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File metadata and controls

153 lines (96 loc) · 3.75 KB


Update npm and install a few global packages:

Upgrade pip, setuptools and wheel to make sure you have latest versions:

$ mkvirtualenv ils
(ils)$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Install Invenio ILS:

(ils)$ pip install e-ternity[postgresql,elasticsearch2] --process-dependency-links

Install web assets (JavaScript and CSS dependencies):

(ils)$ invenio npm
(ils)$ cdvirtualenv var/instance/static/
(ils)$ npm install

Build web assets and collect static files:

(ils)$ invenio collect -v
(ils)$ invenio assets build


Next, you need to configure Invenio to tell where it can find your SQL database, Redis cache, RabbitMQ message broker and Elasticsearch search engine:

The configuration file is located in:

  • <sys.prefix>/var/instance/invenio.cfg

In the examples below we assume the remote services are running on the IP address


If you have everything running locahost without passwords, you can skip the configuration as everything is pre-configured for localhost.


The most important Invenio related configuration to set is:

SECRET_KEY = '...your-very-secret-key...'

The secret key is used for protecting sessions and encrypting/decrypting tokens. For production systems is critical to set this configuration to keep your system secure.


Next, you need to tell Invenio which database you want to use. By default for development purposes, Invenio will create a SQLite database next to invenio.cfg. To configure Invenio to use e.g. PostgreSQL set the following configuration:

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql://invenio:[email protected]/invenio'

Search engine

Next, point Invenio to your Elasticsearch cluster:


Message broker

Next, configure where Invenio can find the RabbitMQ message broker used for background jobs and bulk indexing:

BROKER_URL='amqp://invenio:[email protected]:5672/invenio'


Last, you need to configure where Invenio can find the Redis cache. The cache needs to be set in a couple of variables, as it is being used for different purposes (e.g. session store, background job results, caching):


Note, that each variable above points to a different database number in Redis (the 0, 1, 2 suffix in the URL)

Database and search index

The last you need to do is to create the database tables and search indexes.

Create the database (not needed if the database was created outside of invenio already):

(ils)$ invenio db init

Create the database tables:

(ils)$ invenio db create

Create the search indexes and indexing queue:

(ils)$ invenio index init
(ils)$ invenio index queue init


If for some reason something failed during table or index creation, you can remove everything again with:

(ils)$ invenio db drop --yes-i-know
(ils)$ invenio index destroy --force

Demo data

You can load demo data by simply running:

(ils)$ invenio demo init