- Merge PR #34 from @probepark: Fix issue with Platform Locale for web support
- Breaking change: added ensureInitialized() function (check more information at README or EXAMPLE)
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Update Android Gradle, Java and Kotlin version
- Increase compileSdkVersion to 34
- Fixed issue of flutter web registration: error import dart:html
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Added scriptCode support in the MapLocale model. Thanks to @dujiepeng for the suggestion
- Refactor all Locale object to use Locale.fromSubtags
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Increase android minSdk support to 21 and add support to higher gradle build tools version
- Added StringsUtil and ContextExtension for helping with localization text. Check the readme page at [Some update note] section.
- Add LocaleExtension for getting the locale identifier (en_US, km_KH, ja_JP, ect)
- Add fontFamily param in MapLocale model for providing font family for each language (this field is optional)
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Fixed missing web plugin support
- Updated README documentation
- Remove getString method from FlutterLocalization class
- getString extension now required context parameter
- Added string extension for more easy use of the getString function
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Remove the required context in getString() method
- Add condition to the translate() function to prevent it recall on the same provided languageCode
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Small make-change on example file
- I have found some issues and a little bit of low performance when using the load from json file method, so I decided to remove it for better usage
- Remove the old init() function and rename the initWithMap() to init() instead
- Optimize some code and allowed the onTranslatedLanguage callback to be null. Thanks to @Hasankanso for the suggestion
- NOTE: init() function will be removed soon for better load time and performance, please use initWithMap() instead
- Update some dependencies use to support the package and README document
- Add plugin for web support
- Migrate to support null-safety
- Update some dependencies use to support the package
- Add the possibility to do localization with Map<String, dynamic> instead of json file. Check the README or example for more information with the initWithMap() function
- Solve the problem where currentLocale is null when try to call at the main.dart after initState()
- Nothing new, just refactor some code and performance
- Rollback change on 0.0.7 which cause problem to the localization process
- Add possibility to add more custom delegate at the init() function
- Added get language name feature
- In init() function, rename languageCodes to supportedLanguageCodes
- Added save parameter in translate() function, so you can decide to save the cache or not
- Fix bug where the initLanguageCode in init() function is not working
- Add language cache (the selected language will save and load when the app is open)
- Drop down the sdk and flutter version support
- Provide more documents and code comments
- First version of the package