All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Dart Package Versioning.
- 'Contribute' section to README — 39.
- classes RandText, RandTextSrc, and RandTextLen — 29.
- rename class Rand to RandOf — Breaking Change.
- RandDig and RandHex classes — Breaking Changes.
- specific exception for base64 decoding errors — 26
- file "func.dart" with the definition of the functional interfaces.
- cryptographic package with hash functions sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, along with their related Hmac function (Hash-based message authentication code)
- tabular text of ordinary text and data. The data can be represented with binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal notation.
- radix package: a set of classes for converting numeric data into its textual representation in a given radix (numeric base).
- bit package: a set of classes for bit-related operations.
- several benchmarks comparing Dartoos to the Dart sdk or other third-party packages like Crypto.
- No class extends FutureWrap any more — BREAKING CHANGE.
- A general reorganization of the package directory structures.
- Base64 and Base64Url encoding schemes — 12
- Base64Decode class for decoding base64-encoded text — 19.
- Base64Norm class for normalizing base64-encoded texts.
- Dartoos base64-encoding/decoding benchmark executable in 'example'.
- Rand class now accepts not only plain values but also Futures as a source of characters.
- BytesOf constructors now accepts both plain values and Futures.
- Rand.str constructor — Breaking Change.
- FutureWrap.value constructor — Breaking Change.
- FutureWrap class: instead of returning a value, subclasses are the value.
- Text abstract class
- Rand class for generating random string patterns — 9.