This document describes available procedures for updating a neuPrint graph. These are contained in the neuprint-procedures.jar file and can be called with a Cypher query beginning with the CALL
keyword. For example, CALL proofreader.deleteSynapse(1,2,3,'testDataset')
- proofreader.updateProperties(<string> neuronJsonObject, <string> dataset): Update properties on a Neuron/Segment node. Supports adding status, type, name, instance, size, and soma (location and radius). Input JSON should follow specifications for "Neurons" JSON file and supply a single Neuron/Segment object as a string:
- proofreader.deleteSoma(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete soma (radius and location) from Neuron/Segment node.
- proofreader.deleteName(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete name from Neuron/Segment node.
- proofreader.deleteInstance(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete instance from Neuron/Segment node.
- proofreader.deleteStatus(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete status from Neuron/Segment node.
- proofreader.deleteType(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete type from Neuron/Segment node.
- proofreader.addNeuron(<string> neuronAdditionJsonObject, <string> dataset): add a Neuron/Segment with properties, synapses, and connections specified by an input JSON:
"id": <int64>,
"size": <int64>,
"mutationUUID": <string> (from DVID),
"mutationID": <int64> (from DVID),
"status": <string>,
"soma": {
"location": [<int>,<int>,<int>],
"radius": <double>
"name": <string>,
"instance": <string>,
"primaryNeurite": <string>,
"majorInput": <string>,
"majorOutput": <string>,
"clonalUnit": <string>,
"neurotransmitter": <string>,
"property": <string>,
"currentSynapses": [
"location": [<int>,<int>,<int>],
"type": <string> (pre or post)
- proofreader.deleteNeuron(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete a Neuron/Segment from the database. Will orphan any synapses contained by the body.
- proofreader.addSkeleton(<string> swcFileURL, <string> dataset): Load skeleton from provided URL and connect it to its associated Neuron/Segment. (Note: file URL must end with ".swc" or "_swc" where is the body ID of the Neuron/Segment)
- proofreader.deleteSkeleton(<int64> bodyId, <string> dataset): Delete skeleton for Neuron/Segment with provided body ID.
These procedures will update ROI information for the Neuron/Segment containing the synapse and on the Meta node.
- proofreader.addRoiToSynapse(<double> x,<double> y,<double> z,<string> roiName,<string> dataset): Add provided ROI to synapse at location x,y,z.
- proofreader.removeRoiFromSynapse(<double> x,<double> y,<double> z,<string> roiName,<string> dataset): Remove provided ROI from synpase at location x,y,z.
- proofreader.addSynapse(<string> synapseJsonObject, <string> dataset): Add a synapse node to the dataset specified by an input JSON. Will only add the Synapse node, not the connections to other Synapse nodes. Input format:
“type”: <string> (pre or post),
“confidence”: <double>, (default is 0.0 if not provided)
“location”: [<int>,<int>,<int>],
“rois”: [<string>, <string>, …]
- proofreader.addConnectionBetweenSynapseNodes(<double> preX,<double> preY,<double> preZ,<double> postX,<double> postY,<double> postZ,<string> dataset): Add a SynapsesTo relationship between two Synapse nodes. Both nodes must exist in the dataset, and neither can be currently owned by a Neuron/Segment.
- proofreader.deleteSynapse(<double> x,<double> y,<double> z,<string> dataset): Remove Synapse node with provided location. This procedure will orphan a Synapse prior to deleting it if necessary.
- proofreader.orphanSynapse(<double> x,<double> y,<double> z,<string> dataset): Orphan (but do not delete) Synapse node with provided location.
- proofreader.addSynapseToSegment(<double> x,<double> y,<double> z,<int64> bodyId,<string> dataset): Add an orphaned Synapse node to a Neuron/Segment. Synapse and Neuron/Segment must exist in the dataset.