Thanks to all the people who have contributed to Firefox Screenshots!
Over 100 people have contributed to localizing Firefox Screenshots.
In alphabetical order:
- Abel 'Akronix' Serrano Juste
- Alicia Gray
- Andy McKay
- Ben Ennis
- Bram Pitoyo
- Brian Smith
- Cecile Bertin
- Chris Karlof
- Cory Price
- Cosmin Muntean
- Daniel Thorn
- Danny Coates
- Diana Thayer
- Donovan Preston
- Elvin Lee
- Erik Vold
- Fabio Rios
- Fang Shih
- Francesco Lodolo
- Gregory Cuthe
- Helen Huang
- Ian Bicking
- Jared Hirsch
- Jessica Osorio
- John Gruen
- Julien Vehent
- Katherine Fowle
- Kit Cambridge
- Krupa Raj
- Mark Banner
- Mark Liang
- Marshall Erwin
- Matt Wes
- Matthew Grimes
- Michael Kelly
- Michele Warther
- Michelle Heubusch
- Morpheus Chen
- Nick Nguyen
- Niharika Khanna
- Paul Oiegas
- Peter deHaan
- Richard Pappalardo
- Ritu Kothari
- Rob Helmer
- Sadika Sumanapala
- Sean Martell
- Selena Deckelmann
- Sharon Bautista
- Wil Clouser