Suggesstions / paper updates / any contributions to this list are most welcome!
Please feel free to create pull requests as follows:
Modify the and follow the format:
* **Abbreviation**: "Paper title", Conference/Journal, Year (*Company/School*). [[Paper](link)] [[Code](link)] [[Website](link)]
For example:
- 3DETR: "An End-to-End Transformer Model for 3D Object Detection", ICCV, 2021 (Facebook). [Paper][PyTorch][Website]
- Please insert the paper under the most related category.
- If there is no abbreviation, just use "?".
- For the paper link, links to abstract are more preferred than links to PDF files to avoid long loading time.
- If the platform of the code is known, it is preferred to directly write it (e.g., PyTorch, Tensorflow, etc.)
- If there are other types of links (e.g., slides, video, etc.), feel free to add them :)