The path to optimal health is closer than ever. At Fréyja healing, we believe in the bodies natural healing ability's.
if you a suffering with a lingering ache or chronically stressed, book an appointment with any of our experienced naturopaths & begin your journey to better health.
As a user, customer I would like to the following:
✅ successfully implemented
❌ not yet implemented
- ✅ View information (prices and details) on all available services.
- ✅ View opening times & contact information.
- ✅ View information on naturopaths (practitioners).
- ✅ View privacy policy on how the users information is handled.
- ✅ Send inquires about a service.
- ✅ Book an appointment.
- ❌ Add uniques image for each available service.
- ❌ Improve SEO (Add open graph meta information).
- ❌ Receive email appointment confirmation.
- ❌ Receive email contact form confirmation.
- ❌ Setup payment processing.
- ❌ Add account page for users:
- User can view account information
- User can place booking via payment method
- User can write review
- ❌ Improve security:
- Add Cloudflare Turnstile (privacy focused captcha).
- Protect mailto address (further research needed).
- Add Content Security Policy (further research needed).
- ❌ Add unit testing & CI workflow (further research needed)
- I utilized the nuxt icon module to generate the icons. The Icons are from Google Fonts Material Symbols
- I chose to use default browser fonts & not to use a custom font.
These wireframes are exported wireframes from Figma. They are not screenshots from a browser.
- Users can choose from any of our 6 appointments & place a booking. The user is required to enter the following:
- Name
- Contact number
- Choose a time & date
- Submit after verifying their details are correct
- View all services with an overview of the following INFORMATION
- Treatment Details
- Treatment
- Treatment duration
- Treatment Price
- A list of benefits of the treatment
- Treatment brief description
- Treatment Details
- Users can send inquiry about any of the services offered with the following INFORMATION
- Name
- service
- Short message
- Users can easily navigate to any of the available services.
- Users can easily navigate to the contact page.
- Users can easily navigate to the about us page.
- ❌ Add uniques image for each available service.
- ❌ Improve SEO (Add open graph meta information).
- ❌ Receive email appointment confirmation.
- ❌ Receive email contact form confirmation.
- ❌ Setup payment processing.
- ❌ Add account page for users:
- User can view account information
- User can place booking via payment method
- User can write review
- ❌ Improve security:
- Add Cloudflare Turnstile (privacy focused captcha).
- Protect mailto address (further research needed).
- Add Content Security Policy (further research needed).
- ❌ Add unit testing & CI workflow (further research needed)
- Markup language used within VueJS templates.
- Used to style elements within pages & add transition effects.
- Used to add reactivity.
- From validation (client side)
- Return data based on query parameters
- Tailwindcss 🔗 (Used to enhance workflow & improve maintainability of CSS).
- Vue.js 🔗 (The Progressive JavaScript Framework)
- Reactivity.
- Reusable components.
- NuxtJS 🔗 (The Intuitive Vue Framework)
- Used for server side rendering.
- Enhanced SEO.
- Image optimization.
- Code optimization (minified CSS & JavaScript).
- State management.
- NuxtJS Modules 🔗 (Extends NuxtJS functionality)
- Nuxt Icon 🔗 Used to generate Icons for project.
- Nuxt image 🔗 Used to optimize images for variable screen sizes & convert to webp image format.
- VueJS devtools 🔗 Used to inspect debug VueJS (performance issues & reactivity issues)
Google page speed insight (Used for testing performance & SEO) 🔗
I tested responses in Firefox Developer & Google Chrome from 300px to 1200px & Iphone for mobile device testing.
knowledge of accessibility is limited, application will need audit at later date to improve accessibility for screen readers.
- Check for overflow issues.
- Home page information cards overflow at 300px
- Check for accessibility issues (contrasting colors).
- None found
knowledge of unit testing is limited, application will need unit testing at later date.
NuxtJS & Vite provide excellent development experience & detailed errors in development.
- Check for JavaScript errors
- All known errors resolved in development.
is() CSS pseudo-class does not work on invalid form input.
- View mobile experience (validate page links work & inputs on forms)
- Contact us page: The form will not send unless the following rules are met.
- First & last name: (Required) must have 2 - 20 characters using alphabetic notation only.
- Email: (Required) must be a valid email address & math pattern.
- Service option: (Not required) Choose a service are predefined options.
- User message: (Required) must be 5 - 300 characters.
- Booking page: The form will not send unless the following rules are met.
- Name: (Required) must have 2 - 20 characters using alphabetic notation only.
- Email: (Required) must be a valid email address & math pattern.
- Phone number: (Required) must be numeric only and 5 - 10 characters.
- Calender: (Required) Choose date, calender is not viewable beyond December 2022 & before the current month of the current year.
- Time: (Required) Time must be between 9AM - 5PM, 9AM is predefined input if no time is chosen.
- Booking confirmation details: Check users details are correct.
- Name
- Phone number
- Appointment date
- Appointment time
HTML & CSS validation returns 54 CSS parsing errors. This issue is discussed by the maintainer of Tailwindcss & has provided a solution however,
I cannot use the recommended fix as I use scoped styles within VueJS. This will break styles used within the application. Remove --tw- variables from universal selector #7317 🔗
W3C Markup Validation 🔗 (Validate HTML)
W3C CSS Validation 🔗 (Validate CSS)
JS Hint 🔗 (Validate JavaScript)
I added the following rule to ignore missing semicolons and test for ECMAScript 9 support.
/* jslint asi: true, esversion: 9 */
Not all VueJS files contain JavaScript that can be tested with JS Hint. I tested the following files.
- contact.vue
- booking.vue
- treatments.vue
- AppFormInput.vue
- ContactForm.vue
- TheFooter.vue
- Services.js
NuxtJS auto imports VusJS components, Eslint will display no-undefined warnings, I have yet to find a fix for this.
Nuxt Auto imports 🔗
VueJS & JavaScript
I added Eslint & Eslint-plugin-vue to validate & check for errors during development as well as follow VueJS best practices based on VusJs style guide. Linting errors are shown in visual studio code terminal.