It is a resource management problem
- There is a reading room with 50 seats.
- Reader must register on a register sheet when they come in.
- One row entry means a seat. Including a seat number and a reader's name.
- Reader must remove the register information when they are leaving.
- Register Sheet <-- used to protect the seats
- Seats
- Multiple readers may have want to enter the reading room at the same time
Mutual Exclusion
- Only one reader can modify the register sheet
Use 2 semaphore
- Semaphore for seat. The initial value is the number of seats. (50 in this case)
- Semaphore for register sheet. The initial value is 1. (like a mutex)
The following is a pseudocode of a reader thread. (Assume 50 student with their own id)
#define MAX_SEAT 50
Semaphore seats(MAX_SEAT);
Semaphore sheet(1);
bool register_sheet[MAX_SEAT] = {0};
void reader_thread(int reader_num){
// Register on the sheet //
register_sheet[reader_num] = true;
// Reading in the reading room
// Remove the registration off the sheet //
register_sheet[reader_num] = false;
Create a monitor with 2 operation. enter_room()
and exit_room()
Use a condition variable to solve the synchronization problem.
Use a mutex to protect the register sheet.
The following is a pseudocode of a monitor.
#define MAX_SEAT 50
class ReadingRoom // This is a monitor
// will return the seat number to reader thread
int enter_room(void)
if (seats == 0) // if no seats, go to sleep
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SEAT; i++) {
if (!register_sheet[i]) {
empty_seat_num = i;
register_sheet[empty_seat_num] = true;
seat -= 1;
return empty_seat_num;
// clear the reader seat number on the register sheet
void exit_room(int seat_num)
register_sheet[seat_num] = false;
seat += 1;
cond_var.signal(); // notify next reader to come in if any
bool register_sheet[MAX_SEAT] = {0};
int seats = MAX_SEAT;
Mutex register;
CondVar cond_var;
The following is a pseudocode of a reader thread.
ReadingRoom reading_room_monitor;
void reader_thread(void) {
int reader_seat_number = reading_room_monitor.enter_room();
// Reading in the reading room
Thus we don't need
Mutex register
to protect the register_sheet
The following is a pseudocode of a monitor.
public static final int MAX_SEAT = 50;
public class ReadingRoom { // This is a monitor
private seats;
private boolean[] register_sheet;
public ReadingRoom(void) { // Constructor: Initialization
seats = MAX_SEAT;
register_shee = new boolean[MAX_SEAT];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SEAT; i++) {
register_sheet[i] = false;
// will return the seat number to reader thread
public synchronized int enter_room(void) {
if (seats == 0) // if no seats, go to sleep
// find an empty seat
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SEAT; i++) {
if (!register_sheet[i]) {
empty_seat_num = i;
seat -= 1;
return empty_seat_num;
// clear the reader seat number on the register sheet
public synchronized void exit_room(int seat_num) {
register_sheet[seat_num] = false;
seat += 1;
notify(); // notify next reader to come in if any
The following is a pseudocode of a reader thread.
ReadingRoom reading_room = new ReadingRoom();
class Reader extends Thread {
private int reader_seat_number;
public void run() {
reader_seat_number = reading_room.enter_room()
// Reading in the reading room
To describe the reader, how many program do you need, and how many process do you need
It is able to have more than 50 reader threads.
Try to describe the relationship between reader processes using P, V operation
- P: when they want to sit on a seat
- V: when they leave a seat
Where is the Deadlock most likely to appear
If someone is going to register the seat but leave (been interrupted, like taking off the pencil). Therefore, no one can adjust the sheet. Or maybe leaving the reading room but forgot to inform next one to come in.