All protocol messages are JSON-encoded text frames.
opcode: string, // See opcodes
payload: any, // By default, this will be nested JSON. Otherwise, this will be SDP offers/answers or ICE candidates.
origin: string, // ULID, defined server-side to identify relayed message's sender
recipient: string, // ULID, defined client-side to specify which peer to relay to
listener: string, // Optional, use to keep track of the server's responses to commands
This section defines the various commands used for managing game lobbies and negotiating WebRTC connections (or preparing WebSocket Relays).
To connect to a CL Omega signaling server, open a websocket connection using the following URL format:
- Unique Game Identifier. Used to specify which game to connect to.
All clients are required to send this message to the server when connecting.
This authorizes your session with the server and permits connecting to a game.
This requires a valid account on the server, and a valid session token provided by the API.
opcode: "INIT",
payload: string, // See API docs for getting a session token
This response code is returned by the server upon successful authentication.
The payload contains information about your current gamertag (user
) and account ULID (id
), as well as
metadata about the connected game.
Use the id
parameter value to identify sessions and to negotiate WebRTC connections using the signaling server.
opcode: "INIT_OK",
payload: {
user: string, // Provided for human-friendly identification
id: string, // Required to identify/relay requests to other peers on the signaling server
game: string, // Game name
developer: string, // Developer of game
Send this message to the server to create a game host.
opcode: "CONFIG_HOST",
payload: {
lobby_id: string, // Name of your lobby you want to create
allow_host_reclaim: bool, // False - As soon as you leave, this lobby is destroyed. True - Server or peers will decide who becomes the host. Applies to argument allow_peers_to_claim_host.
allow_peers_to_claim_host: bool, // False - Server will decide the new host. True - Peers will decide who becomes host
max_peers: int, // set to 0 for unlimited peers
password: string, // Prevent access to your room with a password. Set to an empty string to allow any peer to join.
Send this message to the server to join a game host.
opcode: "CONFIG_PEER",
payload: {
lobby_id: string, // Name of your lobby you want to join
password: string, // Optional. Server will respond with PASSWORD_REQUIRED if blank and the room is configured for a password.
This message is broadcasted to all peers waiting for a host.
opcode: "NEW_HOST",
payload: {
id: string, // ULID of the host
user: string, // gamertag of the host
lobby_id: string, // lobby ID the host has created
This message is sent to a host when a client wishes to connect to your lobby.
opcode: "NEW_PEER",
payload: {
id: string // ULID of the peer
user: string // gamertag of the peer
This message is sent when the server has made a peer the new host of a lobby.
opcode: "HOST_RECLAIM",
payload: {
id: string // ULID of the peer
user: string // gamertag of the host
lobby_id: string // The lobby ID the peer has been made the host on
These commands will share a similar format. When sending a message, you must specify recipient
. The server will relay the request with origin
opcode: "MAKE_OFFER", // or MAKE_ANSWER or ICE
payload: { . . . }, // Insert your SDP offer/answer or ICE candidate here
recipient: string, // Must be a valid ULID
origin: string, // Do not set manually, defined by the server.
is a string that represents one of the following message states:
Opcode | Description |
INIT | Authenticates the connection given a valid login token. |
INIT_OK | Returns game info and username data upon successful login. |
VIOLATION | Protocol exception. |
WARNING | Generic warning message. |
CONFIG_REQUIRED | Warning message when you haven't sent the INIT command. |
KEEPALIVE | Ping/pong. |
RELAY_OK | Generic success code for MAKE_OFFER, MAKE_ANSWER, and ICE. |
ALREADY_HOST | Warning message when trying to use CONFIG_HOST more than once. |
ALREADY_PEER | Warning message when trying to use CONFIG_PEER more than once. |
NOT_PEER | Warning message when trying to use MAKE_ANSWER as a host (should be a peer). |
NOT_HOST | Warning message when trying to use MAKE_OFFER as a peer (should be a host). |
SESSION_EXISTS | Warning message when trying to login to the same account on more than once device or attempting to reuse INIT command. |
TOKEN_INVALID | Warning message when the provided token in INIT is invalid. |
TOKEN_ORIGIN_MISMATCH | Warning message when the provided token is used on a different website than it was generated for. |
TOKEN_EXPIRED | Warning message when the provided token has expired (tokens have a lifespan of 24 hours). |
PEER_INVALID | Message undeliverable: Peer not found. |
CONFIG_HOST | Tells the server to make the client a game host, and create a lobby. |
CONFIG_PEER | Tells the server to make the client a game peer, and join a lobby. |
ACK_HOST | Server replied to host request, made the client a host, and has created a lobby. |
ACK_PEER | Server replied to peer request, made the client a peer, and has sent a join request to the lobby host. |
NEW_HOST | Server notifies a peer that a new lobby was created. |
NEW_PEER | Server notifies a host that a peer wants to join the lobby. |
MAKE_OFFER | Relay an SDP offer from host to peer. |
MAKE_ANSWER | Relay an SDP answer from peer to host. |
ICE | Relay ICE candidates to/from peer/host. |
LOBBY_EXISTS | Cannot create lobby because it already exists. |
LOBBY_NOTFOUND | Cannot join lobby because it does not exist. |
LOBBY_FULL | Cannot join lobby because it is currently full. |
LOBBY_LOCKED | Cannot join lobby because it is currently locked. |
LOBBY_CLOSE | The host/server has decided to shutdown the lobby. |
HOST_GONE | Server event that notifies peers that the host has disconnected. |
PEER_GONE | Server event that notifies a host that a peer has disconnected. |
HOST_RECLAIM | Server has made a different peer the lobby host. |
CLAIM_HOST | Ask the server to become the new lobby host. |
TRANSFER_HOST | Ask the server to transfer ownership of the lobby to a peer. |
LOCK | Ask the server to prevent access to the lobby. |
UNLOCK | Ask the server to allow access to the lobby. |
SIZE | Ask the server to change the maximum peers value for a lobby. |
KICK | Ask the server to remove a peer from a lobby. |
PASSWORD_REQUIRED | Cannot join lobby because it requires a password. |
PASSWORD_ACK | Joining lobby: password accepted. |
PASSWORD_FAIL | Not joining lobby: password rejected. |