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Steffen Wendzel's Network Covert Channel Tools

This repository contains some of my covert channel projects and also refers to some other repositories where I host my additional covert channel projects.

If you need an introduction, check out my free open online class on network covert channels.

In this repository:

  • pct, 2008: Protocol Channel Tool (pct a PoC implementation to show that so-called protocol channels/protocol switching covert channels are feasible).
  • phcct, 2007: Protocol Hopping Covert Channel Tool (phcct was the first (2007) implementation of a protocol hopping covert channel).
  • vstt, 2006: Very Strange Tunneling Tool (This was my first network CC tool. I wrote vstt as a 2nd semester undergrad student. It can tunnel through ICMP, TCP, ...).
  • pcaw, 2012: Protocol Channel-aware Active Warden (pcaw is a countermeasure to reduce the error-free transmission performance of so-caled protocol switching covert channels/pct (and protocol hopping covert channels). I wrote this in 2012 while working on my PhD thesis).

My other covert channel projects on GitHub

  • CCEAP, 2016: Covert Channel Educational Analysis Protocol (a tool for teaching network covert channel patterns).
  • NELphase, 2017: Network Environment Learning Phase (a tool that implements a covert channel capable of performing an network environment learning (NEL) phase and that can be used to test active and passive wardens).

Tools of my students

  • DYST, 2022-2025: The covert channel that allows covert channel amplification. It is also the first implementation of a history covert channel.
  • OPPRESSION, 2024: An implementation of a history covert channel that is based on online text repositories.
  • WiFi Reconnection-based Covert Channel, 2021: My PhD student Sebastian Zillien developed this PoC code to demonstrate a WiFi reconnection-based covert channel that exploits pattern PT15 (Artificial Reconnections) by forcing WiFi clients to reconnect. The channel can provide anonymity for covert sender and covert receiver.
  • CoAP Reset-/Reconnection-based Covert Channels, 2021: Another tool by my PhD students.

Other Stego Tools