Dojo is a collection of JavaScript utilities providing solutions for a vast array of problems faced by the professional JavaScript developer. Dojo Base is the foundation of the Dojo Toolkit and functionality such as DOM and AJAX convenience methods, animations, and other base functionality suitable for building simple Web sites. Dojo Core is a larger set of components built upon Dojo Base and includes things such as drag and drop, l10n and i18n components, and data stores. Dijit is a complete widget system, providing all core UI components and utilities, and DojoX is a collection of advanced components, including data grids, low-level graphics libraries, mobile components, and other experimental software. Finally, the Utilities section provides extensive information about the :ref:`Dojo Build system <build/index>`, :ref:`Dojo Module Loader <loader/index>`, and a variety of other Dojo-related utilities.
Additionally, a :ref:`quick-start <quickstart/index>` guide is provided covering various topics, linking to related module documentation.
The base functionality of the Dojo Toolkit is provided by just including dojo.js
. This includes tons of features
like :ref:`CSS-based queries <dojo/query>`, :ref:`event handling <quickstart/events>`,
:ref:`animations <quickstart/Animation>`, :ref:`Ajax <quickstart/ajax>`, :ref:`class-based programming <dojo/declare>`, and a package system that makes getting access to the rest of :ref:`Dojo <dojo/index>` a snap.
.. code-example :: .. js :: dojo.ready(function(){ dojo.query("#showMe").onclick(function(e){ var node = this, anim = dojo.anim(node, { backgroundColor: "#363636", color: "#f7f7f7" }, 1000) ; dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){ dojo.anim(node, { color: "#363636" }, null, null, function(){ node.innerHTML = "wow, that was easy!"; dojo.anim(node, { color: "white" }); }); }); }); }); .. html :: <div id="showMe" style="padding: 10px;">click here to see how it works</div>
Checkout the :ref:`full contents <dojo/index>` of the Dojo modules.
Additional stable (but optional) components for :ref:`advanced animations <dojo/fx>`, :ref:`I/O <dojo/io>`, :ref:`data <dojo/data>`, :ref:`Drag and Drop <dojo/dnd>` and much more.
.. code-example :: An example using a built in module ``dojo.fx.easing`` .. js :: dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.require("dojo.fx.easing"); dojo.ready(function(){ dojo.query("#showMe2").onclick(function(e){ dojo.animateProperty({ node:, properties:{ marginLeft:200 }, easing: dojo.fx.easing.elasticOut, duration:1200, onEnd: function(n){ dojo.anim(n, { marginLeft:2 }, 2000, dojo.fx.easing.bounceOut); } }).play(); }); }); .. html :: <div id="showMe2" style="padding: 10px; margin-left:2px;"> Click to Animate me with built in easing functions. </div>
Dijit is Dojo's theme-able, accessible (i18n, l10n), easy-to-customize UI Library. Dijit requires Dojo Base and various Dojo Core modules to use.
DojoX contains a number of sub-projects based on Dojo Base. Once can consider these projects Dojo e**X**tensions or
e**x**periments. Each project has a varying states of maturity -- from very stable and robust, to alpha and
e**x**perimental. All DojoX projects, at the least, contain README
files that outline their maturity and
authorship, so be sure to check those along with the documentation pages to get the full picture of where a module is
Visit the :ref:`DojoX Reference Index <dojox/index>` to begin the adventure.
Dojo ships a number of additional utility projects for internal use and general user consumption. The various utilities are outlined in their respective pages:
- :ref:`Dojo Build System <build/index>` - optimize various types of resources
- :ref:`DOH <util/doh>` - Dojo Objective Harness, a unit test framework
- :ref:`Dojo Developer Notes <developer/index>` - various
- :ref:`Dojo Doc System <util/doctools>`
- :ref:`More about Util <util/index>`