This is a automatic speech recognition (ASR) library for C/C++.
When we process raw audio it is in a wave form which is in the time domain. We see a single amplitude at each point in time. This amplitude represents the total sum of all frequencies at that point in time.
The wave form is a continuous signal in time and in in amplitude. To represent this information in a digital form we need to sample it, that is read specific points (or rather intervals) and store them. These intervalls are ofter denoted by T, the time between each sample. The number of samples per second is called the sample rate. The sample rate is often 44.1 kHz or 44,100 samples per second. Now, if we sample with a low rate we run the risk of losing information so I though that using a higher sample rate would always be better. But this is not the case. There is a theorem called the Nyquist-Shannon theorem which states that the sample rate must be at least twice the highest frequency in the signal to accurately represent it. So if we have a signal with a maximum frequency of 22 kHz we need a sample rate of at least 44.1 kHz. This is why the sample rate is often 44.1 kHz. The human ear can hear frequencies up to 20 kHz so this is why the sample rate is often 44.1 kHz. Speach is often between 80-8000Hz and music 20-20000Hz.
In this recording I'm just saying my name: "Daniel Bevenius" I can see that the frequency is not higher than 8000hz which is the limit for human speech. I start with a frequency at around 100h, which is my fundamental frequency F0. This is the base vibration rate of my vocal folds. The "D" sound doesn't have very high amplitude in the waveform because it's what is call a "stop consonant" - it involves briefly stopping airflow before releasing it. They tend to be quieter than vowels. The parallel horizontal lines above the fundamental frequency (at ~200Hz, ~300Hz, etc.) - these are the harmonics.
"a" in "Daniel" and "e" in "Bevenius" are vowels and they have a lot of energy in the higher frequencies. The "a" sound has a lot of energy at around 800Hz and
Consonants like "n", "l", "b", "v" each have distinctive patterns. By using the spectrogram it is actually possible to "read" what letters are being spoken and this is what the ASR system use. But the ARS systems are trained on a lot of millions of examples and use statistical models to predict what is being said.
The Fourier Transform decomposes this signal into its constituent frequencies. The x-axis is time just like in the wave form, but the y-axis is frequency (not amplitude). So the spectrogram is showing the whole spectrum of frequencies possible for each point in time. Now, the color of each point, the point at time/frequence (x, y) intersection represents the amplitude/energy at that point.
Whisper uses mel spectrogram which is a spectrogram where the frequencies are converted to the mel scale. The mel scale is a scale of pitches that are perceived by humans as being equally spaced.
In the spectrogram we saw above the y-axis was the frequency in Hz. But this is
not great for humans because we don't perceive frequencies linearly. We perceive
frequencies logarithmically. So what do we mean by that?
Well, if we have a sound at 1000Hz and another at 2000Hz the difference between
them is 1000Hz. Now, if we have a sound at 10000Hz and another at 11000Hz the
difference is is also 1000Hz. But we perceive the difference between 1000Hz and
2000Hz as being much greater than the difference between 10000Hz and 11000Hz. So
the mel scale is a scale that is designed to mimic the way humans perceive sound.
The mel scale is a logarithmic scale that is linear below 1000Hz and logarithmic
above 1000Hz.
So to recap a little and get an overview of the process:
We start with the original analog signal which is continuous in time and amplitude.
Digitalize the signal by sampling it at a certain rate to create a digital waveform. This is now digital (descrete) but still just amplitude values over time.
Standard spectrogram: The digitized audio undergoes a Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to break it into frequency components. Say we sample at a rate of 16Khz this would show frequencies up to 8Khz (Nyquist limit). A standard spectrogram might have frequency resolution of 10Hz per bin, resulting in 800 bins for 8000Hz.
Mel spectrogram: This is where the data reduction happens. Instead of keeping all the 800 frequency bins, we combine them into just 80 mel scaled bins. In this process of converting from the spectrogram to the mel spectrogram we apply a set of overlapping triangular filters to the spectrogram which are called mel filterbanks. These filters combine multiple frequency bins into a single mel bin.
For example, to create mel bin #10, we might take a weighted average of linear frequency bins 50-70, giving us a single value that represents that entire frequency range. After this process, each time frame now has only 80 amplitude values instead of 800.
Visualize this as a matrix:
800 (frequency bins)
| |
| |
| | 500 (time frames)
| |
| |
| |
| |
mel spectrogram:
80 (frequency bins)
| |
| |
| | 500 (time frames)
| |
| |
| |
| |
This is like resizing an image from 800x500 to 80x500. Like we are compressing the data and it will take up less space. But also it will contain more of the information that is important to humans speech which is what we want for whisper.
For example, in our above spectrogram we had 8000Hz as the max frequency. And these are evenly divided into ranges, lets say there might be 800+ frequency ranges (or bins) for 8000Hz.
This might get divided into 80 "bins/buckets" in the mel spectrogram:
Bin 1-20: 0-1000Hz (about 50Hz per bin)
Bin 21-40: 1000-2500Hz (about 75Hz per bin)
Bin 41-60: 2500-5000Hz (about 125Hz per bin)
Bin 61-80: 5000-8000Hz (about 150Hz per bin)
Converting to mel spectrograms reduces the input data dimensionality while preserving perceptually important information.
The raw audio is first split into smaller segment of 30 second chunks. This 30 second limit comes from Whispers training where 30 second segments where used and its position embeddings are designed for this duration.
Then for each chunk: The chunk is converted into a mel spectrogram which is then processed by the encoder.
The decoder starts with initial tokens:
(Start of Transcript),- language token (like
), - task token which will be one of:
- no timestamp token
The decoder generates one token at a time.
For a single 30-second chunk, the result will be the transcribed tokens corresponding to the speech in that 30-second segment.
The special tokens (like language markers, timestamp indicators) provide task control. By intermixing these with the text, Whisper can perform multiple tasks with a single model, directing it to transcribe, translate, or identify the language.
In whisper.cpp, these tokens are setup in the whisper_full_with_state
int whisper_full_with_state(
struct whisper_context * ctx,
struct whisper_state * state,
struct whisper_full_params params,
const float * samples,
int n_samples) {
std::vector<whisper_token> prompt_init = { whisper_token_sot(ctx), };
And we can inspect the tokes added when translation is enabled using the
command line option -tr
(std::vector<int>) size=3 {
[0] = 50258
[1] = 50259
[2] = 50358
(lldb) p ctx->
(std::map<int, std::string>::mapped_type) "[_SOT_]"
(lldb) p ctx->
(std::map<int, std::string>::mapped_type) "[_LANG_en]"
(lldb) p ctx->
(std::map<int, std::string>::mapped_type) "[_TRANSLATE_]"
Transcribe is token:
(lldb) p ctx->
(std::map<int, std::string>::mapped_type) "[_TRANSCRIBE_]"
In Whisper models (including implementations like whisper.cpp), the task token (<|transcribe|> or <|translate|>) fundamentally changes what the model does with the audio input. These are mutually exclusive paths in the model's processing:
<|transcribe|> instructs the model to output text in the same language as the audio <|translate|> instructs the model to translate the speech into English
To get both the original transcription and an English translation, you would indeed need to run two separate inference passes over the same audio:
First pass with <|transcribe|> to get the original language transcription Second pass with <|translate|> to get the English translation
This is a fundamental limitation of how the model was designed and trained. It's not simply a software limitation that could be worked around in the implementation - the model architecture itself expects to perform one task at a time.
There is a parameter named 'diarize' which indicates if speaker identification or diarization should be performed. This is about who spoke when. The system will attempt to identify the speaker and assign a label to each speaker. So the output will have an identifier like "Speaker 0", "Speaker 1", etc.
This is about aligning the transcribed text with precise timestamps in the audio. When whisper generated text from audio it needs to determine preciely when each word was spoken. But the encoder-decoder model does not have this concept of timestamps.
So when we a raw audio signal which is continuous, we sample it at a certain fixed rate called the sample rate. This is measuring the amplitude of the sound wave at regular intervals. Each value is then quantied to a fixed number of bits , the number is determined by the bit depth. This gives us a discrete value.
8 bits = 2^8 = 256 levels
16 bits = 2^16 = 65536 levels
24 bits = 2^24 = 16777216 levels
32 bits = 2^32 = 4294967296 levels
These quantized values are the codes in Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). Each code represents the amplitude of the sound wave at that point in time. This data can then be stored in a file and for a WAV file the header will contain metadata like the sample rate, bit depth, number of channels, etc.
This is a subset of Microsoft's Microsoft’s Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) specification for the storage of digital audio. There is no compression involved in this format.
We can inspect the wav metadata using the mediainfo
$ hexdump -C -n 500 samples/jfk.wav
00000000 52 49 46 46 46 5f 05 00 57 41 56 45 66 6d 74 20 |RIFFF_..WAVEfmt |
00000010 10 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 80 3e 00 00 00 7d 00 00 |.........>...}..|
00000020 02 00 10 00 4c 49 53 54 1a 00 00 00 49 4e 46 4f |....LIST....INFO|
00000030 49 53 46 54 0e 00 00 00 4c 61 76 66 35 39 2e 32 |ISFT....Lavf59.2|
00000040 37 2e 31 30 30 00 64 61 74 61 00 5f 05 00 00 00 ||
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
whisper.cpp uses miniaudio to read wav files.
struct whisper_model {
e_model type = MODEL_UNKNOWN;
whisper_hparams hparams;
whisper_filters filters;
// encoder.positional_embedding
struct ggml_tensor * e_pe;
// encoder.conv1
struct ggml_tensor * e_conv_1_w;
struct ggml_tensor * e_conv_1_b;
// encoder.conv2
struct ggml_tensor * e_conv_2_w;
struct ggml_tensor * e_conv_2_b;
// encoder.ln_post
struct ggml_tensor * e_ln_w;
struct ggml_tensor * e_ln_b;
// decoder.positional_embedding
struct ggml_tensor * d_pe;
// decoder.token_embedding
struct ggml_tensor * d_te;
// decoder.ln
struct ggml_tensor * d_ln_w;
struct ggml_tensor * d_ln_b;
std::vector<whisper_layer_encoder> layers_encoder;
std::vector<whisper_layer_decoder> layers_decoder;
// ggml context that contains all the meta information about the model tensors
struct ggml_context * ctx = nullptr;
// the model backend data is read-only and can be shared between processors
ggml_backend_buffer_t buffer = nullptr;
// tensors
int n_loaded;
std::map<std::string, struct ggml_tensor *> tensors;
In whisper_model_load
the model tensor are created:
// encoder
model.e_pe = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, n_audio_state, n_audio_ctx);
This is the encoders position encoder (pe)
(gdb) p
$35 = {384, 1500, 1, 1}
(gdb) p model.hparams.n_audio_state
$9 = 384
(gdb) p model.hparams.n_audio_ctx
$10 = 1500
So we can see this is a matrix with 384 dimensions and 1500 rows.
0 [0 383]
1499 [0 383]
Audio is processed at 50 frames per second so 1500 frames corresponds to 30 seconds of audio (1500/50 = 30). So each row in this matrix represents a specific time position the 30 second audio chunk or segment. The positional information is added so that the model know not only the spectral information (which frequencies are present) but also when they occur.
Next we have the two 1D convolutions:
model.e_conv_1_w = ggml_new_tensor_3d(ctx, vtype, 3, n_mels, n_audio_state);
model.e_conv_1_b = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 1, n_audio_state);
model.e_conv_2_w = ggml_new_tensor_3d(ctx, vtype, 3, n_audio_state, n_audio_state);
model.e_conv_2_b = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 1, n_audio_state);
(gdb) p model.e_conv_1_w->ne
$12 = {3, 80, 384, 1}
(gdb) p model.e_conv_2_w->ne
$13 = {3, 384, 384, 1}
TODO: Add more information about the convolutions.
Next, we have the encoder layers. And following that we have the decoder tensors.
// decoder
model.d_pe = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, n_text_state, n_text_ctx);
model.d_te = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, wtype, n_text_state, n_vocab);
These are the decoders positional embedding and token embedding tensors.
(gdb) p model.d_pe->ne
$19 = {384, 448, 1, 1}
(gdb) p model.d_te->ne
$20 = {384, 51864, 1, 1}
These tensors are later used in :
static struct ggml_cgraph * whisper_build_graph_conv(
whisper_context & wctx,
whisper_state & wstate) {
struct ggml_tensor * mel = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx0, GGML_TYPE_F32, 2*n_ctx, n_mels);
ggml_set_name(mel, "mel");
struct ggml_tensor * cur = nullptr;
if (!whisper_encode_external(wstate)) {
// convolution + gelu
cur = ggml_conv_1d_ph(ctx0, model.e_conv_1_w, mel, 1, 1);
cur = ggml_add(ctx0, cur, model.e_conv_1_b);
cur = ggml_gelu(ctx0, cur);
cur = ggml_conv_1d_ph(ctx0, model.e_conv_2_w, cur, 2, 1);
cur = ggml_add(ctx0, cur, model.e_conv_2_b);
cur = ggml_gelu(ctx0, cur);
ggml_set_name(cur, "embd_conv");
wstate.embd_conv = cur;
(gdb) p mel->ne
$31 = {3000, 80, 1, 1}
An initial walk through of the cli example to get familiar with the code.
gdb --args ./build/bin/whisper-cli \
-m models/ggml-tiny.en.bin \
-f samples/jfk.wav \
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
whisper_params params;
struct whisper_context_params cparams = whisper_context_default_params();
struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init_from_file_with_params(params.model.c_str(), cparams);
(gdb) set print pretty on
(gdb) p params
$4 = {
n_threads = 4,
n_processors = 1,
offset_t_ms = 0,
offset_n = 0,
duration_ms = 0,
progress_step = 5,
max_context = -1,
max_len = 0,
best_of = 5,
beam_size = 5,
audio_ctx = 0,
word_thold = 0.00999999978,
entropy_thold = 2.4000001,
logprob_thold = -1,
no_speech_thold = 0.600000024,
grammar_penalty = 100,
temperature = 0,
temperature_inc = 0.200000003,
debug_mode = false,
translate = false,
detect_language = false,
diarize = true,
tinydiarize = false,
split_on_word = false,
no_fallback = false,
output_txt = false,
output_vtt = false,
output_srt = false,
output_wts = false,
output_csv = false,
output_jsn = false,
output_jsn_full = false,
output_lrc = false,
no_prints = false,
print_special = false,
print_colors = false,
print_progress = false,
no_timestamps = false,
log_score = false,
use_gpu = true,
flash_attn = false,
suppress_nst = false,
language = "en",
prompt = "",
font_path = "/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Courier New Bold.ttf",
model = "models/ggml-tiny.en.bin",
grammar = "",
grammar_rule = "",
tdrz_speaker_turn = " [SPEAKER_TURN]",
suppress_regex = "",
openvino_encode_device = "CPU",
dtw = "",
fname_inp = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"samples/jfk.wav"},
fname_out = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0,
grammar_parsed = {
symbol_ids = std::map with 0 elements,
rules = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0
gdb) p cparams
$5 = {
use_gpu = true,
flash_attn = false,
gpu_device = 0,
dtw_token_timestamps = false,
dtw_aheads_preset = WHISPER_AHEADS_NONE,
dtw_n_top = -1,
dtw_aheads = {
n_heads = 0,
heads = 0x0
dtw_mem_size = 134217728
So lets take a look at the model is loaded:
(gdb) br whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state
(gdb) c
struct whisper_context * whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state(const char * path_model,
struct whisper_context_params params) {
WHISPER_LOG_INFO("%s: loading model from '%s'\n", __func__, path_model);
Lets take the whisper-cli as the example and see how the beam search works.
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init_from_file_with_params(params.model.c_str(), cparams);
struct whisper_context * whisper_init_from_file_with_params(const char * path_model, struct whisper_context_params params) {
whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state(path_model, params);
if (!ctx) {
return nullptr;
ctx->state = whisper_init_state(ctx);
if (!ctx->state) {
return nullptr;
return ctx;
struct whisper_context * whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state(const char * path_model, struct whisper_context_params params) {
WHISPER_LOG_INFO("%s: loading model from '%s'\n", __func__, path_model);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Convert UTF-8 path to wide string (UTF-16) for Windows, resolving character encoding issues.
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
std::wstring path_model_wide = converter.from_bytes(path_model);
auto fin = std::ifstream(path_model_wide, std::ios::binary);
auto fin = std::ifstream(path_model, std::ios::binary);
if (!fin) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: failed to open '%s'\n", __func__, path_model);
return nullptr;
whisper_model_loader loader = {};
auto ctx = whisper_init_with_params_no_state(&loader, params);
struct whisper_context * whisper_init_with_params_no_state(struct whisper_model_loader * loader, struct whisper_context_params params) {
whisper_context * ctx = new whisper_context;
ctx->params = params;
if (!whisper_model_load(loader, *ctx)) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: failed to load model\n", __func__);
delete ctx;
return nullptr;
static bool whisper_model_load(struct whisper_model_loader * loader, whisper_context & wctx) {
WHISPER_LOG_INFO("%s: loading model\n", __func__);
const int64_t t_start_us = ggml_time_us();
wctx.t_start_us = t_start_us;
auto & model = wctx.model;
auto & vocab = wctx.vocab;
// verify magic
uint32_t magic;
read_safe(loader, magic);
if (magic != GGML_FILE_MAGIC) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: invalid model data (bad magic)\n", __func__);
return false;
TODO: take a closer look at the verify magic check in combination with using a Core ML model. This check forces there to be an ggml model even though there might be cases where only a Core ML model is used.
The actual inference is started by cli.cpp
whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY);
if (whisper_full_parallel(ctx, wparams,, pcmf32.size(), params.n_processors) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to process audio\n", argv[0]);
return 10;
int whisper_full_parallel(
struct whisper_context * ctx,
struct whisper_full_params params,
const float * samples,
int n_samples,
int n_processors) {
if (n_processors == 1) {
return whisper_full(ctx, params, samples, n_samples);
int whisper_full(
struct whisper_context * ctx,
struct whisper_full_params params,
const float * samples,
int n_samples) {
return whisper_full_with_state(ctx, ctx->state, params, samples, n_samples);
int whisper_full_with_state(
struct whisper_context * ctx,
struct whisper_state * state,
struct whisper_full_params params,
const float * samples,
int n_samples) {
if (n_samples > 0) {
// compute log mel spectrogram
if (whisper_pcm_to_mel_with_state(ctx, state, samples, n_samples, params.n_threads) != 0) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: failed to compute log mel spectrogram\n", __func__);
return -2;
(lldb) p n_samples
(int) 176000
Next we have the temperatures:
// a set of temperatures to use
// [ t0, t0 + delta, t0 + 2*delta, ..., < 1.0f + 1e-6f ]
std::vector<float> temperatures;
if (params.temperature_inc > 0.0f) {
for (float t = params.temperature; t < 1.0f + 1e-6f; t += params.temperature_inc) {
} else {
(std::vector<float>) size=6 {
[0] = 0
[1] = 0.200000003
[2] = 0.400000006
[3] = 0.600000024
[4] = 0.800000011
[5] = 1
These are described in the whisper paper. So we start with a temperature of 0, and increment in approximately 0.2 steps up to 1.0. So for a single inference, from the point of view of the caller, it would potentially cause multiple inferences to happen if the heuristic (issues discovered in practice) happen. From the caller's perspective, what appears to be a single transcription request could potentially trigger multiple inference passes behind the scenes.
Next, the decoders are initalized:
// initialize the decoders
int n_decoders = 1;
switch (params.strategy) {
n_decoders = params.greedy.best_of;
} break;
n_decoders = std::max(params.greedy.best_of, params.beam_search.beam_size);
} break;
n_decoders = std::max(1, n_decoders);
if (n_decoders > WHISPER_MAX_DECODERS) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: too many decoders requested (%d), max = %d\n", __func__, n_decoders, WHISPER_MAX_DECODERS);
return -4;
for (int j = 1; j < n_decoders; j++) {
auto & decoder = state->decoders[j];
decoder.probs.resize (ctx->vocab.n_vocab);
decoder.logits.resize (ctx->vocab.n_vocab);
decoder.rng = std::mt19937(0);
Then the prompt is prepared:
// prepare prompt
std::vector<whisper_token> prompt_tokens;
// initial prompt
if (!params.prompt_tokens && params.initial_prompt) {
int n_needed = whisper_tokenize(ctx, params.initial_prompt,, prompt_tokens.size());
if (n_needed < 0) {
n_needed = whisper_tokenize(ctx, params.initial_prompt,, prompt_tokens.size());
params.prompt_tokens =;
params.prompt_n_tokens = prompt_tokens.size();
// prepend the prompt tokens to the prompt_past
if (params.prompt_tokens && params.prompt_n_tokens > 0) {
// parse tokens from the pointer
for (int i = 0; i < params.prompt_n_tokens; i++) {
std::rotate(prompt_past.begin(), prompt_past.end() - params.prompt_n_tokens, prompt_past.end());
Then the tokens are set up:
// these tokens determine the task that will be performed
std::vector<whisper_token> prompt_init = { whisper_token_sot(ctx), };
if (whisper_is_multilingual(ctx)) {
const int lang_id = whisper_lang_id(params.language);
state->lang_id = lang_id;
prompt_init.push_back(whisper_token_lang(ctx, lang_id));
if (params.translate) {
} else {
is start of transcript.
contains a a list of whisper_decoder
struct whisper_state {
whisper_decoder decoders[WHISPER_MAX_DECODERS];
struct whisper_decoder {
// the currently generated sequence of tokens
whisper_sequence sequence;
// grammar parse state of generated sequence of tokens
whisper_grammar grammar;
int i_batch; // the index of the token in the current batch
int seek_delta; // the window shift found so far based on the decoded timestamp tokens
bool failed; // has the current segment failed to decode?
bool completed; // has the decoder completed the current segment?
bool has_ts; // have we already sampled a non-beg timestamp token for the current segment?
// new token probs, logits and logprobs after the last whisper_decode (1-dimensional array: [n_vocab])
std::vector<float> probs;
std::vector<float> logits;
std::vector<float> logprobs;
// work container used to avoid memory allocations
std::vector<whisper_pair<double, whisper_vocab::id>> logits_id;
mutable std::mt19937 rng; // used for sampling at t > 0.0
struct whisper_sequence {
std::vector<whisper_token_data> tokens;
// the accumulated transcription in the current iteration (used to truncate the tokens array)
int result_len;
double sum_logprobs_all; // the sum of the log probabilities of the tokens
double sum_logprobs; // the sum of the log probabilities of the tokens (first result_len tokens)
double avg_logprobs; // the average log probability of the tokens
double entropy; // the entropy of the tokens
double score; // likelihood rank score
-bo N, --best-of N [5 ] number of best candidates to keep
-bs N, --beam-size N [5 ] beam size for beam search
int whisper_full_with_state(
struct whisper_context * ctx,
struct whisper_state * state,
struct whisper_full_params params,
const float * samples,
int n_samples) {
// initialize the decoders
int n_decoders = 1;
switch (params.strategy) {
n_decoders = params.greedy.best_of;
} break;
n_decoders = std::max(params.greedy.best_of, params.beam_search.beam_size);
} break;
n_decoders = std::max(1, n_decoders);
if (n_decoders > WHISPER_MAX_DECODERS) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: too many decoders requested (%d), max = %d\n", __func__, n_decoders, WHISPER_MAX_DECODERS);
return -4;
for (int j = 1; j < n_decoders; j++) {
auto & decoder = state->decoders[j];
decoder.probs.resize (ctx->vocab.n_vocab);
decoder.logits.resize (ctx->vocab.n_vocab);
decoder.rng = std::mt19937(0);
struct beam_candidate {
int decoder_idx; // which decoder this candidate came from.
int seek_delta; // position in the audio?
bool has_ts; // has timestamp information.
whisper_sequence sequence; // the token sequence for this candidate
whisper_grammar grammar; // the grammar for this candidate
std::vector<std::vector<beam_candidate>> bc_per_dec(n_decoders);
std::vector<beam_candidate> beam_candidates;
struct beam_candidate {
int decoder_idx;
int seek_delta;
bool has_ts;
whisper_sequence sequence;
whisper_grammar grammar;
std::vector<std::vector<beam_candidate>> bc_per_dec(n_decoders);
std::vector<beam_candidate> beam_candidates;
// main loop
while (true) {
if (params.progress_callback) {
const int progress_cur = (100*(seek - seek_start))/(seek_end - seek_start);
ctx, state, progress_cur, params.progress_callback_user_data);
// if only 1 second left, then stop
if (seek + 100 >= seek_end) {
if (params.encoder_begin_callback) {
if (params.encoder_begin_callback(ctx, state, params.encoder_begin_callback_user_data) == false) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: encoder_begin_callback returned false - aborting\n", __func__);
// encode audio features starting at offset seek
if (!whisper_encode_internal(*ctx, *state, seek, params.n_threads, params.abort_callback, params.abort_callback_user_data)) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: failed to encode\n", __func__);
return -6;
So here we have the inference loop. First the encoder is called which is taking the log mel spectrogram and passing it to the encoder part of th model. A nice diagram of this can be found on page 4 of the paper. First there is a Cov1D layer followed by a GELU activation, and then another Conv1D layer followed by another GELU activation. The output of this then as position encodings added to it. This function is also what delegates to the Core ML or OpenVINO external encoders if one of them are enabled.
const auto tokens_new = whisper_sample_token_topk(*ctx, decoder, params.beam_search.beam_size);
(lldb) p params.beam_search.beam_size
(int) 5
(lldb) p tokens_new
(const std::vector<whisper_token_data>) size=5 {
[0] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[1] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[2] = (id = 50365, tid = 50365, p = 0.00626884214, plog = -5.07216358, pt = 0.00626884214, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[3] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[4] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
// init new transcription with sot, language (opt) and task tokens
prompt.insert(prompt.end(), prompt_init.begin(), prompt_init.end());
(lldb) p prompt
(std::vector<int>) size=1 {
[0] = 50257
Then we have the decoding part of the model:
whisper_batch_prep_legacy(state->batch,, prompt.size(), 0, 0);
if (!whisper_decode_internal(*ctx, *state, state->batch, params.n_threads, false, params.abort_callback, params.abort_callback_user_data)) {
WHISPER_LOG_ERROR("%s: failed to decode\n", __func__);
return -8;
// Calculate no_speech probability after first decode.
// This has to be done before any logit filtering. Hence we cannot use the probs from the whisper_process_logits.
const int n_logits = ctx->vocab.id_to_token.size();
std::vector<float> logprobs(n_logits);
std::vector<float> probs(n_logits);
whisper_compute_logprobs(state->logits, n_logits, logprobs);
whisper_compute_probs(state->logits, n_logits, logprobs, probs);
state->no_speech_prob = probs[whisper_token_nosp(ctx)];
const int64_t t_start_sample_us = ggml_time_us();
state->decoders[0].i_batch = prompt.size() - 1;
whisper_process_logits(*ctx, *state, state->decoders[0], params, t_cur);
for (int j = 1; j < n_decoders_cur; ++j) {
auto & decoder = state->decoders[j];
whisper_kv_cache_seq_cp(state->kv_self, 0, j, -1, -1);
memcpy(, state->decoders[0], decoder.probs.size()*sizeof(decoder.probs[0]));
memcpy(, state->decoders[0], decoder.logits.size()*sizeof(decoder.logits[0]));
memcpy(, state->decoders[0], decoder.logprobs.size()*sizeof(decoder.logprobs[0]));
state->t_sample_us += ggml_time_us() - t_start_sample_us;
Notice that this is passing the first decoder to the whisper_process_logits
static void whisper_process_logits(
struct whisper_context & ctx,
struct whisper_state & state,
struct whisper_decoder & decoder,
const struct whisper_full_params params,
float temperature) {
if (params.suppress_blank) {
if (is_initial) {
logits[vocab.token_eot] = -INFINITY;
logits[" ")] = -INFINITY;
And in this case the filtering is basically just setting the vocab tokens for these specific tokens to negative infinity so they will not have any influence on the logprobability calculation? In this case the filter is preventing the model from starting a transcription with a blank space or an end-of-transcript token. This is also how timestamps are not generated:
if (params.no_timestamps) {
for (int i = vocab.token_beg; i < n_logits; ++i) {
logits[i] = -INFINITY;
When we set a logit which recall is the raw values (unnormalized probabilities) from the final layer of the decoder. They can range from very negative to very positive values. So they are not constrained to any range like [0,1] and do not sum to 1. There basically "confidence scores" that indicate how strongly the model believes that a particular token should be the next token in the sequence.
When we set a logit to negative infinity, we are effectively saying that the probability of that token is zero. This is a way to filter out tokens that we do not want to consider in the decoding process.
whisper_compute_logprobs(logits, n_logits, logprobs);
static void whisper_compute_logprobs(
const std::vector<float> & logits,
const int n_logits,
std::vector<float> & logprobs) {
const float logit_max = *std::max_element(logits.begin(), logits.end());
float logsumexp = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < n_logits; ++i) {
if (logits[i] > -INFINITY) {
logsumexp += expf(logits[i] - logit_max);
logsumexp = logf(logsumexp) + logit_max;
for (int i = 0; i < n_logits; ++i) {
if (logits[i] > -INFINITY) {
logprobs[i] = logits[i] - logsumexp;
} else {
logprobs[i] = -INFINITY;
So we first get the maximum logit value. This is used for numerical stability, notice that is is subtracted from the logits before exponentiation. And also notice that logits with the value of -INFINITY are not considered in the calculation, which is what the filtering above is for.
After processing the logits the decoders (starting from 1) are updated:
for (int j = 1; j < n_decoders_cur; ++j) {
auto & decoder = state->decoders[j];
whisper_kv_cache_seq_cp(state->kv_self, 0, j, -1, -1);
memcpy(, state->decoders[0], decoder.probs.size()*sizeof(decoder.probs[0]));
memcpy(, state->decoders[0], decoder.logits.size()*sizeof(decoder.logits[0]));
memcpy(, state->decoders[0], decoder.logprobs.size()*sizeof(decoder.logprobs[0]));
So this is setting the logits which are the raw values (unnormalized probabilities). And also the logprobs which are calculated by:
logprobs[i] = log(exp(logits[i]) / sum(exp(logits)))
Logprobs will always be <= 0.0, with 0 representing a probability of 100% probability and very negative values representing probilities close to 0. These are useful for working with scoring when computing scores and ranking in beam search.
And the decoders also have the actual normalized probabilites of each token. This is obtained by applying the softmax function to the logits.
The we have the process function()
case whisper_sampling_strategy::WHISPER_SAMPLING_BEAM_SEARCH:
const auto tokens_new = whisper_sample_token_topk(*ctx, decoder, params.beam_search.beam_size);
for (const auto & token : tokens_new) {
bc_per_dec[j].push_back({ j, decoder.seek_delta, decoder.has_ts, decoder.sequence, decoder.grammar, });
bc_per_dec[j].back().sequence.sum_logprobs_all += token.plog;
} break;
So for each of the decoders we are going to call whisper_sample_token_topk
static std::vector<whisper_token_data> whisper_sample_token_topk(
whisper_context & ctx,
whisper_decoder & decoder,
int k) {
std::discrete_distribution<> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end());
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
const auto id = dist(decoder.rng);
//printf("XXX %d %d %f %f %f %f\n", id, tid, probs[id], logprobs[id], pt, ptsum);
result.push_back({ id, tid, probs[id], logprobs[id], pt, ptsum, -1, -1, -1, 0.0f, });
if (result[i].id >= vocab.token_beg) {
result[i].tid = result[i].id;
result[i].pt = result[i].p;
Notice that this is using dist which is a discrete distribution. Each decoder has its own random number generator so when sampling from this distribution, which is done k times, the values will be different.
std::discrete_distribution<> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end());
This creates a distribution where the probability of selecting token i is proporitional to probs[i], the probability value. Higher probability values are more likely and lower probability values are less likely.
(lldb) p tokens_new
(const std::vector<whisper_token_data>) size=5 {
[0] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[1] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[2] = (id = 50365, tid = 50365, p = 0.00626884214, plog = -5.07216358, pt = 0.00626884214, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[3] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[4] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
Now, recall that each sample is independent when sampled from the distribution and that the token 50363 has a probability of 0.837067842. So it is not surprising that it is sampled multiple times.
These are the values for j=1:
(lldb) p tokens_new
(const std::vector<whisper_token_data>) size=5 {
[0] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[1] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[2] = (id = 50365, tid = 50365, p = 0.00626884214, plog = -5.07216358, pt = 0.00626884214, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[3] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[4] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
These are the values for j=2:
(lldb) p tokens_new
(const std::vector<whisper_token_data>) size=5 {
[0] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[1] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[2] = (id = 50365, tid = 50365, p = 0.00626884214, plog = -5.07216358, pt = 0.00626884214, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[3] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[4] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
These are the values for j=3:
(lldb) p tokens_new
(const std::vector<whisper_token_data>) size=5 {
[0] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[1] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[2] = (id = 50365, tid = 50365, p = 0.00626884214, plog = -5.07216358, pt = 0.00626884214, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[3] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[4] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
These are the values for j=4:
(lldb) p tokens_new
(const std::vector<whisper_token_data>) size=5 {
[0] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[1] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[2] = (id = 50365, tid = 50365, p = 0.00626884214, plog = -5.07216358, pt = 0.00626884214, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[3] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)
[4] = (id = 50363, tid = 50363, p = 0.837067842, plog = -0.177850127, pt = 0.837067842, ptsum = 0.985369741, t0 = -1, t1 = -1, t_dtw = -1, vlen = 0)