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400 lines (260 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

400 lines (260 loc) · 10.8 KB


Configuration file

pyproject.toml or .cz.toml

Default and recommended configuration format for a project. For a python project, we recommend adding an entry to your pyproject.toml. You can also create a .cz.toml file at the root of your project folder.

Example configuration:

name = "cz_conventional_commits"
version = "0.1.0"
version_files = [
update_changelog_on_bump = true
style = [
    ["qmark", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
    ["question", "bold"],
    ["answer", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
    ["pointer", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
    ["highlighted", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
    ["selected", "fg:#cc5454"],
    ["separator", "fg:#cc5454"],
    ["instruction", ""],
    ["text", ""],
    ["disabled", "fg:#858585 italic"]

.cz.json or cz.json

Commitizen has support for JSON configuration. Recommended for NodeJS projects.

  "commitizen": {
    "name": "cz_conventional_commits",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "version_files": ["src/", "pyproject.toml:version"],
    "style": [
      ["qmark", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
      ["question", "bold"],
      ["answer", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
      ["pointer", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
      ["highlighted", "fg:#ff9d00 bold"],
      ["selected", "fg:#cc5454"],
      ["separator", "fg:#cc5454"],
      ["instruction", ""],
      ["text", ""],
      ["disabled", "fg:#858585 italic"]

.cz.yaml or cz.yaml

YAML configuration is supported by Commitizen. Recommended for Go, ansible, or even helm charts projects.

  name: cz_conventional_commits
  version: 0.1.0
    - src/
    - pyproject.toml:version
    - - qmark
      - fg:#ff9d00 bold
    - - question
      - bold
    - - answer
      - fg:#ff9d00 bold
    - - pointer
      - fg:#ff9d00 bold
    - - highlighted
      - fg:#ff9d00 bold
    - - selected
      - fg:#cc5454
    - - separator
      - fg:#cc5454
    - - instruction
      - ""
    - - text
      - ""
    - - disabled
      - fg:#858585 italic

Custom file path

It is possible to specify custom path to the config file by using -cf/--config-file argument. cz -cf mics/cz.yaml

Note: file should have a valid extension (toml/json/yaml).



Type: str

Default: "cz_conventional_commits"

Name of the committing rules to use


Type: str

Default: None

Current version. Example: "0.1.2". Required if you use version_provider = "commitizen".


Type: list

Default: [ ]

Files were the version will be updated. A pattern to match a line, can also be specified, separated by : Read more


Type: str

Default: commitizen

Version provider used to read and write version Read more


Type: str

Default: pep440

Select a version scheme from the following options [pep440, semver]. Useful for non-python projects. Read more


Type: str

Default: $version

Format for the git tag, useful for old projects, that use a convention like "v1.2.1". Read more


Type: bool

Default: false

Create changelog when running cz bump


Type: bool

Default: false

Use gpg signed tags instead of lightweight tags.


Type: bool

Default: false

Use annotated tags instead of lightweight tags. See difference


Type: str

Default: None

Create custom commit message, useful to skip ci. Read more


Type: bool

Default: false

Disallow empty commit messages, useful in ci. Read more


Type: list Default: [ "Merge", "Revert", "Pull request", "fixup!", "squash!"] Allow some prefixes and do not try to match the regex when checking the message Read more


Type: str


Filename of exported changelog


Type: str

Default: None

Format used to parse and generate the changelog, If not specified, guessed from changelog_file.


Type: bool

Default: false

Update changelog with the missing versions. This is good if you don't want to replace previous versions in the file. Note: when doing cz bump --changelog this is automatically set to true


Type: str

Default: None

Start from a given git rev to generate the changelog


Type: bool

Default: false

Collect all changes of prerelease versions into the next non-prerelease version when creating the changelog.


Type: list

see above

Style for the prompts (It will merge this value with default style.) See More (Styling your prompts with your favorite colors)


Type: dict

Default: None

This is only supported when config through toml. Custom rules for committing and bumping. Read more


Type: bool

Default: false

If enabled, commitizen will show keyboard shortcuts when selecting from a list. Define a key for each of your choices to set the key. Read more


Type: bool

Default: false

When true, breaking changes on a 0.x will remain as a 0.x version. On false, a breaking change will bump a 0.x version to 1.0. major-version-zero


Type: int

Default: 0

In some circumstances, a prerelease cannot start with a 0, e.g. in an embedded project individual characters are encoded as bytes. This can be done by specifying an offset from which to start counting. prerelease-offset


Type: list[str]

Default: []

Calls the hook scripts before bumping version. Read more


Type: list[str]

Default: []

Calls the hook scripts after bumping the version. Read more


Type: str

Default: utf-8

Sets the character encoding to be used when parsing commit messages. Read more


Type: str

Default: None (provided by plugin)

Provide custom changelog jinja template path relative to the current working directory. Read more


Type: dict[str, Any]

Default: {}

Provide extra variables to the changelog template. Read more

Version providers

Commitizen can read and write version from different sources. By default, it use the commitizen one which is using the version field from the commitizen settings. But you can use any commitizen.provider entrypoint as value for version_provider.

Commitizen provides some version providers for some well known formats:

name description
commitizen Default version provider: Fetch and set version in commitizen config.
scm Fetch the version from git and does not need to set it back
pep621 Get and set version from pyproject.toml project.version field
poetry Get and set version from pyproject.toml tool.poetry.version field
cargo Get and set version from Cargo.toml project.version field
npm Get and set version from package.json version field, package-lock.json version,packages.''.version fields if the file exists, and npm-shrinkwrap.json version,packages.''.version fields if the file exists
composer Get and set version from composer.json project.version field

!!! note The scm provider is meant to be used with setuptools-scm or any packager *-scm plugin.

An example in your .cz.toml would look like this:

version_provider = "pep621"

Custom version provider

You can add you own version provider by extending VersionProvider and exposing it on the commitizen.provider entrypoint.

Here a quick example of a my-provider provider reading and writing version in a VERSION file.

from pathlib import Path
from commitizen.providers import VersionProvider

class MyProvider(VersionProvider):
    file = Path() / "VERSION"

    def get_version(self) -> str:
        return self.file.read_text()

    def set_version(self, version: str):
from setuptools import setup

    entry_points = {
        'commitizen.provider': [
            'my-provider = my_provider:MyProvider',