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File metadata and controls

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This document defines the entire current roadmap for the project; itemizing all current & target features. The features are segragated into various categories of similar functionallity or sane heirachal structures.

Last Updated: 22 FEB 2016


The map below illistrates the main goals and milestones of the project. Once each level of objectives has been meet, that level's parent can be marked-off.

The main goal of this project is to provide an interface similar to Python's argparse pacakge. As such, code functionallity & attributes found in the argparse packaged are included.

The Map

  • Parser
    • Support ArgumentParser attribute functionallity
      • prog
      • usage
      • description
      • epilog
      • argument_default
      • conflict_handler
      • add_help
    • Auto-determine Program name
    • Output entire program usage
    • Support parent parsers
    • Support multiple prefix characters
    • Determine & display conflicting options
    • Parse multiple short-arguments in single argument flag
    • Parse from sys.Args by default
    • Support sub-parsers / commands
  • Argument
    • Support Argument attribute functionallity
      • name
      • action
      • nargs
      • const
      • default
      • type
      • choices
      • required
      • help
      • metavar
      • dest
    • Support short & long named options
    • Associate short & long named options as single option
    • Support Nargs options
      • Any positive integer
      • "?" - One argument or none
      • "*" - Any arguments or none
      • "+" - One or more arguments
      • "rR" - Remaining arguments
    • Support argument type-asserting
    • Support limiting to available argument Choices
    • Allow for mutually-exclusive arguments
    • Provide validity checking for Option based on provided arguments
  • Namespace
    • Contain parsed values for arguments
  • Actions
    • store
    • store_const
    • store_true
    • store_false
    • append
    • append_const
    • count
    • help
    • version
  • Project / General milestones
    • Documentation / examples
    • Unit tests
    • Strong code coverage
    • Comprehensive & cohesive error messages