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9ab7ebf · May 15, 2024


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File metadata and controls

185 lines (168 loc) · 5.96 KB


Someone who can login to the system. Can be someone that is not involved in learning in the CS Internship program.

Property Type Description
DisplayName String
RolesStr String Learner, Company, CompanyCreator, ContentHero
Learner Learner


A user that is a part of CS Internship program and is in the middle of growing journey.

Property Type Description
Username String just letters and digits and underscore
FirstName String
LastName String
Summary String
Status Enum.LearnerStatus PendingInfo, Active, Inactive
IsActive Boolean
BirthCity City
LivingCity City
Address String
AnimalCharacter String
MobileNo String
TelegramUsername String
EmailMicrosoft String
EmailGoogle String
EmailCrystallineSociety String
TwitterUsername String
LinkedInUrl String
GitHubUsername String
StackOverflowUsername String
EthereumPubKey String
TonPubKey String
TagStr String


A badge is indication of a specific quality of a learner. For example if you participate in writing a document you may get a document-creator badge for each of the documents you write. Or if you participate in enough documentations you may get documentation-guru badge.

Property Type Description
Code String
Title String
Description String Having this badge indicates these qualities
Benefits String The benefits of having this badge
IsPermission Boolean
Permission String
Prerequisites String
PrerequisitesJsonSourceUrl String Each badge has a github file which will be synced one-way from it.
PrerequisitesJson String
Level Enum.BadgeLevel Bronze, Silver, Gold
IsApprovalRequired Boolean


Property Type Description
Code String
Title String
Description String
Power String
Prerequisites String
PrerequisitesJson String
IsApprovalRequired Boolean


Property Type Description
Learner Learner
AchivementId Guid Badge or Previlege
AchieveDate Date
AchieveType Enum.AchieveType Manual, Automatic
ApproverType AchievementApproverType Maual, Automatic
Approver Learner?
Description String Why and how this badge achieved.


Property Type Description
Learner Learner
AchievementId Guid
LearnerAchievement LearnerAchievement
ProofType Enum.ProofType Activity, Badge, Approver
Title String A human undrestanable title generated based on proof information.
Approver Learner
ApproverNote String
ProofBadge LearnerBadge
ProofBadgeJson String A copy of ProofLearnerBadge at the moment.
ProofActivity LearnerActivity
ProofActivityJson String A copy of ProofLearnerActivity at the moment.
CreateDateTime DateTimeOffset The time the proof is created
ProofDateTime DateTimeOffSet The time the proof is considered Final
Status Enum.ProofStatus Draft, Final


Property Type Description
Learner Learner
ActivityType Enum.ActivityType Unknown, OperationMeetingCoordination
ActivityTypeText String If unknown, this is the helping information
Title String
Description String
RefUrl String
RefInfoJson String More information about the ref eg. starting second (if video).
ActivityDateTime DateTimeOffset
ActivityStatus Enum.ActivityStatus Pending, Approved, Rejected
Approver Learner
ApproveDateTime DateTimeOffset


An education program is a program designed in the system that is ruled by a badge system and may contain several courses. CS Internship is the first program loaded into the system.

Property Type Description
Code String used inthe url like:
Title String
Description String Having this badge indicates these qualities
IsActive Boolean
BadgeSystemConfigJson String Where it's badge system is located on github
AzureBoardConfigJson String Where activities should be synced with
LinkedInConfigJson String
TwitterConfigJson String
TelegramConfigJson String
SharePointConfigJson String
MicrosoftTeamsConfigJson String
PageUrl String Where the program page md file is located on github

Praisal System

The Praisal System is designed to specify the requirements to pick a learner for a specific situation.


Property Type Description
Badges BadgeRequirement[]
Activities ActivityRequirement[]
Approvers ApproverRequirement[]

A RequirementSet is a set of requirements that should be satified on a learner to accept for a situation. These requirements are one of these 3 types:

  • Badge Requirements
  • Activity Requirements
  • Approver Requirements


Property Type Description
Badge Badge
Count Integer


Property Type Description
ActivityType Enum.ActivityType
Count Integer


Property Type Description
ActivityType Enum.ActivityType
Badges BadgeRequirement[]
Activities ActivityRequirement[]
ApproverCount Integer

Approval System

The CS systems requires a lot of manual approvals which should be done by people. This system helps to manage all the work with these approvals.


Property Type Description
Title String
Description String
ApprovalArtifact Enum.ApprovalArtifact WeeklyReport
ApprovalRefId String A document Id
ApprovalRefUrl String A link reference
ApprovalJson String What is going to be approved
RequestDateTime DateTimeOffset
FinalizeDateTime DateTimeOffset


Property Type Description
ApprovalRequest ApprovalRequest
Approver Learner
Status Enum.ApprovalStatus Approved, Rejected , Skipped
ApprovalComment String
CreateDateTime DataTimeOffset
FirstResponseDateTime DateTimeOffSet
LastResponseDateTime DateTimeOffSet