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Nicole MorsNicole Mors
Nicole Mors
Nicole Mors
Jul 31, 2017
6c683c1 · Jul 31, 2017


493 lines (377 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

493 lines (377 loc) · 12.8 KB


Getting Started

Drizzle is built on the Node.js platform, so be sure to have it installed before proceeding.


  1. Download and extract a copy of the source.
  2. Run npm start in the resulting directory.

This will install dependencies, build your toolkit, and start the development server at http://localhost:3000.


The build sequence consists of a small set of Gulp tasks. While you'll probably only need gulp and gulp --dev most of the time, the other tasks can be called independently to process only a subset of your source files:

Task Description
gulp Build everything and start the development server.
gulp --dev Do everything gulp does, but with file watching.
gulp clean Empty the destination directory.
gulp copy Copy static assets into the destination directory.
gulp css Process CSS for the toolkit and Drizzle UI.
gulp js Process JavaScript for the toolkit and Drizzle UI.
gulp drizzle Compile all data, pages, and patterns into HTML files.
gulp serve Start the development server.
gulp watch Run tasks automatically when file changes occur.

Project Structure

New Drizzle projects contain some boilerplate files to help you get started. The default directory structure looks something like this:

├── dist
├── src
│   ├── assets
│   ├── data
│   ├── pages
│   ├── patterns
│   ├── static
│   └── templates
├── browserslist
├── config.js
└── gulpfile.js
File Description
dist Where toolkit builds are output
src/assets/toolkit Where toolkit CSS and JavaScript files live
src/data Where shared template data files live
src/pages Where Page content and templates live
src/patterns Where Pattern templates live
src/static Where generic root assets live
src/templates Where Page Layout and Drizzle UI templates live
browserslist The Browserslist configuration for Autoprefixer
config.js The Gulp task configuration module
gulpfile.js The Gulp task initialization script


A Pattern is a grouping of markup templates representing a distinct interface element. They are intended to be the most substantial and relevant part of your toolkit content.

The default project structure shows how you might classify patterns as components and elements:

├── components
└── elements

But you can use any naming convention that makes sense for your project:

├── atoms
├── molecules
└── organisms


A Pattern Collection is any folder within src/patterns that is the parent to one or more template files. The files can be named anything with a .hbs or .html extension, and will be concatenated into a single file during the build process.

Example input:

├── button
│   ├── base.hbs
│   └── primary.hbs
└── grid
    ├── default.hbs
    └── responsive.hbs

Example output:

├── button.html
└── grid.html


It's common for patterns to consist of multiple variations of the same general piece of markup. For example, the pattern collection for a button component could be structured as:

├── base.hbs
└── primary.hbs

These pattern variations are accessible from other templates as partials:

{{> patterns.components.button.base}}

And for more complex cases, the {{#extend}} and {{#embed}} helpers can be used:

{{#embed "patterns.components.button.base"}}

Refer to the Recipes section for examples of extending and embedding patterns.


Pages can be used to present Patterns, or to supplement them with examples or additional documentation. They can be authored as Markdown, Handlebars, or standard HTML.

Example input:

├── demos
│   ├── example.hbs
│   └── index.hbs
├── docs
│   ├──
│   └── index.hbs
├── colors.hbs
└── index.hbs

Example output:

├── demos
│   ├── example.html
│   └── index.html
├── docs
│   ├── example.html
│   └── index.html
├── colors.html
└── index.html

By default, Pages will include the surrounding Drizzle UI elements in their layout:

To use a different layout template, you can assign one in the Page front-matter:

title: Demo Page
layout: blank

Refer to the Layouts section for more information on the default layout templates.


To share common data across all Page and Pattern templates, you can define data files in JSON or YAML format.

Some default files are included:

├── articles.yaml
├── colors.yaml
├── project.yaml
├── radfaces.json
└── specimens.yaml

Accessing values from these files can be done with the {{data}} template helper. For example:

# src/data/team.yaml
- name: Pete
  photo: pete.jpg
- name: Paul
  photo: paul.jpg
- name: Mary
  photo: mary.jpg
{{! src/pages/team.hbs !}}
{{#each (data "team")}}
  <img src="{{photo}}" alt="{{name}}">

Results in:

<!-- dist/team.html -->
<img src="pete.jpg" alt="Pete">
<img src="paul.jpg" alt="Paul">
<img src="mary.jpg" alt="Mary">


Patterns and Pages can leverage YAML front-matter for local template data:

name: Basic Button
notes: This is _just_ a **basic** button.

<button class="Button">

These values can be accessed directly within their own template (e.g. {{name}}). From outside templates, the values can be accessed via the data property:

{{#with (page "colors")}}

Front-matter can also be applied to Pattern Collections by using a collection.yaml file at the root of the directory:

├── collection.yaml
├── base.hbs
└── primary.hbs

Special Properties

While any arbitrary data can be added and referenced, there are some special property definitions that affect how things are displayed:

Property Type Description
name string Override the default name for Patterns and Collections. Example: name: My Page
order number Override the default sort position for Patterns and Collections. Example: order: 1
hidden boolean Hide a Pattern variation from listings.
notes string Annotate details about a Pattern variation with Markdown formatting.
links object Provide a menu of additional documentation links for a Pattern.
sourceless boolean Prevent the HTML source of a Pattern from being displayed.
layout string Associate a Layout template to be used for wrapping Page content. Example: layout: blank


Templates in the src/templates directory are intended for the surrounding Drizzle UI.

├── drizzle
├── blank.hbs
├── collection.hbs
└── default.hbs

The templates in this directory differ from Patterns and Pages in a few ways:

  • They are for presenting content (opposed to being content).
  • They do not utilize front-matter data.
  • They cannot be iterated over in any way.


Files at the top-level of the templates directory are assumed to be layout templates for Pages:

Layout Description
default.hbs This is for standard pages that do require the presence of the Drizzle UI. Example
blank.hbs This is used for special standalone pages that don't require the presence of the Drizzle UI. Example
collection.hbs This is used for concatenating Pattern collections into a single page. Example


Files deeper than the top-level of the templates directory are intended to be used as partials for the Drizzle UI:

├── item.hbs
├── labelheader.hbs
├── logo.hbs
├── nav.hbs
├── page-item.hbs
└── swatch.hbs


A handful of helpers are included by default to assist with looking up and listing Data, Pages, and Patterns.

{{data}} provides access to Data:

{{#with (data "articles/3")}}
  {{title}} by {{author}}

{{pages}} provides access to Page listings:

  {{#each (pages "portfolio" sortby="date")}}
      <a href="{{url}}">{{data.title}}</a>

{{collections}} provides access to Pattern collection listings:

  {{#each (collections "components" sortby="order")}}
      <a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a>

{{#extend}}, {{#embed}}, {{#block}} and {{#content}}:

The handlebars-layouts helper suite is included to provide extensible "layout" behavior to all templates:

{{! src/templates/foo.hbs }}
    {{#block "main"}}
      Default content
{{#embed "foo"}}
  {{#content "main"}}
    Final content
    Final content

Pattern templates can also benefit from these helpers:

{{! src/patterns/components/button/base.hbs }}
<button class="Button {{class}}">
  {{#block "content"}}
    Base Button
{{! src/patterns/components/button/primary.hbs }}
{{#embed "components.button.base" class="Button--primary"}}
  {{#content "content"}}
    Primary Button
<button class="Button Button--primary">
  Primary Button


└── toolkit.css
  • TODO: Explain place in build process.


└── toolkit.js
  • TODO: Explain place in build process.



  • TODO: Explain logo partial
  • TODO: Explain colors page and data


  • TODO: Explain class namespaces
  • TODO: Changing how the Drizzle UI looks
  • TODO: Code highlighting with Prism


  • TODO: Overriding CSS and JS for a specific page
  • TODO: Extending Patterns using layout helpers
  • TODO: Adding PostCSS plugins (postcss-use)
  • TODO: browserslist/autoprefixer implications


  • TODO: Which are supported?


The following projects were inspiration for the design and development of Drizzle: