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Cylc Rose Dev Docs

Cylc Rose provides integration between Cylc and Rose.

Its functionality is defined in the cylc-rose proposal.

Cylc Rose Options

Rose Config Files

Rose suite configurations are Cylc workflows which contain a rose-suite.conf file at the top level. This file configures:

  • Template variables.
  • File installation.
  • Environment variables for workflow configuration.

Rose suite configurations may additionally contain optional configuration files in the opts/ directory. Note that optional configurations may be turned on by default via the opt configuration in the rose-suite.conf file.

The Options

The Rose suite configuration may be extended or overridden via the Cylc Rose CLI options.

Cylc Rose adds three options to Cylc Flow.

  • -S - template variables
  • -D - any arbitrary rose configuration (includes template variables)
  • -O - optional configs

These options are currently hardcoded in the cylc-flow source code as we do not yet have the ability for Cylc plugins (such as cylc-rose) to inject options into cylc-flow commands.

There is also the ROSE_SUITE_OPT_CONF_KEYS environment variable which complements the -O option.


Cylc Rose options passed in on the CLI are written to the ~/cylc-run/<workflow-id>/opt/rose-suite-cylc-install.conf file by the post_install plugin.

This preserves these options so that they are inherited by subsequent commands avoiding the need for users to remember which Cylc Rose options they have used and specify them with all future commands.


On reinstallation, additional Cylc Rose CLI options may be provided.

If specified, these will override those previously specified on the CLI.

Option Lifecycle

In order to support Cylc's compound commands (single commands that may perform multiple individual operations as a transaction), the post_install plugin deletes the Cylc Rose CLI options (from the object it was passed) after it has written them to the filesystem.

This is necessary to avoid the same options being reenacted in later stages of compound commands. See cylc/cylc-flow#5968
