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File metadata and controls

87 lines (71 loc) · 3.88 KB


TODO: implement the srht using ffht library.

Examples of random projection sketching methods to reduce the computational burden of intensive matrix computations.


Data: All datasets can be downloaded in the required format from Note that these must be placed in the data/ directory e.g. data/YearPredictionMSD.npy

Packages Most of the dependencies should come with Anaconda distributions but a couple more might be needed for the optimisation and the fast sketching. All but the last one can be installed via pip install.

  • Standard: numpy,scipy, pandas,sklearn, matplotlib,json
  • Miscellaneous: numba,timeit, pprint, cvxopt
  • External: FastWHT (see Installation of fastwht repo below)

Completed Experiments:

Experiment exp is located in experiments/ and the corresponding output is found in output/exp. Note that there will be intermediate directories in the above substitution.

  1. baselines/
  • -- computes the basic metadata for the real world datasets used.
  • - evaluates speed and error performance of the summary methods
  1. ihs_baselines/
  •,, Mostly reproduce the IHS synthetic experiments
  • - compares the IHS with sparse embeddings at different sparsity settings

3 ihs_timing/

  •, evaluates the real time performance of various sketching techniques in real/synthetic examples, respectively.

To run these experiments: 0. Install external dependency for Fast Hadamard Transform (see below)

  1. Ensure that the necessary datasets are downloaded. The UCI ones have the url hardcoded, however you will need to follow the urls in the all_datasets dictionary in to download the libsvm files and the suite-sparse datasets. These must be saved in the same directory as The script will automatically download the UCI and OPENML datasets. Open-ml datasets will be downloaded automatically by running the script. This file must be compiled and run from the directory (I don't know why)

To do:

  1. Running the profile script it is clear that the bottleneck is repeated conversion of the ndarray data type to the coo_matrix. Two things can be done: (i) Either allow the functions to better accept sparse matrix as input (ii) Convert the data and add sparse references (row, col etc) If better handling of sparse vs dense data can be done in the rp.__init__ method then this would allow for random number generation within the rp.sketch method which would be better for repeated calls in IHS.
  2. Refactor and test the solvers for IHS versions of OLS,RIDGE & LASSO
  3. Start refactoring the subspace embedding experiments
  4. Generate data metadata scripts and plots

Installation of fastwht repo:

  1. git clone --> then run install in here by cd python, python, python
  2. Get the directory path for fastwht/python which should be your_path_name = */sketching_optimisation/lib/fastwht/python
  3. Find .bash_profile or equivalent and add export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:your_path_name, at the final line of the bash_profile, finally save then source .bash_profile.
  4. Open ipython, do import sys --> sys.path and check that your_path_name is displayed.
  5. Go back to the sketching_optimisation directory and run the tests.


  • Doing this with more general functions akin to Newton Sketch
  • Bias-variance tradeoff with this estimation method?
  • Combine this with SGD?
  • Rank-deficient of weak embeddings? Is there a range of results here?
  • SVM or SVR?