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Releases: craftcms/cms

21 Jan 23:20
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  • Fixed an error that occurred when referencing a single section entry by its handle. (#16474)


21 Jan 17:09
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Content Management

  • The global sidebar no longer shows “Failed” for queue jobs, for users that don’t have access to the Queue Manager. (#16184)


  • Added the elements/delete-all-of-type command. (#16423)
  • Added the utils/delete-empty-volume-folders command. (#16388)
  • The Queue Manager utility now shows jobs’ class names. (#16228)


  • Added the primarySite global Twig variable. (#16370)
  • The duration Twig filter now has a language argument. (#16332)
  • Added support for specifying the current site via an X-Craft-Site header set to a site ID or handle. (#16367)
  • Deprecated the ucfirst Twig filter. capitalize should be used instead.


  • Added craft\helpers\Image::EXIF_IFD0_ROTATE_0_MIRRORED.
  • Added craft\helpers\Image::EXIF_IFD0_ROTATE_0.
  • Added craft\helpers\Image::EXIF_IFD0_ROTATE_180_MIRRORED.
  • Added craft\helpers\Image::EXIF_IFD0_ROTATE_270_MIRRORED.
  • Added craft\helpers\Image::EXIF_IFD0_ROTATE_90_MIRRORED.
  • Added craft\models\AssetIndexingSession::$forceStop. (#16435)
  • GuzzleHttp\Client is now instantiated via Craft::createObject(). (#16366)
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::humanDuration() now has a $language argument. (#16332)


  • Database rows with foreign keys referencing nonexistent rows are now deleted via garbage collection.
  • Pages which contain image transform generation URLs now set no-cache headers. (#16195)
  • Action requests (such as actions/app/health-check) now send no-cache headers by default. (#16364)
  • Image cleansing now preserves the original image quality, if known.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\config\GeneralConfig::safeMode() set Safe Mode to false by default.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t auto-rotating or flipping images uploaded with a mirrored EXIF orientation.
  • Fixed a bug where asset indexing could get stuck in an infinite loop if the index data was deleted. (#16435)
  • Updated Twig to 3.15. (#16207)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when setting relatedTo* GraphQL arguments to null. (#16433)
  • Fixed a bug where old structure data wasn’t getting soft-deleted when a section was assigned a new structure UUID when applying project config changes. (#16450)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\events\DefineAssetUrlEvent::$transform wasn’t always defined for assets’ EVENT_BEFORE_DEFINE_URL and EVENT_DEFINE_URL events. (#16464)


15 Jan 00:26
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  • Fixed a bug where the control panel could display a notice about the Craft CMS license belonging to a different domain, even when accessing the control panel from the correct domain. (#16396)
  • Fixed a bug where Unicode special characters weren’t getting stripped out of search keywords. (#16430)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when setting relatedTo* GraphQL arguments to null. (#16431)
  • Fixed a bug where field layout elements’ action menus could have an empty action group.
  • Fixed a bug where Single section entries could be duplicated after running the entry-types/merge command. (#16394)
  • Fixed a styling bug with the system message modal. (#16410)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields could eager-load elements from a different instance of the same field, if one of the instances had no relations. (#16191)
  • Fixed a bug where the utils/prune-revisions command was deleting nested entry revisions.


15 Jan 00:24
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  • Fixed a bug where the control panel could display a notice about the Craft CMS license belonging to a different domain, even when accessing the control panel from the correct domain. (#16396)
  • Fixed a bug where Unicode special characters weren’t getting stripped out of search keywords. (#16430)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when setting relatedTo* GraphQL arguments to null. (#16431)


06 Jan 18:38
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  • Fixed a bug where custom fields could cause validation errors when running the users/create command.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a volume folder wasn’t fully deleting asset data in descendant folders.
  • Fixed a bug where ancestors, children, descendants, and parent eager-loading wasn’t working on some environments. (#16381, #16382)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur if there was a problem applying changes to field layout elements. (#16380)
  • Fixed a bug where field layout designers were validating field names, handles, and instructions, even if they weren’t overridden within the field instance. (#16380)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when upgrading to Craft 5. (#16383)
  • Fixed a bug where “Full Name” could appear twice in the user card attributes list. (#16358)
  • Fixed a bug where multi-site element queries could return an incorrect number of results if the search param was used in conjunction with offset or limit. (#16183)


06 Jan 18:35
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  • Fixed a bug where custom fields could cause validation errors when running the users/create command.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a volume folder wasn’t fully deleting asset data in descendant folders.
  • Fixed a bug where ancestors, children, descendants, and parent eager-loading wasn’t working on some environments. (#16381, #16382)


03 Jan 00:02
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  • Fixed a bug where custom fields were getting included in rendered field layout forms, even if their getInputHtml() method returned an empty string.
  • Fixed a bug where the password input on the Set Password page wasn’t including the “Show” button.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur if an element was saved with a title longer than 255 characters.
  • Fixed a bug where some UI messages began with a lowercase letter in some languages. (#16354)
  • Fixed errors that could occur when working with field layouts for element types that are no longer installed. (#16352)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating nested entries within Matrix fields. (#16331)
  • Fixed a bug where element index View menus could include a “Use defaults” button when no view customizations had been made.
  • Fixed a bug where new entries’ slugs weren’t getting propagated to other sites, if their entry type had a dynamic title format. (#16347)
  • Fixed a bug where address cards were only showing the first two lines of the address. (#16353)
  • Fixed a bug where @transform GraphQL directives weren’t always working on Assets fields with overridden handles. (#15718)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when adding “Full Name” to user cards. (#16358)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if craft\base\NestedElementTrait::getOwner() or getPrimaryOwner() were called on a nested element whose owner didn’t exist in the same site. (#16359)
  • Fixed a styling issue. (#16342)
  • Fixed an RCE vulnerability.


03 Jan 00:00
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  • Fixed a bug where asset edit page URLs contained spaces if the asset filename contained spaces. (#15236)
  • Fixed a bug where custom fields were getting included in rendered field layout forms, even if their getInputHtml() method returned an empty string.
  • Fixed a bug where the password input on the Set Password page wasn’t including the “Show” button.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur if an element was saved with a title longer than 255 characters.
  • Fixed a bug where some UI messages began with a lowercase letter in some languages. (#16354)
  • Fixed an RCE vulnerability.


17 Dec 18:16
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  • Fixed a bug where elements’ getPrev() and getNext() methods could cause duplicate queries. (#16329)
  • Fixed a bug where assets that were shorter than the preview thumb container weren’t getting vertically centered within it.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to set a focal point on SVGs, even though focal points on SVGs aren’t supported. (#16258)
  • Fixed a bug where ancestors, children, descendants, and parent eager-loading wasn’t working for previewed elements. (#16327)
  • Fixed a bug where field conditions weren’t taking effect within Matrix fields set to inline-editable blocks mode, if the owner element didn’t support drafts. (#16315)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields’ entry types weren’t maintaining their original block type order when upgrading to Craft 5. (#16314)
  • Fixed a bug where element card labels were getting cut off when wrapped. (#16325)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when eager-loading owner or primaryOwner on nested elements. (#16339)


17 Dec 18:15
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  • Fixed a bug where elements’ getPrev() and getNext() methods could cause duplicate queries. (#16329)
  • Fixed a bug where assets that were shorter than the preview thumb container weren’t getting vertically centered within it.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to set a focal point on SVGs, even though focal points on SVGs aren’t supported. (#16258)
  • Fixed a bug where ancestors, children, descendants, and parent eager-loading wasn’t working for previewed elements. (#16327)