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File metadata and controls

34 lines (32 loc) · 2.44 KB

Our code relies on the following tools, which must be installed before building:

  • Python (version 3.6+), used by SCons
  • SCons (3.0+), the Python-based build system used by Vale
    • On an Ubuntu system, including Windows Subsystem for Linux, you can install the Python/SCons dependencies with:
      • sudo apt install scons
    • On Mac OS X (tested with El Capitan, 10.11.6), you can install the Python/SCons dependencies with:
      • brew install scons
    • Note: if you run SCons under Cygwin, you might want to also install the Python pywin32 module (via pip), which our SCons file will detect and use to stop Cygwin child processes when SCons stops
  • The Vale tool
    • Download the latest Vale binary release zip file
    • Set the VALE_HOME environment variable to the unzipped binaries directory (e.g., VALE_HOME = vale-release-x.y.z)
  • F* (master branch), KaRaMeL (master branch), and Z3 (version 4.5.1)
    • Install fstar.exe into your path (make install in the F* repo), or set FSTAR_EXE to the location of the executable.
    • Set the KRML_HOME environment variable to the KaRaMeL directory (e.g., KRML_HOME = karamel)
    • (See the HACL* installation guide for directions on installing F*, KaRaMeL, and Z3 and setting environment variables)
  • An installed C/C++ compiler, used by SCons to compile C/C++ files

Once these tools are installed, running SCons in the vale directory will build and verify the Vale cryptographic library:

  • To build all sources in the specs and code directory:
    • python.exe
  • To build the AES-GCM assembly language files and test executable:
    • On Windows, set the PLATFORM environment variable to X64
    • python.exe --FSTAR-EXTRACT obj/aesgcm.asm obj/aesgcm-gcc.S obj/aesgcm-linux.S obj/aesgcm-macos.S
    • python.exe --FSTAR-EXTRACT obj/TestAesGcm.exe
  • To build in parallel, add the -j option (e.g., -j 4 for 4-way parallelism). Any warnings about needing pywin32 can be ignored.
  • To see additional generic and Vale-specific options, including options to configure where to find Vale, KaRaMeL, F*, and Z3:
    • python.exe -h