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100 lines (73 loc) · 3.4 KB

File metadata and controls

100 lines (73 loc) · 3.4 KB

More collections

Provides a set of portable collections installable as source files via NuGet.

Collections / NuGet packages

var map = new Map<int, string>();
map.Add(42, "Hello");
Console.WriteLine(map.Forward[42]); // Outputs "Hello"
Console.WriteLine(map.Reverse["Hello"]); //Outputs 42

+ <a href="">MoreCollections.CircularList</a>  
List which supports modulo indexing.

``` csharp
var list = new string[]{"one", "two", "three"}.ToList();

var circularList = list.ToCircularList();
Console.WriteLine(circularList[-1]); //outputs "three"
Console.WriteLine(circularList[6]); //outputs "one"
var hist = new History<string>(maxCount: 2);


//outputs: "three", "two"
foreach(var item in hist)
   Console.Write(" " + item);
var arr = new string[]{"three", "one", "two"};
var indexes = new int[]{1, 2, 0};

var indexedCollection = new IndexedCollection<string>(arr, indexes);

//outputs: "one", "two", "three"
foreach(var item in indexedCollection)
   Console.Write(" " + item);
var arr = new Point[]{new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 2) }; //point is struct for (x,y) pair

var pinnedArray = new PinnedArray<Point>(arr); //data is shared

   Point* pt = (Point*)pinnedArray.Data;
   pt->X = 3;

Console.WriteLine(arr[0].X); //outputs "3"
var lazyMatrixCache = new  LazyMemoryCache<int, double[,]>(maxMemoryOccupation: 0.8f);

//load items by calling lazyMatrixCache.AddOrUpdate(<key>, <matrix constructor>)

Console.WriteLine("Is element loaded: " + lazyMatrixCache[10].IsValueCreated); //false
Console.WriteLine("Item (0,0) value: "  + lazyMatrixCache[10].Value[0,0]); //value at (0,0)
Console.WriteLine("Is element loaded: " + lazyMatrixCache[10].IsValueCreated); //true

//elements are automatically evicted if RAM occupation exceeds 80%

How to Engage, Contribute and Provide Feedback

Remember: Your opinion is important and will define the future roadmap.

  • questions, comments - message on Github, or write to: darko.juric2 [at]
  • code contributions are welcome
  • spread the word

Final word

If you like the project please star it in order to help to spread the word. That way you will make the framework more significant and in the same time you will motivate me to improve it, so the benefit is mutual.