title | category |
RSpec |
Ruby |
{: .-intro}
RSpec is a Ruby library for testing.
rake -T spec # List spec tasks
rake spec # Run all
rake spec/models/mymodel_spec.rb
rake spec/models/mymodel_spec.rb:27
describe "A User (in general)" do
include UserSpecHelper
subject { Person.new }
let(:admin) { Person.new(role: :admin) }
context "setter methods" do
it "should do this" do
pending "some other thing"
expect(subject.name).to eq 'x'
before :each do
# before all tests
before :all do
# before this suite
after : all do
# after this suite
subject { CheckingAccount.new }
it { is_expected.to be_empty }
# also names: subject(:account) { ... }
target.should eq 1
target.should_not eq 1
expect(target).to eq 1
expect(target).not_to eq 1
expect(5).to be < 6
expect(5).to == 5
expect(5).to equal value
expect(5).to be_between(1, 10)
expect(5).to be_within(0.05).of value
expect(1).to (be < 2).or be > 5
Use or
to string multiple matchers together. See: Compound expectations
expect(x).to be value
expect(x).to satisfy { |arg| ... }
expect(x).to match /regexp/
expect(x).to be_zero # FixNum#zero?
expect(x).to be_empty # Array#empty?
expect(x).to have_key # Hash#has_key?
expect(obj).to be_an_instance_of MyClass
expect(obj).to be_a_kind_of MyClass
expect(obj).to respond_to :save!
expect { user.save! }.to raise_error
expect { user.save! }.to raise_error(ExceptionName, /msg/)
expect { user.save! }.to throw :symbol
expect(list).to include(<object>)
expect(list).to have(1).things
expect(list).to have_at_least(2).things
expect(list).to have_at_most(3).things
expect(list).to have(2).errors_on(:field)
expect(list).to contain_exactly(1, 2)
expect(list).to match_array([1, 2])
expect { thing.approve! }.to \
change(thing, :status)
expect { thing.destroy }.to \
change(Thing, :count)
book = double('book')
book = instance_double('Book', pages: 250)
allow(die).to receive(:roll)
allow(die).to receive(:roll) { 3 }
allow_any_instance_of(Die).to receive(:roll)
expect(die).to receive(:roll)
.with(1, true)
.with(1, any_args)
.with(hash_including(a: 1))
.with(hash_excluding(a: 1))
.with(array_including(:a, :b))
.with(array_excluding(:a, :b))
module UserSpecHelper
def valid_user_attributes
{ :email => "[email protected]",
:username => "joebloggs",
:password => "abcdefg"}
describe User do
include UserSpecHelper