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% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function coe = coe_from_sv(R,V,mu)% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%{% This function computes the classical orbital elements (coe)% from the state vector (R,V) using Algorithm 4.1.% mu - gravitational parameter (km^3/s^2) R - position vector in the geocentric equatorial frame (km) V - velocity vector in the geocentric equatorial frame (km) r, v - the magnitudes of R and V vr - radial velocity component (km/s) H - the angular momentum vector (km^2/s) h - the magnitude of H (km^2/s) incl - inclination of the orbit (rad) N - the node line vector (km^2/s) n - the magnitude of N cp - cross product of N and R RA - right ascension of the ascending node (rad) E - eccentricity vector e - eccentricity (magnitude of E) eps - a small number below which the eccentricity is considered to be zero w - argument of perigee (rad) TA - true anomaly (rad) a - semimajor axis (km) pi - 3.1415926... coe - vector of orbital elements [h e RA incl w TA a] User M-functions required: None%}% ---------------------------------------------%eps = 0;eps = 1.e-6;r = norm(R);v = norm(V);vr = dot(R,V)/r;H = cross(R,V);h = norm(H);%...Equation 4.7:incl = acos(H(3)/h);%...Equation 4.8:N = cross([0 0 1],H);n = norm(N);%...Equation 4.9 (incorporating the case incl = 0):if incl ~= 0 %Inclined orbit RA = acos(N(1)/n); if N(2) < 0 RA = 2*pi - RA; endelse %Equatorial orbit RA = 0;end%...Equation 4.10:E = 1/mu*((v^2 - mu/r)*R - r*vr*V);e = norm(E);%...Equation 4.12 (incorporating the cases incl = 0 and e = 0):if incl ~= 0 %Inclined orbit if e > eps %Non-circular orbit w = acos(dot(N,E)/n/e); if E(3) < 0 w = 2*pi - w; end else %Circular orbit w = 0; end else %Equatorial orbit if e > eps %Non-circular orbit w = acos(E(1)/e); if E(2) <0 w = 2*pi - w; end else %Circular orbit w = 0; endend%...Equation 4.13a (incorporating the cases incl = 0 and e = 0):if incl ~= 0 %Inclined orbit if e > eps %Non-circular orbit TA = acos(dot(E,R)/e/r); if vr < 0 TA = 2*pi - TA; end else %Circular orbit TA = acos(dot(N,R)/n/r); if R(3) < 0 TA = 2*pi - TA; end endelse %Equatorial orbit if e > eps %Non-circular orbit TA = acos(dot(E,R)/e/r); if vr < 0 TA = 2*pi - TA; end else %Circular orbit TA = acos(R(1)/r); if R(2) < 0 TA = 2*pi - TA; end endend%...Equation 4.62 (a < 0 for a hyperbola):a = h^2/mu/(1 - e^2);coe = [h e RA incl w TA a];end %coe_from_sv% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~