DRF-extensions is a collection of custom extensions for Django REST Framework. Source repository is available at https://github.com/chibisov/drf-extensions.
Extensions for viewsets.
This mixin lets add custom serializer for detail view. Just add mixin and specify serializer_detail_class
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from myapps.serializers import UserSerializer, UserDetailSerializer
from rest_framework_extensions.mixins import DetailSerializerMixin
class UserViewSet(DetailSerializerMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
serializer_detail_class = UserDetailSerializer
queryset = User.objects.all()
Sometimes you need to set custom QuerySet for detail view. For example, in detail view you want to show user groups and permissions for these groups. You can make it by specifying queryset_detail
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from myapps.serializers import UserSerializer, UserDetailSerializer
from rest_framework_extensions.mixins import DetailSerializerMixin
class UserViewSet(DetailSerializerMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
serializer_detail_class = UserDetailSerializer
queryset = User.objects.all()
queryset_detail = queryset.prefetch_related('groups__permissions')
If you use DetailSerializerMixin
and don't specify serializer_detail_class
attribute, then serializer_class
will be used.
If you use DetailSerializerMixin
and don't specify queryset_detail
attribute, then queryset
will be used.
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.2
This mixin allows to paginate results by max_paginate_by value. This approach is useful when clients want to take as much paginated data as possible, but don't want to bother about backend limitations.
from myapps.serializers import UserSerializer
from rest_framework_extensions.mixins import PaginateByMaxMixin
class UserViewSet(PaginateByMaxMixin,
max_paginate_by = 100
serializer_class = UserSerializer
And now you can send requests with ?page_size=max
# Request
GET /users/?page_size=max HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
count: 1000,
next: "https://localhost:8000/v1/users/?page=2&page_size=max",
previous: null,
results: [
...100 items...
This mixin could be used only with Django Rest Framework >= 2.3.8, because max_paginate_by was introduced in 2.3.8 version.
The etag functionality is pending an overhaul has been temporarily removed since 0.4.0.
ReadOnlyCacheResponseAndETAGMixin and CacheResponseAndETAGMixin are no longer available to use.
See discussion in Issue #177
Extensions for routers.
You will need to use custom ExtendedDefaultRouter
or ExtendedSimpleRouter
for routing if you want to take advantages of described extensions. For example you have standard implementation:
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
router = DefaultRouter()
You should replace DefaultRouter
with ExtendedDefaultRouter
from rest_framework_extensions.routers import (
ExtendedDefaultRouter as DefaultRouter
router = DefaultRouter()
Or SimpleRouter
with ExtendedSimpleRouter
from rest_framework_extensions.routers import (
ExtendedSimpleRouter as SimpleRouter
router = SimpleRouter()
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.4
Every feature in extended routers has it's own mixin. That means that you can use the only features you need in your custom
routers. ExtendedRouterMixin
has all set of drf-extensions features. For example you can use it with third-party routes:
from rest_framework_extensions.routers import ExtendedRouterMixin
from third_party_app.routers import SomeRouter
class ExtendedSomeRouter(ExtendedRouterMixin, SomeRouter):
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.4
Nested routes allows you create nested resources with viewsets.
For example:
from rest_framework_extensions.routers import ExtendedSimpleRouter
from yourapp.views import (
router = ExtendedSimpleRouter()
router.register(r'users', UserViewSet, basename='user')
parents_query_lookups=['group__user', 'group'])
urlpatterns = router.urls
There is one requirement for viewsets which used in nested routers. They should add mixin NestedViewSetMixin
. That mixin
adds automatic filtering by parent lookups:
# yourapp.views
from rest_framework_extensions.mixins import NestedViewSetMixin
class UserViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
model = UserModel
class GroupViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
model = GroupModel
class PermissionViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
model = PermissionModel
With such kind of router we have next resources:
- list of all users. Resolve name is user-list/users/<pk>/
- user detail. Resolve name is user-detail/users/<parent_lookup_user_groups>/groups/
- list of groups for exact user. Resolve name is users-group-list/users/<parent_lookup_user_groups>/groups/<pk>/
- user group detail. If user doesn't have group then resource will be not found. Resolve name is users-group-detail/users/<parent_lookup_group__user>/groups/<parent_lookup_group>/permissions/
- list of permissions for user group. Resolve name is users-groups-permission-list/users/<parent_lookup_group__user>/groups/<parent_lookup_group>/permissions/<pk>/
- user group permission detail. If user doesn't have group or group doesn't have permission then resource will be not found. Resolve name is users-groups-permission-detail
Every resource is automatically filtered by parent lookups.
# Request
GET /users/1/groups/2/permissions/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
id: 3,
name: "read"
id: 4,
name: "update"
id: 5,
name: "delete"
For request above permissions will be filtered by user with pk 1
and group with pk 2
Permission.objects.filter(group__user=1, group=2)
Example with registering more then one nested resource in one depth:
permissions_routes = router.register(
With such kind of router we have next resources:
- list of all permissions. Resolve name is permission-list/permissions/<pk>/
- permission detail. Resolve name is permission-detail/permissions/<parent_lookup_permissions>/groups/
- list of groups for exact permission. Resolve name is permissions-group-list/permissions/<parent_lookup_permissions>/groups/<pk>/
- permission group detail. If group doesn't have permission then resource will be not found. Resolve name is permissions-group-detail/permissions/<parent_lookup_groups__permissions>/users/
- list of users for exact permission. Resolve name is permissions-user-list/permissions/<parent_lookup_groups__permissions>/user/<pk>/
- permission user detail. If user doesn't have permission then resource will be not found. Resolve name is permissions-user-detail
You can use rest_framework_extensions.routers.NestedRouterMixin
for adding nesting feature into your routers:
from rest_framework_extensions.routers import NestedRouterMixin
from rest_framework.routers import SimpleRouter
class SimpleRouterWithNesting(NestedRouterMixin, SimpleRouter):
If you want to use nested router for generic relation
fields, you should explicitly filter QuerySet
by content type.
For example if you have such kind of models:
class Task(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=30)
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=30)
class Comment(models.Model):
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey()
text = models.CharField(max_length=30)
Lets create viewsets for that models:
class TaskViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
model = TaskModel
class BookViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
model = BookModel
class CommentViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
queryset = CommentModel.objects.all()
And router like this:
router = ExtendedSimpleRouter()
# tasks route
router.register(r'tasks', TaskViewSet)
# books route
router.register(r'books', BookViewSet)
As you can see we've added to parents_query_lookups
only one object_id
value. But when you make requests to comments
endpoint for both tasks and books routes there is no context for current content type.
# Request
GET /tasks/123/comments/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
id: 1,
content_type: 1,
object_id: 123,
text: "Good task!"
id: 2,
content_type: 2, // oops. Wrong content type (for book)
object_id: 123, // task and book has the same id
text: "Good book!"
For such kind of cases you should explicitly filter QuerySets
of nested viewsets by content type:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class CommentViewSet(NestedViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet):
queryset = CommentModel.objects.all()
class TaskCommentViewSet(CommentViewSet):
def get_queryset(self):
return super(TaskCommentViewSet, self).get_queryset().filter(
class BookCommentViewSet(CommentViewSet):
def get_queryset(self):
return super(BookCommentViewSet, self).get_queryset().filter(
Lets use new viewsets in router:
router = ExtendedSimpleRouter()
# tasks route
router.register(r'tasks', TaskViewSet)
# books route
router.register(r'books', BookViewSet)
Extensions for serializers functionality.
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.3
By default every saving of ModelSerializer saves the whole object. Even partial update just patches model instance. For example:
from myapps.models import City
from myapps.serializers import CitySerializer
moscow = City.objects.get(pk=10)
city_serializer = CitySerializer(
data={'country': 'USA'},
if city_serializer.is_valid():
# equivalent to
moscow.country = 'USA'
SQL representation for previous example will be:
UPDATE city SET name='Moscow', country='USA' WHERE id=1;
Django's save
method has keyword argument update_fields.
Only the fields named in that list will be updated:
moscow.country = 'USA'
SQL representation for example with update_fields
usage will be:
UPDATE city SET country='USA' WHERE id=1;
To use update_fields
for every partial update you should mixin PartialUpdateSerializerMixin
to your serializer:
from rest_framework_extensions.serializers import (
class CitySerializer(PartialUpdateSerializerMixin,
class Meta:
model = City
Set of serializer fields that extends default fields functionality.
Represents a hyperlinking uri that points to the detail view for that object.
from rest_framework_extensions.fields import ResourceUriField
class CitySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
resource_uri = ResourceUriField(view_name='city-detail')
class Meta:
model = City
Request example:
# Request
GET /cities/268/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
id: 268,
resource_uri: "http://localhost:8000/v1/cities/268/",
name: "Serpuhov"
Extensions for permissions.
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.2
Django Rest Framework allows you to use DjangoObjectPermissions out of the box. But it has one limitation - if user has no permissions for viewing resource he will get 404
as response code. In most cases it's good approach because it solves security issues by default. But what if you wanted to return 401
or 403
? What if you wanted to say to user - "You need to be logged in for viewing current resource" or "You don't have permissions for viewing current resource"?
will help you to be more flexible. By default it behaves as standard DjangoObjectPermissions. For example, it is safe to replace DjangoObjectPermissions
with extended permissions class:
from rest_framework_extensions.permissions import (
ExtendedDjangoObjectPermissions as DjangoObjectPermissions
class CommentView(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
permission_classes = (DjangoObjectPermissions,)
Now every request from unauthorized user will get 404
# Request
GET /comments/1/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
{"detail": "Not found"}
With ExtenedDjangoObjectPermissions
you can disable hiding forbidden for read objects by changing hide_forbidden_for_read_objects
from rest_framework_extensions.permissions import (
class CommentViewObjectPermissions(ExtendedDjangoObjectPermissions):
hide_forbidden_for_read_objects = False
class CommentView(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
permission_classes = (CommentViewObjectPermissions,)
Now lets see request response for user that has no permissions for viewing CommentView
# Request
GET /comments/1/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
{u'detail': u'You do not have permission to perform this action.'}
could be used only with Django Rest Framework >= 2.3.8, because DjangoObjectPermissions was introduced in 2.3.8 version.
To cache something is to save the result of an expensive calculation so that you don't have to perform the calculation next time. Here's some pseudocode explaining how this would work for a dynamically generated api response:
given a URL, try finding that API response in the cache
if the response is in the cache:
return the cached response
generate the response
save the generated response in the cache (for next time)
return the generated response
DRF-extensions allows you to cache api responses with simple @cache_response
There are two requirements for decorated method:
- It should be method of class which is inherited from
- It should return
Usage example:
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import views
from rest_framework_extensions.cache.decorators import (
from myapp.models import City
class CityView(views.APIView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
cities = City.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True)
return Response(cities)
If you request view first time you'll get it from processed SQL query. (~60ms response time):
# Request
GET /cities/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
['Moscow', 'London', 'Paris']
Second request will hit the cache. No sql evaluation, no database query. (~30 ms response time):
# Request
GET /cities/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
['Moscow', 'London', 'Paris']
Reduction in response time depends on calculation complexity inside your API method. Sometimes it reduces from 1 second to 10ms, sometimes you win just 10ms.
New in DRF-extensions 0.4.0
The decorator will render and discard the original DRF response in favor of Django's HttpResponse
. This allows the cache to retain a smaller memory footprint and eliminates the need to re-render responses on each request. Furthermore it eliminates the risk for users to unknowingly cache whole Serializers and QuerySets.
You can disable this behavior in your test suite by using dummy caching for the DRF-extensions cache (set via DEFAULT_USE_CACHE
You can specify cache timeout in seconds, providing first argument:
class CityView(views.APIView):
@cache_response(60 * 15)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
In the above example, the result of the get()
view will be cached for 15 minutes.
If you don't specify timeout
argument then value from REST_FRAMEWORK_EXTENSIONS
settings will be used. By default it's None
, which means "cache forever". You can change this default in settings:
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.3
can also take an optional keyword argument, cache
, which directs the decorator
to use a specific cache (from your CACHES setting) when caching results.
By default, the default
cache will be used, but you can specify any cache you want:
class CityView(views.APIView):
@cache_response(60 * 15, cache='special_cache')
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
You can specify what cache to use by default in settings:
'DEFAULT_USE_CACHE': 'special_cache'
By default every cached data from @cache_response
decorator stored by key, which calculated
with DefaultKeyConstructor.
You can change cache key by providing key_func
argument, which must be callable:
def calculate_cache_key(view_instance, view_method,
request, args, kwargs):
return '.'.join([
class CityView(views.APIView):
@cache_response(60 * 15, key_func=calculate_cache_key)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
You can implement view method and use it for cache key calculation by specifying key_func
argument as string:
class CityView(views.APIView):
@cache_response(60 * 15, key_func='calculate_cache_key')
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
def calculate_cache_key(self, view_instance, view_method,
request, args, kwargs):
return '.'.join([
Key calculation function will be called with next parameters:
- view_instance - view instance of decorated method
- view_method - decorated method
- request - decorated method request
- args - decorated method positional arguments
- kwargs - decorated method keyword arguments
If @cache_response
decorator used without key argument then default key function will be used. You can change this function in
uses DefaultKeyConstructor as a base for key calculation.
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.7
By default every response is cached, even failed. For example:
class CityView(views.APIView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception("500 error comes from here")
First request to CityView.get
will fail with 500
status code error and next requests to this endpoint will
return 500
error from cache.
You can change this behaviour by turning off caching error responses:
class CityView(views.APIView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception("500 error comes from here")
You can change default behaviour by changing DEFAULT_CACHE_ERRORS
It is common to cache standard viewset retrieve
and list
methods. That is why CacheResponseMixin
exists. Just mix it into viewset implementation and those methods will
use functions, defined in REST_FRAMEWORK_EXTENSIONS
By default those functions are using DefaultKeyConstructor and extends it:
- With
You can change those settings for custom cache key generation:
Mixin example usage:
from myapps.serializers import UserSerializer
from rest_framework_extensions.cache.mixins import CacheResponseMixin
class UserViewSet(CacheResponseMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
You can change cache key function by providing object_cache_key_func
methods in view class:
class UserViewSet(CacheResponseMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
def object_cache_key_func(self, **kwargs):
return 'some key for object'
def list_cache_key_func(self, **kwargs):
return 'some key for list'
Of course you can use custom key constructor:
from yourapp.key_constructors import (
class UserViewSet(CacheResponseMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
object_cache_key_func = CustomObjectKeyConstructor()
list_cache_key_func = CustomListKeyConstructor()
New in DRF-extensions development
You can change cache timeout by providing object_cache_timeout
properties in view class:
class UserViewSet(CacheResponseMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
object_cache_timeout = 3600 # one hours (in seconds)
list_cache_timeout = 60 # one minute (in seconds)
If you want to cache only retrieve
method then you could use rest_framework_extensions.cache.mixins.RetrieveCacheResponseMixin
If you want to cache only list
method then you could use rest_framework_extensions.cache.mixins.ListCacheResponseMixin
As you could see from previous section cache key calculation might seem fairly simple operation. But let's see next example. We make ordinary HTTP request to cities resource:
# Request
GET /cities/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
['Moscow', 'London', 'Paris']
By the moment all goes fine - response returned and cached. Let's make the same request requiring XML response:
# Request
GET /cities/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
['Moscow', 'London', 'Paris']
What is that? Oh, we forgot about format negotiations. We can add format to key bits:
def calculate_cache_key(view_instance, view_method,
request, args, kwargs):
return '.'.join([
request.accepted_renderer.format # here it is
# Request
GET /cities/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
That's cool now - we have different responses for different formats with different cache keys. But there are many cases, where key should be different for different requests:
- Response format (json, xml);
- User (exact authorized user or anonymous);
- Different request meta data (request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']);
- Language (ru, en);
- Headers;
- Query params. For example,
resources needcallback
param, which rendered in response; - Pagination. We should show different data for different pages;
- Etc...
Of course we can use custom calculate_cache_key
methods and reuse them for different API methods, but we can't reuse just parts of them. For example, one method depends on user id and language, but another only on user id. How to be more DRYish? Let's see some magic:
from rest_framework_extensions.key_constructor.constructors import (
from rest_framework_extensions.key_constructor import bits
from your_app.utils import get_city_by_ip
class CityGetKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
unique_method_id = bits.UniqueMethodIdKeyBit()
format = bits.FormatKeyBit()
language = bits.LanguageKeyBit()
class CityHeadKeyConstructor(CityGetKeyConstructor):
user = bits.UserKeyBit()
request_meta = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit(params=['REMOTE_ADDR'])
class CityView(views.APIView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
cities = City.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True)
return Response(cities)
def head(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
city = ''
user = self.request.user
if user.is_authenticated and user.city:
city = Response(user.city.name)
if not city:
city = get_city_by_ip(request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])
return Response(city)
Firstly, let's revise CityView.get
method cache key calculation. It constructs from 3 bits:
- unique_method_id - remember our default key calculation? Here it is. Just one of the cache key bits.
method has different set of bits and they can't collide withget
method bits. But there could be another view class with the same bits. - format - key would be different for different formats.
- language - key would be different for different languages.
The second method head
has the same unique_method_id
, format
and language
bits, buts extends with 2 more:
- user - key would be different for different users. As you can see in response calculation we use
instance. For different users we need different responses. - request_meta - key would be different for different ip addresses. As you can see in response calculation we are falling back to getting city from ip address if couldn't get it from authorized user model.
All default key bits are listed in this section.
is located in rest_framework_extensions.key_constructor.constructors
module and constructs a key
from unique method id, request format and request language. It has the following implementation:
class DefaultKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
unique_method_id = bits.UniqueMethodIdKeyBit()
format = bits.FormatKeyBit()
language = bits.LanguageKeyBit()
Key constructor class works in the same manner as the standard django forms and key bits used like form fields. Lets go through key construction steps for DefaultKeyConstructor.
Firstly, constructor starts iteration over every key bit:
- unique_method_id
- format
- language
Then constructor gets data from every key bit calling method get_data
- unique_method_id -
- format -
- language -
Every key bit get_data
method is called with next arguments:
- view_instance - view instance of decorated method
- view_method - decorated method
- request - decorated method request
- args - decorated method positional arguments
- kwargs - decorated method keyword arguments
After this it combines every key bit data to one dict, which keys are a key bits names in constructor, and values are returned data:
'unique_method_id': u'your_app.views.SometView.get',
'format': u'json',
'language': u'en'
Then constructor dumps resulting dict to json:
'{"unique_method_id": "your_app.views.SometView.get", "language": "en", "format": "json"}'
And finally compresses json with md5 and returns hash value:
We are going to create a simple key bit which could be used in real applications with next properties:
- High read rate
- Low write rate
The task is - cache every read request and invalidate all cache data after write to any model, which used in API. This approach let us don't think about granular cache invalidation - just flush it after any model instance change/creation/deletion.
Lets create models:
# models.py
from django.db import models
class Group(models.Model):
title = models.CharField()
class Profile(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
group = models.ForeignKey(Group)
Define serializers:
# serializers.py
from yourapp.models import Group, Profile
from rest_framework import serializers
class GroupSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Group
class ProfileSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
group = GroupSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Profile
Create views:
# views.py
from yourapp.serializers import GroupSerializer, ProfileSerializer
from yourapp.models import Group, Profile
class GroupViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = GroupSerializer
queryset = Group.objects.all()
class ProfileViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = ProfileSerializer
queryset = Profile.objects.all()
And finally register views in router:
# urls.py
from yourapp.views import GroupViewSet,ProfileViewSet
router = DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'groups', GroupViewSet)
router.register(r'profiles', ProfileViewSet)
urlpatterns = router.urls
At the moment we have API, but it's not cached. Lets cache it and create our custom key bit:
# views.py
import datetime
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from yourapp.serializers import GroupSerializer, ProfileSerializer
from rest_framework_extensions.cache.decorators import cache_response
from rest_framework_extensions.key_constructor.constructors import (
from rest_framework_extensions.key_constructor.bits import (
class UpdatedAtKeyBit(KeyBitBase):
def get_data(self, **kwargs):
key = 'api_updated_at_timestamp'
value = cache.get(key, None)
if not value:
value = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
cache.set(key, value=value)
return force_str(value)
class CustomObjectKeyConstructor(DefaultKeyConstructor):
retrieve_sql = RetrieveSqlQueryKeyBit()
updated_at = UpdatedAtKeyBit()
class CustomListKeyConstructor(DefaultKeyConstructor):
list_sql = ListSqlQueryKeyBit()
pagination = PaginationKeyBit()
updated_at = UpdatedAtKeyBit()
class GroupViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = GroupSerializer
def retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(GroupViewSet, self).retrieve(*args, **kwargs)
def list(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(GroupViewSet, self).list(*args, **kwargs)
class ProfileViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = ProfileSerializer
def retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ProfileViewSet, self).retrieve(*args, **kwargs)
def list(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ProfileViewSet, self).list(*args, **kwargs)
As you can see UpdatedAtKeyBit
just adds to key information when API models has been update last time. If there is no
information about it then new datetime will be used for key bit data.
Lets write cache invalidation. We just connect models to standard signals and change value in cache by key api_updated_at_timestamp
# models.py
import datetime
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete
def change_api_updated_at(sender=None, instance=None, *args, **kwargs):
cache.set('api_updated_at_timestamp', datetime.datetime.utcnow())
class Group(models.Model):
title = models.CharField()
class Profile(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
group = models.ForeignKey(Group)
for model in [Group, Profile]:
post_save.connect(receiver=change_api_updated_at, sender=model)
post_delete.connect(receiver=change_api_updated_at, sender=model)
And that's it. When any model changes then value in cache by key api_updated_at_timestamp
will be changed too. After this every
key constructor, that used UpdatedAtKeyBit
, will construct new keys and @cache_response
decorator will
cache data in new places.
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.3
You can change params
attribute for specific key bit by providing params
dict for key constructor initialization
function. For example, here is custom key constructor, which inherits from DefaultKeyConstructor
and adds geoip key bit:
class CityKeyConstructor(DefaultKeyConstructor):
geoip = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit(params=['GEOIP_CITY'])
If you wanted to use GEOIP_COUNTRY
, you could create new key constructor:
class CountryKeyConstructor(DefaultKeyConstructor):
geoip = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit(params=['GEOIP_COUNTRY'])
But there is another way. You can send params
in key constructor initialization method. This is the dict attribute, where
keys are bit names and values are bit params
attribute value (look at CountryView
class CityKeyConstructor(DefaultKeyConstructor):
geoip = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit(params=['GEOIP_CITY'])
class CityView(views.APIView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
class CountryView(views.APIView):
params={'geoip': ['GEOIP_COUNTRY']}
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
If there is no item provided for key bit then default key bit params
value will be used.
You can dynamically change key constructor's bits list in initialization method by altering bits
class CustomKeyConstructor(DefaultKeyConstructor):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CustomKeyConstructor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.bits['geoip'] = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit(
Out of the box DRF-extensions has some basic key bits. They are all located in rest_framework_extensions.key_constructor.bits
Retrieves format info from request. Usage example:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
format = FormatKeyBit()
Retrieves active language for request. Usage example:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
language = LanguageKeyBit()
Retrieves user id from request. If it is anonymous then returns "anonymous" string. Usage example:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
user = UserKeyBit()
Retrieves data from request.META dict. Usage example:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
ip_address_and_user_agent = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit(
You can use *
for retrieving all meta data to key bit:
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.7
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
all_request_meta = bits.RequestMetaKeyBit('*')
Same as RequestMetaKeyBit
retrieves data from request.META dict.
The difference is that HeadersKeyBit
allows to use normal header names:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
user_agent_and_geobase_id = bits.HeadersKeyBit(
['user-agent', 'x-geobase-id']
# will process request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and
You can use *
for retrieving all headers to key bit:
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.7
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
all_headers = bits.HeadersKeyBit('*')
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.7
Retrieves data from the view's positional arguments.
A list of position indices can be passed to indicate which arguments to use. For retrieving all arguments you can use *
which is also the default value:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
args = bits.ArgsKeyBit() # will use all positional arguments
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
args = bits.ArgsKeyBit('*') # same as above
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
args = bits.ArgsKeyBit([0, 2])
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.7
Retrieves data from the views's keyword arguments.
A list of keyword argument names can be passed to indicate which kwargs to use. For retrieving all kwargs you can use *
which is also the default value:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
kwargs = bits.KwargsKeyBit() # will use all keyword arguments
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
kwargs = bits.KwargsKeyBit('*') # same as above
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
kwargs = bits.KwargsKeyBit(['user_id', 'city'])
Retrieves data from request.GET dict. Usage example:
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
part_and_callback = bits.QueryParamsKeyBit(
['part', 'callback']
You can use *
for retrieving all query params to key bit which is also the default value:
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.7
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
all_query_params = bits.QueryParamsKeyBit('*') # all qs parameters
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
all_query_params = bits.QueryParamsKeyBit() # same as above
Inherits from QueryParamsKeyBit
and returns data from used pagination params.
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
pagination = bits.PaginationKeyBit()
Retrieves sql query for view.filter_queryset(view.get_queryset())
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
list_sql_query = bits.ListSqlQueryKeyBit()
Retrieves sql query for retrieving exact object.
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
retrieve_sql_query = bits.RetrieveSqlQueryKeyBit()
Combines data about view module and view class name.
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
unique_view_id = bits.UniqueViewIdKeyBit()
Combines data about view module, view class name and view method name.
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
unique_view_id = bits.UniqueMethodIdKeyBit()
New in DRF-extensions 0.3.2
Computes the semantic fingerprint of a list of objects returned by view.filter_queryset(view.get_queryset())
using a flat representation of all objects' values.
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
list_model_values = bits.ListModelKeyBit()
New in DRF-extensions 0.3.2
Computes the semantic fingerprint of a particular objects returned by view.get_object()
class MyKeyConstructor(KeyConstructor):
retrieve_model_values = bits.RetrieveModelKeyBit()
The etag functionality is pending an overhaul has been temporarily removed since 0.4.0.
See discussion in Issue #177
New in DRF-extensions 0.2.4
Bulk operations allows you to perform operations over set of objects with one request. There is third-party package django-rest-framework-bulk with support for all CRUD methods, but it iterates over every instance in bulk operation, serializes it and only after that executes operation.
It plays nice with create
or update
operations, but becomes unacceptable with partial update
and delete
methods over the QuerySet
. Such kind of
could contain thousands of objects and should be performed as database query over the set at once.
Please note - DRF-extensions bulk operations applies over QuerySet
, not over instances. It means that:
- No serializer's
methods would be called - No viewset's
would be called - No model signals would be called
Bulk operations are very dangerous in case of making stupid mistakes. For example you wanted to delete user instance
request from your client application.
# Request
DELETE /users/1/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
That was example of successful deletion. But there is the common situation when client could not get instance id and sends request to endpoint without it:
# Request
DELETE /users/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
If you used bulk destroy mixin for /users/
endpoint, then all your user objects would be deleted.
To protect from such confusions DRF-extensions asks you to send X-BULK-OPERATION
for every bulk operation request. With this protection previous example would not delete any user instances:
# Request
DELETE /users/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"detail": "Header 'X-BULK-OPERATION' should be provided for bulk operation."
header it works as expected - deletes all user instances:
# Request
DELETE /users/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
You can change bulk operation header name in settings:
To turn off protection you can set DEFAULT_BULK_OPERATION_HEADER_NAME
as None
This mixin allows you to delete many instances with one DELETE
from rest_framework_extensions.bulk_operations.mixins import ListDestroyModelMixin
class UserViewSet(ListDestroyModelMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
Bulk destroy example - delete all users which emails ends with gmail.com
# Request
DELETE /users/?email__endswith=gmail.com HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
This mixin allows you to update many instances with one PATCH
request. Note, that this mixin works only with partial update.
from rest_framework_extensions.mixins import ListUpdateModelMixin
class UserViewSet(ListUpdateModelMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
Bulk partial update example - set email_provider
of every user as google
, if it's email ends with gmail.com
# Request
PATCH /users/?email__endswith=gmail.com HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
{"email_provider": "google"}
# Response
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
DRF-extensions follows Django Rest Framework approach in settings implementation.
In Django Rest Framework you specify custom settings by changing REST_FRAMEWORK
variable in settings file:
In DRF-extensions there is a magic variable too called REST_FRAMEWORK_EXTENSIONS
If you need to access the values of DRF-extensions API settings in your project, you should use the extensions_api_settings
object. For example:
from rest_framework_extensions.settings import extensions_api_settings
print extensions_api_settings.DEFAULT_CACHE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
You can read about versioning, deprecation policy and upgrading from Django REST framework documentation.
- Added support for Django 3.2
- Dropped drf 3.11
- Added support for Django 3.1
- Dropped support below Django 2.2
- Added support for DRF 3.12
- fix(PartialUpdateSerializerMixin): support nesting on same instance
Jan 27, 2020
- Added support for Django 3.0 (#276)
- Dropped support for Django 2.0
- Added support for DRF 3.10 and 3.11 (#261, #279)
- Added support for Python 3.8 (#282)
- Added paginate decorator (#266)
- Added limit/offset and cursor pagination to PaginationKeyBit (#204)
May 10, 2019
- Dropped python 2.7 and 3.4
- Fix possible header mutation issue
- Added ability to use a specific cache timeouts for
- Test against Django 2.1, DRF 3.9 and django-filter 2.0.0
- Dropped support of older DRF version lower than 3.9
- Django 2.2 support added
Sep 5, 2018
- Added support for django 1.11 and 2.0
- Dropped support for django versions lower then 1.11
- Nested routes with over 2 levels now respect
- Added support for DRF 3.8
- Dropped support of older DRF version lower then 3.8
- Cache only the renered response instead of rendering whole response object
- The etag functionalties are not enabled by default, have to enable it manually
Jan 4, 2017
- Added
as subclass ofrest_framework.exceptions.APIException
- Added
decorator function andAPIETAGProcessor
that uses semantic ETags per API resource, decoupled from views, such that it can be used in optimistic concurrency control - Added new default key bits
for computing the semantic fingerprint of a django model instance - Added
to be used in DRF viewsets and views - Added new settings for default implementation of the API ETag functions:
- Added test application for functional tests and demo as
- Added unit tests for the
decorator - DRF 3.5.x, Django pre-1.10 compatibility of the key bit construction
- (Test-)Code cleanup
Sep 29, 2016
- Fix
compatibility issue introduced by DRF 3.4.0 - Removed deprecated @action() and @link() decorators
- DRF 3.4.x compatibility
- Django 1.9 and 1.10 compatibility
Sep 21, 2015
- Fixed
problems withEmptyResultSet
exception (pull). - All items are now by default in ArgsKeyBit, KwargsKeyBit and QueryParamsKeyBit
- Respect parent lookup regex value for Nested routes (issue).
Feb 2, 2015
- DRF 3.x compatibility
- DetailSerializerMixin is now compatible with DRF 3.0
- Added ArgsKeyBit
- Added KwargsKeyBit
- Fixed PartialUpdateSerializerMixin compatibility issue with DRF 3.x
- Added cache_errors attribute for switching caching for error responses
- Added ability to specify usage of all items for RequestMetaKeyBit, HeadersKeyBit
and QueryParamsKeyBit providing
- Collection level controllers is in pending deprecation
- Controller endpoint name is in pending deprecation
Sep 9, 2014
- Usage of django.core.cache.caches for django >= 1.7
- Documented ETag usage with GZipMiddleware
- Fixed
problems withEmptyResultSet
. - Fixed cache response compatibility issue with DRF 2.4.x
July 9, 2014
July 7, 2014
- Added tests for Django REST Framework 2.3.14
- Added Bulk operations
- Fixed extended routers compatibility issue with default controller decorators
- Documented pluggable router mixins
- Added nested routes
Apr. 25, 2014
- Added PartialUpdateSerializerMixin
- Added Key constructor params
- Documented dynamically constructor's bits list altering
- Added ability to use a specific cache for
Mar. 23, 2014
- Added PaginateByMaxMixin
- Added ExtenedDjangoObjectPermissions
- Added tests for django 1.7
Feb. 1, 2014
- Rewritten tests to nose and tox
- New tests directory structure
- Rewritten HTTP documentation requests examples into more raw manner
- Added trailing_slash on extended routers for Django Rest Framework versions
(which supports this feature) - Added caching
- Added key constructor
- Added conditional requests with Etag calculation
- Added Cache/ETAG mixins
- Added CacheResponseMixin
- Added ETAGMixin
- Documented ResourceUriField
- Documented settings customization
Nov. 5, 2013
- Moved docs from readme to github pages
- Docs generation with Backdoc