫 algorithms, part1 (Princeton)
- 🧑🏫 algorithms, part2 (Princeton)
- 🧑🏫 6.006: Introduction to Algorithms (MIT)
- 🧑🏫 6.046J: Design And Analysis Of Algorithms (MIT)
- 🧑🏫 CS 61B: Data Structures (Berkeley)
- 🧑🏫 CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (Berkeley)
- 📄 Thinking critically about and researching algorithms (Rob Kitchin)