Internal changes that do not directly affect users may not be listed here. For all changes see the closed milestones for each release.
#450 - Upgraded to Jupyter Server 2.7+ and Jupyter Hub 4.0+. Note cylc-uiserver 1.3 remains supported and compatible with cylc-flow 8.2 for those not ready to make the jump just yet.
#463 - Fixed failure to connect to workflows when they were restarted.
#434 - Added the server side code for the analysis view in the UI
#431 - Adds an additional cleaning check for the UI server contact file. This may have caused problems running a UI server following a crash.
#367 - the log file now captures messages from cylc-flow.
#370 -
cylc gui workflow_id
is now supported and will open the GUI at that workflow.
#376 -
UIServer logs are now archived. The five most recent logs are retained (located
in ~/.cylc/uiserver/log/
). A new log is created with each UIServer instance.
#386 - Work around bug in
JupyterHub 3.0.0 that prevents cylc hub
from starting.
#349 -
Configure default logging. The UIServer log now goes to
at the INFO
level by default. See the
Traitlets logging_config
"trait" for more information.
#323 -
cylc clean
made available for runs and files within runs.
Internal changes, see
#324 - Fix issues where workflow status could be incorrect.
#301 -
Version hierarchy added to files, to match cylc-flow. Config
files are now sourced from .cylc/uiserver/<version>
rather than .cylc/hub
#297 - Updated for the new Global Universal ID.
#304 - Suppressed client connection traceback.
Multi-user functionality implemented.
#204 - Implementation of configurable multi user authorisation.
#230 - Convert the UI Server to a jupyter_server extension.
#258 - Fix traceback which could appear when workflows are removed.
#241 - Update old, broken hold options for playing workflows.
#272 - Allowed broken entries in the group id database to be ignored and logged without causing total failure.
#214 - Store the JupyterHub runtime files in ~/.cylc/hub.
#202 - Add authorisation for multi-user setups.
#197 - Make the workflow scan interval configurable.
Release 0.3.0 of Cylc UI Server.
None or N/A.
#195 - UI: package 0.3.0
#188 - UI: package 0.3 prebuild.
#173 - CLI changes
-> cylc hub
, cylc-uiserver
-> cylc uiserver
#167 - Upgrade JupyterHub to 1.3.x, and Tornado to 6.1.x. Set auto spawn timeout to 1 second (effectively enabling it) in our demo configuration.
#125 - Use Tornado default WebSocket check_origin function. #124 - Add decorator for websockets authentication.
#151 - Prevent
errors to be ignored, and allow execution to continue,
logging errors when found.
#153 - Fix websocket connections on webkit based browsers.
Release 0.2 of Cylc UI Server.
None or N/A.
#82 - Add subscriptions support to GraphQL.
#126 - Update JupyterHub dependency to 1.1., and Graphene-Tornado to 2.6..
Initial release of Cylc UI Server.