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PyTorch Lightning

Deep Compression

Original Paper, My slides

This repository is an unofficial Pytorch Lightning implementation of the paper "Deep Compression: Compressing Deep Neural Networks with pruning,trained quantization and Huffman coding" by Song Han Huizi Mao and William J. Dally, 2015. It provides an implementation of the three core methods described in the paper:

  • Pruning
  • Quantization
  • Huffman Encoding

These are the main results on the MNIST and Imagenenette datasets

Network Top-1 Error (Ours) Top-1 Error (Han et al.) Compression Rate (Ours) Compression Rate (Han et al.)
LeNet-300-100 Ref 2.0% 1.64% - -
LeNet-300-100 Compressed 1.8% 1.58% 48X 40X
LeNet-5 Ref 0.83% 0.8% - -
LeNet-5 Compressed 0.74% 0.74% 46X 39X
AlexNet Ref 9.11% - - -
AlexNet Compressed 3.87% - 41X 35X

This project was implemented for Deep Learning exam at University of Florence.

Table of contents


  • pytorch
  • pytorch-lightning
  • torchmetrics
  • torchvision
  • ipykernel
  • jupyter
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • tqdm
  • tensorboard

Project Structure

├── - main script to start training
├── - evaluation of trained model 
├── compression/ - directory containing all the Deep Compression logic
│   ├── - implements ThresholdPruning and utilities for sparsity calculation
│   ├── - implements all the weight sharing logic, utilities for compression calculation
│   └── - implements huffman encoding
├── configs/ - directory of saved model configurations for various datasets and models
├── config.json - a configuration file for your current experiment. 
├── - handles config file and cli options
├── - anything about data loading goes here
│   ├── BaseDataLoader - Abstract Base Class for Dataloader
│   ├── MnistDataLoader - DataLoader for MNIST
│   ├── CIFAR100DataLoader - DataLoader for CIFAR 100
│   └── ImagenetDataLoader - DataLoader for Imagenet-like datasets
├── data/ - directory for storing input data
├── models/ - directory of developed models
│   ├── - Implementation of LeNet300-100 and LeNet-5
│   ├── - Implementation of AlexNet which follows Caffe implementation 
│   │      
│   └── - Implementation of VGG-16
├── notebooks/ - directory containing example notebooks 
│   ├── mnist-lenet300.ipynb - Deep Compression pipeline example on MNIST with LeNet-300-100 FC model
│   ├── mnist-lenet5.ipynb - Deep Compression pipeline example on MNIST with LeNet-5 model
│   └── ...
├── runs/ - trained models and logs are saved here
├── trainer/ - module containing code for training and evaluating models
│   ├── callbacks/ - module containing custom callbacks for Lightning Trainer
│   │   ├── IterativePruning - Custom callback extending ModulePruning allowing finegraned control on the pruning process
│   │   └── Quantization - Custom callback defining quantization process. Also handles huffman encoding calculation.
│   │
│   ├── - Lightning wrapper for model training
│   ├── - code to define metrics
│   └── - code to configure a Lightning Trainer from json configuration 
├── logger/ - module for additional console logging (Tensorboard is handled by Lightning)
│   ├──
│   └── logger_config.json
└── -  utility functions



The data is stored by default in the data/ directory. The data loading logic is implemented in the file and can be easily extended to new datasets.

MNIST dataset is available in the torchvision package and can be downloaded automatically by Pytorch. The ImageNette dataset is available at Imagenenette and needs to be downloaded and extracted in the data/ directory.


models folder contains the implementation of the following models:

  • LeNet-300 from the original LeNet paper
  • LeNet-5, in a modified, larger version which follows the one in the Deep Compression paper
  • AlexNet, which follows the Caffe implementation available the author's repository
  • VGG-16

Configuration file

All the experiments are handled by a configuration file in .json format:

    "name": "Mnist_LeNet300",
    "n_gpu": 1,
    "arch": {
        "type": "LeNet300",
        "args": {
            "num_classes": 10,
            "grayscale": true,
            "dropout_rate": 0
    "data_loader": {
        "type": "MnistDataLoader",
        "args": {
            "data_dir": "data/",
            "batch_size": 128,
            "shuffle": true,
            "validation_split": 0.1,
            "num_workers": 6,
            "resize": false
    "optimizer": {
        "type": "SGD",
        "args": {
            "lr": 1e-2,
            "momentum": 0.9,
            "weight_decay": 1e-3,
            "nesterov": true
    "loss": "cross_entropy",
    "metrics": [
    "trainer": {
        "min_epochs": 10,
        "max_epochs": 20,
        "save_dir": "runs/",
        "verbosity": 1,
        "monitor": "max val_accuracy",
        "loggers": ["TensorBoard"],
        "callbacks": {
            "ModelCheckpoint": {
                "save_top_k": 1,
                "monitor": "val_accuracy",
                "mode": "max"
            "IterativePruning": {
                "pruning_schedule": {
                    "target_sparsity": 0.9,
                    "start_epoch": 0,
                    "prune_every": 2
                "pruning_fn": "l1_threshold",
                "parameter_names": ["weight"],
                "amount": 0.6,
                "use_global_unstructured": true,
                "make_pruning_permanent": false,
                "verbose": 2
            "Quantization": {
              "epoch": 10,
              "quantization_fn": "linear_quantization",
              "parameter_names": ["weight"],
              "filter_layers": ["Linear"],
              "bits": 6,
              "verbose": 2,
              "huffman_encode": true


To train a new model from scratch, use the command -c or --config followed by the path to a JSON configuration file

$ python -c config.json

To resume a training, use the command -r followed by the path to a Pytorch Lightning checkpoint.

In the same directory it should also be placed the JSON configuration file of the trained model. This is useful if you want to perform compression step by step, changing the callbacks every time.

$ python -r path-to-checkpoint/checkpoint.ckpt


$ python -r path-to-checkpoint/checkpoint.ckpt

Sensitivity analysis

$ python -r path-to-checkpoint/checkpoint.ckpt


Pruning is implemented as a callback, called during training by Pytorch Lightning's Trainer. The IterativePruning callback extends ModelPruning callback with further control on the pruning schedule. It allows to set a target sparsity level, prune each layer with a different amount/threshold and perform Iterative pruning.

  • pruning_fn: Function from torch.nn.utils.prune module or a PyTorch BasePruningMethod subclass. Can also be string e.g. “l1_unstructured”
  • parameter_names: List of parameter names to be pruned from the nn.Module. Can either be "weight" or "bias".
  • parameters_to_prune: List of tuples (nn.Module, "parameter_name_string"). If unspecified, retrieves all module in model having parameter_names.
  • use_global_unstructured: Whether to apply pruning globally on the model. If parameters_to_prune is provided, global unstructured will be restricted on them.
  • amount: Quantity of parameters to prune. Can either be
    • int specifying the exact amount of parameter to prune
    • float specifying the percentage of parameters to prune
    • List of int or float speciying the amount to prune in each module. The length of This is allowed only if use_global_unstructured=False
  • filter_layers: List of strings, filters pruning only on layers of a specific class ("Linear","Conv2d" or both.)

The pruning_schedule is provided as a dictionary in trainer's JSON configuration and allows the following arguments:

  • epochs: list specifying the exact epochs in which pruning is performed. If specified, overrides start_epoch and prune_every
  • start_epoch: first epoch in which pruning is performed.
  • prune_every: performs pruning every prune_every epochs. Default=1.
  • target_sparsity: prevents from applying pruning if the model's sparsity is greater than target_sparsity

Performance of pruned models was evaluated on different datasets in different settings

  • One-shot pruning with retraining: prune a trained model, then retrain the weights to compensate the accuracy loss occurred during pruning
  • Iterative pruning: iteratively prune and retrain the model multiple times
Network Top-1 Error Top-5 Error Parameters Compression Rate
LeNet-300-100 Ref 2.0% - 267K -
LeNet-300-100 one-shot pruning w/ retrain 1.83% - 22K 12X
LeNet-5 Ref 0.83% - 429K -
LeNet-5 one-shot pruning w/ retrain 0.69% - 36K 12X
AlexNet Ref 9.11% - 57M -
AlexNet one-shot pruning w/ retrain 2.627% - 6M 10X
VGG16 Ref - - 61M -
VGG16 Pruned -


Quantization is implemented with Quantizer, a custom callback called by Pytorch Lightning's Trainer.

The Quantizer callback implements abstract Callback class and allows to run vector quantization on Linear and Conv2d modules.

Vector quantization is implemented in BaseQuantizationMethod class, a novel module inspired on existing pruning pipeline in torch.nn.utils.prune. This module takes care of performing a clustering of parameter's weights and store it as a tensor of cluster centers and an index matrix.

The initialization of the cluster centroids can be done in three different ways

  • Linear: choose linearly-spaced values between [ min , max ] of the original weights
  • Density-based: chooses the weights based on the density distribution. It linearly spaces the CDF of the weights in the y-axis, then finds the horizontal intersection with the CDF, and finally the vertical intersection on the x-axis, which becomes the centroid.
  • Random/Forgy: randomly chooses k weights from the weight matrix.

The callback calls the quantization function for each layer and accepts the following parameters:

  • epoch: an int indicating the epoch on which quantization is performed
  • quantization_fn: Function from compression.quantization module, passed as a string. Available functions are: "density_quantization","linear_quantization","forgy_quantization"
  • parameter_names: List of parameter names to be quantized from the nn.Module. Can either be "weight" or "bias".
  • filter_layers: List of strings, filters pruning only on layers of a specific class ("Linear","Conv2d" or both.)
  • bits: an int indicating the number of bits used for quantization. The number of codebook weights will be 2**bits.
#CONV bits / #FC bits Top-1 Error Top-1 Error increase Compression rate
32 bits / 32 bits 2.627% - -
8 bits / 5 bits 3.87% 1.2% 41X
8 bits / 4 bits 4.066% 1.4% 44X
4 bits / 2 bits 3.45% 0.8% 61X

Huffman encoding

Huffman Encoding is implemented in compression.huffman_encoding model.

This module computes the huffman tree for the passed vector and calculates the memory saving obtained by that encoding and the average number of bits used to encode every element of the vector. The encoding is not actually applied to the vector.

Huffman Encoding is enabled by setting the parameter huffman_encode to True in Quantization callback.


Here's a summary of the reached compression of each model, after pruning, quantization and Huffman Encoding. The experiments are available on


Layer # Weights Weights % (P) Weight bits (P+Q) Weight bits (P+Q+H) Index bits (P+Q) Index bits (P+Q+H) Compress rate (P+Q) Compress rate (P+Q+H)
fc1 235K 8% 6 5.1 5 2.5 2.53% 1.92%
fc2 30K 9% 6 5.4 5 3.6 3.03% 2.71%
fc3 1K 26% 6 5.8 5 3.1 14.52% 13.59%
Total 266K 8% (12X) 6 5 2.63% (38.0X) 2.05% (48.7X)
Layer # Weights Weights % (P) Weight bits (P+Q) Weight bits (P+Q+H) Index bits (P+Q) Index bits (P+Q+H) Compress rate (P+Q) Compress rate (P+Q+H)
conv1 0.5K 82% 8 7.9 5 1.2 92.47% 74.54%
conv2 25K 19% 8 7.5 5 3.0 21.10% 7.09%
fc1 400K 7% 5 4.2 5 3.6 1.97% 1.66%
fc2 3K 73% 5 4.4 5 1.4 21.58% 14.08%
Total 429K 8% (12X) 5 3.34% (39X) 2.15% (46X)


Layer # Weights Weights % (P) Weight bits (P+Q) Weight bits (P+Q+H) Index bits (P+Q) Index bits (P+Q+H) Compress rate (P+Q) Compress rate (P+Q+H)
conv1 35K 84% 8 7.2 5 1.2 32.6% 23.61%
conv2 307K 38% 8 6.8 5 2.6 14.33% 11.20%
conv3 885K 35% 8 6.5 5 2.7 13.16% 10.13%
conv4 663K 37% 8 6.6 5 2.7 13.9% 10.96%
conv5 442K 37% 8 6.7 5 2.7 13.92% 11.06%
fc1 38M 9% 5 4.0 5 4.5 2.53% 2.07%
fc2 17M 9% 5 4.1 5 4.6 2.53% 1.99%
fc3 4M 25% 5 4.4 5 3.3 7.11% 5.95%
Total 58M 11% (10X) 5.4 5 3.03% (32X) 2.43% (41X)


  • Switch to PyTorch Lightning console commands
  • Switch to YAML configuration
  • Better log integration w/ Tensorboard & WandB
  • Compressed checkpoints saving


[1] Han, Song, Huizi Mao, and William J. Dally. "Deep compression: Compressing deep neural networks with pruning, trained quantization and huffman coding." arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.00149 (2015)

[2] Han, Song, et al. "Learning both weights and connections for efficient neural network." Advances in neural information processing systems 28 (2015)
