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Easily blockchain project (smart contract) with hardhat

Tax Record Smart Contract Project

This project implements a simple tax record system on the Ethereum blockchain using Hardhat and TypeScript. It allows for adding, retrieving, and deleting tax records on the blockchain.


  • Node.js (v14+ recommended)
  • npm or yarn
  • An Ethereum wallet (like MetaMask)
  • Alchemy API key (for deploying to Sepolia testnet and mainnet)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd easy-deploy-blockchain-project-hardhat
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your configuration:



Compile the smart contracts:

npx hardhat compile


Run the test suite:

npx hardhat test

Deployment and Interaction

Local Deployment (Hardhat Network)

  1. Start a local Hardhat node:

    npx hardhat node
  2. In a new terminal, deploy the contract:

    npm run deploy:localhost
  3. Interact with the contract:

    npx hardhat run scripts/interact.ts --network localhost

Sepolia Testnet Deployment

  1. Ensure you have Sepolia ETH. You can get some from a faucet like Alchemy's Sepolia Faucet.

  2. Deploy the contract:

    npm run deploy:sepolia
  3. Interact with the contract:

    npx hardhat run scripts/interact.ts --network sepolia

Mainnet Deployment

  1. Ensure you have sufficient ETH in your wallet to cover gas fees.

  2. Deploy the contract:

    npm run deploy:mainnet
  3. Interact with the contract:

    npx hardhat run scripts/interact.ts --network mainnet

Contract Interaction using Hardhat Console

You can also interact with the deployed contract using the Hardhat console:

  1. For localhost:

    npx hardhat console --network localhost
  2. For Sepolia:

    npx hardhat console --network sepolia
  3. For Mainnet:

    npx hardhat console --network mainnet

Then, in the console:

const TaxRecord = await ethers.getContractFactory("TaxRecord");
const taxRecord = await TaxRecord.attach("DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS");
await taxRecord.addRecord("John Doe", ethers.parseEther("1.5"));
const record = await taxRecord.getRecord(1);

Replace DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS with the actual address of your deployed contract.

Gas Management

  • For Sepolia testnet, get free ETH from a Sepolia faucet.
  • For mainnet deployment, ensure you have sufficient ETH to cover gas fees.

Etherscan Verification

After deployment, you can verify your contract on Etherscan:

npx hardhat verify --network sepolia DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS

Replace sepolia with mainnet for mainnet deployments.

Project Structure

├── contracts/
│   └── TaxRecord.sol
├── scripts/
│   ├── deploy.ts
│   └── interact.ts
├── test/
│   └── TaxRecord.test.ts
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── hardhat.config.ts
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.